Rasputin - Part 7 - Avengers x Reader

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"Well?" Tony pushed, as he looked at the Winter Soldier from across the table. Bucky sitting cross armed, as he looked up at the intel that Nat had recovered.

"Are you deaf?! I told you, I've never heard of an agent with the codename 'Rasputin'. If I had, don't you think I wouldn't have said something by now.......?" Bucky retorted angrily. The old soldier not in the mood for the tin can's usual bullshit. His thoughts more concerned with seeing if there was any more information on the person or people that had hurt (Y/n).

"Look you................."

"Ok, let's cut it out. If Buck says he's never heard of an agent called Rasputin, then I believe him. He has no need to lie................"

"Typical.........wouldn't expect anything less from you Rogers. Always defending your old bosom buddy. But you conveniently seem to forget, that no matter how much he might appear to be one of us. No matter how many times he tells us that he is no longer brainwashed. Barnes was still a Hydra agent for years. Still their best assassin. And for all we know he might still be..............." Tony growled, interrupting the interruption. The rest of the team pushing their way between the billionaire and the two angry soldiers. Doing their best to stop the captain and sergeant from making Tony regret his slur.

"Alright........I've had enough of all this. I know that you blame yourselves for what happened to (Y/n). Hell, we all do. But there is nothing that we can do about that now. And if (Y/n) could hear any of this, she wouldn't be happy either. The last thing that she would want, is to know that her coming home has caused all this. Now, you know perfectly well, that Bucky doesn't work for Hydra. That if he says he doesn't know anything about an agent called.............."

"Rasputin............" A voice suddenly interrupted Natasha. All eyes turning to see (Y/n) stood in the doorway. Clint and Sam rushing over to help her to one of the chairs.

"Tony...........Its impossible for Bucky to know the agent that Hydra call Rasputin. I heard the doctors talking while they............while they were experimenting on me. Rasputin was someone else that they were holding at the same time as me. I can't tell you much, but I remember them saying that this person was the replacement for the Winter Soldier. That this new assassin would be better........stronger, deadlier than he had ever been. That unlike Bucky, sentiment.........love, would not sway their new killer. I know you know that Bucky isn't still working for Hydra. That you didn't mean what you said. I don't want my return to cause another rift in the team. I don't want a repeat of what happened after the Sokovian accords. Maybe, I should just go............" (Y/n) explained, as she slowly got up from her chair.

"You aren't going anywhere, (Y/n). You are right where you belong. It's just Stark talking out of his ass as always. Whoever this Rasputin guy is, we will find him and stop him. And once you feel better, you can help if you want........." Clint told her, as he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Gently pushing (Y/n) back into her chair.

"I'm ready when you are, Legolas. But............but don't take this Rasputin lightly. I remember hearing the screams at night, as they perfected their new assassin. As they tortured their creation. As they turned them into a remorseless, unfeeling creature. The sound of crying as they were thrown back into their cell. As they were strapped to the machines, just like me. Then........then I remember the silence. I remember the joy on the doctor's faces, as Rasputin finally became what they wanted. As............."

"Okay........that's enough. Let's get you back to the medical bay." Bruce interjected, as he noticed the increasing distress on (Y/n)'s face.

"Yeah, Bruce is right. We can think about this Rasputin another time." Sam agreed, as he scooped (Y/n) up into his arms and made for the door. The Falcon shrugging off Barnes and Barton's disgruntled huffs.

"I can walk you know.........I made it up here all by myself............"

"Yeah, ya right. But it's much more fun flying by Falcon Air. So, enjoy it, because its first class all the way......" Sam retorted, with his usual chuckle. Smiling as (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck.


(Y/n) looked over as Sam slumbered. Despite Clint and Bucky's protests, Sam had said that he would keep an eye on her. That he was perfectly capable of staying awake and helping if she woke with another bad dream. But here, in the early hours of the morning, it was only her that was awake. Her eyes catching the sight of Bruce's head resting on the table in the other room. His eyes firmly closed.

Slowly, and quietly, she moved from the bed and made her way back to the window. The Avenger having forgotten how much she had missed looking up at the moon. The great celestial orb slowly disappearing, as the new day sun steadily pushed its way back into the sky. The blackness gradually becoming brighter.

Rasputin...........it was true what she had told Tony and the others. She could remember the screams of torment and the crying. She could recall the pain that she had felt for the tortured soul. Yet.......yet there was something more. Even though she had never seen the new assassins face, she was sure that somehow, she knew this Rasputin. That she had heard a voice from time to time, begging her to stay strong. To not give in. To not let them break her.............."

"(Y/n)..............?" Came a loud yawn. (Y/n) smiling as she turned to look at Sam. The Falcon stretching uncomfortably in his seat.

"You ok...........?"

"I'm fine, Sam. Couldn't rest for you snoring, Sleeping Beauty. So much for staying awake and watching over me." (Y/n) chuckled, as she made her way back over to the bed.

"Hey! I don't snore................"

"Oh yes you do........It was like a lumber jacks convention in here. More wood being cut.............."

"I'm sorry............" Sam interjected, as (Y/n) sat on the bed.

"You should be sorry for snoring.............."

"Not for snoring. For what happened.............."

"You aren't to blame, Sam. Not you or Clint. Not Steve, Tony or Bucky for allowing me to go on that mission. What happened, happened. I know that you did the best you could that night. That you did what you had to do. What's happened to me.........well, it's in the past. I can't change any of it. All I can do now is enjoy the now. Enjoy the future. Enjoy being back with you and the others. Get back to what I do best and kick some bad guy butt." (Y/n) replied. Her hand slowly reaching to grab Sam's. The Falcon intertwining his fingers with hers.

"There was something that I wanted to ask you before we went on that mission, (Y/n). Something important. I know that is a bit soon. That you need chance to get used to all this. But................"

"I'm here to take over, birdbrain." A voice came. (Y/n) smiling, as she caught a glimpse of Clint standing in the doorway. The archer making his way into the room, and almost pushing Sam from the chair.

"Tell me this "something important", later, okay? I'm not going anywhere." (Y/n) told Sam. Chuckling to herself, as Clint groaned softly. Rolling his eyes, as she gave Sam a kiss to the cheek. The archer taking a seat, as Sam reluctantly left the room.

"Okay, Legolas. Why don't you tell me what's been going on around here while I've been gone? And don't leave out any of the boring bits.............."

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book TwoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu