Innocent bystander - Part 8 - Bruce x Reader

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Bruce sat and watched as (Y/n) ate. Plate after plate being emptied, the doctor sure that this must be the Thor part of her coming through. Sure, that at any moment Mjolnir would fly into her hand and thunder would light up the early morning sky. He had to admit that he had seen elements of Tony in her too, as they had sat there, a little bit of his humour and attitude appearing every now and then. But despite all the chaos inside her. All the different personalities that were competing for dominance, (Y/n) had somehow mostly managed to be herself. Managed to fight off the worst traits that they all possessed, to continue to be this very sweet woman that had had her world turned upside down, through no fault of her own.

"I'm sorry Bruce. Normally I could never eat all this, and I was never a big fan of Pop Tarts before, but now.............." (Y/n) apologised, looking down at the Frosted Confetti Cupcake Pop-Tart before taking a bite of the corner.

"I really like them..................." The innocent bystander added with a shrug. Before finishing of the rest of the sweet treat and her sixth cup of coffee. (Y/n) smiling as Bruce let out a soft chuckle.

"You know, Doctor Banner, you should laugh more. It suits you. I really like those little lines around the side of your eyes that appear, and the twinkle that comes to those orbs when you forget yourself. When you forget your self-enforced loneliness. Forget your fear. Forget all the concerns that you have that the other guy might hurt someone that you care about, or.............or even worse. I can understand it..............of course you are going to fear the creature that lives inside of you. Fear that you cannot control him. But you cannot let the Hulk ruin your life. Cannot let him dictate what you can and cannot do. Cannot hide all your emotions. I know it may not be my place to say this, as I am yet to meet the creature that lives inside me. Yet to do battle with the beast, but I hate the notion of you not being happy." (Y/n) continued, as she watched him. Her smile getting a little broader as Bruce blushed slightly.

In all honestly, Bruce Banner was the nicest guy that she had ever met, and she felt a real connection with him. A connection greater than any other that she felt with the rest of the team. Her heart going out to him as she realised what was going on inside of him. As she felt the anger of the Hulk, the creature always wanting to break out. Yet now, she had no fear of the beast that had crashed through the city. No fear that he, that the Hulk could harm her; and she wanted to show Bruce that. Wanted him to see that if there was one person that could understand, then it was her. The police officer slowly reaching up and brushing one of the brown curls from his forehead. Bruce slowly leaning across the table; the doctor closing his eyes, as his and (Y/n)'s lips moved closer.

"Morning! Any coffee in this place...........?" A voice enquired, Bruce quickly moving back as Clint made his way into the kitchen. (Y/n) letting out a soft sigh, as the archer made his way over to the machine and studied the pot.

"I made sure that I brewed another pot for you. I had a feeling that you would be coming in soon." (Y/n) commented, as she gave Bruce an apologetic smile. Wondering if she would ever catch a break and be able to kiss the shy doctor without one of the others ruining it. Or perhaps, whether she should just grab him by the collar of his shirt, pull him over the table and crash her lips into his, ignoring the archer that was looking down into the mug as if he had just caught sight of a unicorn swimming in the dark, caffeinated liquid.

"Hey.........this is good..............."

"Should be.............when I was a kid, I got this job in a mom and pop diner in Lower Manhattan and I learnt to make the best coffee. Real coffee. So, if Stark could be persuaded to put his hand in his pocket and buy a proper machine, then................" (Y/n) replied. Clint smiling at the idea as he came to join her and Bruce at the table. The doctor finding himself wishing that the archer would just magically disappear. Bruce regretting having brought (Y/n) to the kitchen in the first place, well aware that he should have known that sooner or later Clint or Thor would come sniffing around for something. But having a feeling that if he had taken her to the labs, Tony would have burst in to find out if he had told (Y/n) that he had quickly come to care for her yet.

"What kind of coffee................?" Clint enquired. The archer not seeming to get the signals that Bruce would like him to just get his coffee and leave.

"Well.........anything. Any style..............Americano, Red Eye, Black Eye, Macchiato, Cortado, know, most things............" (Y/n) replied with a shrug, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Clint's mouth hanging open at the prospect. Not sure that he knew what all of those were, but they sure as hell sounded good.

"Now as much as I would love to spend the rest of the day boasting about my barista skills, Bruce was just about to take me down to the labs and teach me how to be him. But maybe later, when I bug you about letting me use one of your bows, I can tell you about my own little twist on an Affogato." She continued. Giving Clint a smile, before grabbing Bruce's hand and pulling him to his feet. Pushing him out of the room and along the corridor.   

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