Lost girl - Part 11 - Loki x Reader

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Even though I love all the boys, Bucky and Loki have a special place in my heart. So, I thought I would bring back our beautiful God of mischief to cause a little more trouble in this chapter. Hope you enjoy.

(Y/n) looked over at James as he slept on the floor. She had tried to tell him that she didn't need his bed. That she was more used to sleeping on the floor, herself. Yet the old soldier had insisted. Saying that it was only right that she took the bed until Stark could fit out the room that he had promised her. That he didn't mind at all. (Y/n)'s heart melting all the more at his gesture. Surer than ever that she had never met anyone as wonderful as he was.

Once the rest of the team had left. After Tony had promised to make sure that Fury didn't come back into the tower. Promised her a room of her own, and that he would create the perfect glasses for her. Bruce telling her about all the experiments that he would like to do. All the things that he would like to talk to her about. And after James had been able to force Sam from the room. She and the soldier had sat together. James just holding her tight, as they enjoyed the silence. His fingers brushing through her hair. The quiet only broken as the old clock on the wall had let out a chime signalling the hour. James saying that given the day that Bruce had planned for her tomorrow, that perhaps they should try and sleep. The gorgon watching as he had pulled a blanket from the bed and took a pillow. Placing them both on the floor near the bed. Watching as he had pulled the t-shirt over his head. (Y/n)'s heart pounding violently, as she looked at him. It was true that the tower was filled with very handsome men. Very powerful, brave and strong men. Yet she would place the soldier above all of them. And now, as he slept, he looked so sweet. The gorgon wanting to slip from under the covers and just snuggle up next to him on the floor. To have him wrap his arm around her and pull her close. Yet even though he had kissed her. Even though he had been so kind and wonderful to her. She didn't just want to push herself on him like that. To make it feel as though she was pushing this whole thing. And really, as the captain had said, the day had been a long one for both of them. (Y/n) sure that when he had woken up, James would never have expected that his day would end with having a gorgon in his bed.

With a sigh, (Y/n) turned onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. It was a long time since she had had a real ceiling over her head, and she was struggling to get used to it. She was struggling to sleep without the sound of the traffic driving past. Without the sounds of the other people on the streets. Without the squeaks and scurrying of the rats, as they fought over the food in the dumpsters. She was just struggling.

Suddenly she sat bolt upright. Her stomach rumbling. (Y/n) shaking her head at herself as she looked down at her belly.

"Really? At this time of night? Now you are hungry?" The gorgon said quietly, as she slowly and carefully moved the sheets away from herself. Her bare feet dropping to the floor. She could remember where the kitchen was. And Tony had told her that if she ever got hungry that she could eat what she liked. So, why not just go and grab herself a little snack? Just go and stop her belly from complaining at her, then she could return to the room and try and get some sleep. The gorgon smiling as she sneaked past the slumbering soldier. Hoping that she could get to the kitchen, eat, and then return without James noticing.


(Y/n) smiled as she found the common room. As she found the kitchen. The dull lighting in the rooms allowing her to manoeuvre without bumping into anything. Her grin growing ever broader, as she opened the refrigerator door and stuck her head inside. The lost girl sure that she hadn't seen this much wonderful food, ever.

"Hungry?" A voice came. (Y/n) growling under her breath, as she looked up and saw the owner of the voice.

"Well.......when someone has their head in a fridge, it usually means that they are looking for something to eat. So yes. I'm hungry." (Y/n) replied. Shaking her head at the stupidity of the question before resuming her search for something suitable to put on a sandwich.

"You should allow me to make something for you........."

"Look.........firstly, didn't you learn anything from our interaction earlier? I am not someone that you can try and play with. Someone that you can try and control. You may be the God of Mischief, but God or not, you cannot fight my stare. You will turn to stone, just like anyone else that has ever tried to test me. Tried to force me to do things, to be things that I do not wish to be. Secondly, I doubt that a pampered creature like you would know how to make something as simple as a good sandwich. Now, for your own sake, just leave me alone." (Y/n) continued, appearing from the icebox with an arm full of goodies. Dropping them on the counter in front of Loki. Doing her best to completely ignore him, as she searched the draws for a knife.

"I swear that you are even more beautiful when you are angry. And my earlier interaction with you has only made me more intrigued about you. More interested in what you can really do. What we could do together.........."

"Look, pal. We aren't going to be doing anything together. If you haven't realised, you are a bad guy. You tried to destroy my city. Tried to make people kneel before you. You hurt and killed people..............."

"And you are telling me that you have never killed anyone. That your stare has never hurt, killed an innocent person. Someone that should never have had your curse inflicted on them. That you are not guilty of causing harm to people that have hurt you. You have not taken revenge? You know, despite your protests, we are not so dissimilar you and I. In fact, I believe that we have more in common than you and the Sargent do. That if you looked to me, no one would ever think about hurting you again. Would contemplate coming for you if you were to stand by my side. If you were to look to me for love. For if you do, I promise you, my queen, that you will not be disappointed." Loki countered, as he slowly got to his feet and made his way over to the beautiful gorgon. (Y/n) fighting back the tears, as she turned and looked at him. The knowledge that she was indeed guilty of harming more than her fair share of people, gnawing away at her.

"And I also sense that it is not only food that you are hungry for, (Y/n). So, why don't you let me give you, what the Sargent is too much of a gentleman to take. Why don't you let me prove to you, that we were made for one another?" Loki cooed softly, as he pressed himself up against her. The knife in her hand dropping to the floor. The world going dark as (Y/n) closed her eyes. As she felt the warmth of the Gods breath on her lips. 

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