The Winter Guard - Part 6 - Bucky x Reader

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For some reason I got this awful feeling of loneliness today. I don't and never have minded being on my own, but to me there is a big difference between being alone and lonely. So, I thought what better way to beat the lonely blues, than a little bit of the Winter Soldier. Please enjoy.

She had sat in silence for some time now. Not seeming to even move. Bucky and Steve just watching her, as her eyes bore holes through the wall opposite her. Bucky hadn't been able to tell her anything else. The sounds of her parent's names appearing to take her off into another world. Not that he could blame her. She hadn't known who she really was for so long, so to now recall something about her family, her youth, must be a lot to take in.

"Do you have more information than just that...........? More information about me, other than my name and those of my parents?" The Guard suddenly asked, as she turned to look at the two men. Bucky looking at Steve before nodding slowly.

"I would like to see it, if possible. I want to know everything. I can see little, remember little bits. Snippets of possible memories. Images that looked like faded photographs from a long time ago. So, good or bad, I need to know." She said, as she got to her feet. It Steve's turn to nod, as he opened the door and led the way. The Winter Guard smiling softly at Bucky, before they followed after the captain down the corridor.


The men stood there, watching as the Major read everything that Bruce had been able to find on her. Information on herself and her family. On her time with the OSS. The little information there was after she had arrived in Russia. And the even smaller amount of intel about the missions of the Winter Guard. The possible sightings of her in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and any other war zone since the end of the Second World War. The long list of her possible victims standing out, by its sheer length. Tony and Bruce averting their gaze to Steve, who was watching Bucky, as the Winter Guard pushed herself away from the screen.

"Arbeit Macht Frei." (Y/n) said softly, as she looked at the screen that showed images of herself in her uniform, before she had been dropped back onto Russian soil.

"What...........?" Bucky enquired, as crouched down by her side. (Y/n) turning to look at him.

"Arbeit Macht Frei..............Work makes one free..............They were the words above the gate...........I can see them now, as clearly as I can see you. When we got to that place none of us were sure what it was. But once inside, we realised that what it was, was hell on earth. Despite all I had seen in war. All the death. I had no idea that human beings could do such things to one another. No idea that such evil could exist. The faces of those that were somehow still alive, only a little better than the faces of the dead." (Y/n) explained, as she sighed heavily. Her head falling onto the back of the chair behind her. Her eyes focusing on the ceiling.

"Why did they take me.........? Why did they turn me into this? I was nothing special............."

"You weren't nothing..........You would be exactly what they were looking for. They probably had you in their sights as soon as you landed back on Russian soil. Knew about you before you had even got there. You were a major in the OSS. You're a countess. Your father was a friend of the president. A woman like that, that had faced war, would be exactly what they were looking for. A killer that no one would expect................."

"That is what I was. I am not that now. I am now only what they created. I am just the killer. I am nothing but the Winter Guard. Maybe I should just go back to them. Let them take away everything again. Erase all these memories............." (Y/n) growled, as she suddenly got to her feet.

"You can't do that..............." Bucky interrupted, as he joined her. The three other men in the room not sure what to do, as the two soldiers seemed to speak to one another as if there were no one else there.

"And why it because you fear me being sent for you and your friends? You fear what I can really do? I am a monster that was created to kill. There is nothing and no one for me out entire family is dead. I am the last of my line. I am alone..............."

"No, you're not. You have me..................." Bucky interjected once again, as he took her hand in his.

"But you don't know me. Why would you do that. Why would you care...............?"

"Because we are both monsters. And we monsters have to stick together. If I can remember who I was. Be a little of who I used to be, then so can you. Like I said, all you have to do is trust me. Trust us. We can help. And I promise to be with you every step of the way." Bucky continued, as he looked into her teary eyes. His hand reaching up to wipe away the single glistening drop that was slowly making its way down her cheek. The pair moving closer, as the space fell silent.

"Ahem." A cough came. Bucky and (Y/n) turning to look at the Tony, as the billionaire made his way forward.

"Well, as it seems that Barnes here has offered you our help, we should find you a room to stay in. And there just happens to be one empty room right next to his if you want." Tony explained. The billionaire for the first time giving the Winter Guard one of his smiles. (Y/n) looking at a nodding Bucky, before turning back.

"I would like that very much..........thank you............." 

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