No fun - Part 13 - Tony x Peter x Reader

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"(Y/n)?" Bucky asked, as he came up behind her. The young Stark having stopped without warning, not far from the Quinjet ramp. Standing motionless, before suddenly turning, and making her way over to her father.

"It's not much............." (Y/n) blurted out, as she stood in front of Tony.

"(Y/n). I................."

"No. No.......... I-I-it's not much. It will probably be the most basic thing that you've seen. And I'm sure that you could have done so much more in the same time period. But for once dad, will you not..........will you not shit on what I have been able to achieve, from a great height?" (Y/n) interrupted. Tears slowly trickling down her cheeks, as she looked into her father's deep brown orbs.


"Come on honey. Let's see this place of yours." Natasha quickly interjected. Taking hold of (Y/n)'s hand. The widow turning her, and smiling reassuringly, before allowing the younger woman to lead her to the edge of the field. The others following behind. Tony and Peter bringing up the rear.


"It's bigger than it looks from the outside. I promise." (Y/n) assured the group, as they found themselves outside the front of an old machine shop. (Y/n) hurriedly pulling a bunch of keys from her pocket and finding the one that she needed. The young Stark thankful that no one had seen them. That she wouldn't have to explain anything when her family all returned to the compound. Thankful that Cody hadn't.............

"(Y/n) there you are. I've been looking for you all day. I brought your lunch earlier and you weren't here. I was beginning to!" A voice suddenly came. (Y/n) visibly cringing, as she recognised Cody's voice. Turning to see the now wide eyed young man, staring at all the heroes behind her.

"Oh. Cody. Hi..............I was just, um....................."

"That's..........They're............" Cody blurted out before (Y/n) could try and think of any kind of reasonable excuse, as to why she would have the Avengers with her. The dark haired young man pointing in disbelief, at the heroes that were with her.

"Er..........yeah. I suppose I should really introduce you. Um.........guys, I would like you to meet my friend, Cody. And Cody........I would like you to meet, well, to meet my family." (Y/n) continued, as she made her way to stand with the others.

"But.........but they..........that's.................."

"Yeah. They are. And that is." (Y/n) interrupted. Knowing that she might as well introduce them all properly, now that they had been seen.

"This is.......well this is Bruce Banner. He's like an uncle." (Y/n) announced. Bruce pushing his glasses up his nose and nodding to the stunned young man.

"And yes. He is the big green guy. Then we have my aunt Natasha and uncle Clint. Or, if you prefer, the Black Widow, and Hawkeye. Then there's Scott....."

"Ant man!" Cody blurted out, as Scott said hi. Wondering if he had looked that in awe when he had met Steve for the first time.

"Yeah. That's Ant Man. And then there are the triplets. Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson." (Y/n) joked. Chuckling as Bucky huffed slightly. The young woman suddenly feeling happy about having everyone back with her. About being able to tell someone who and what she really was.

"The big guy at the back, that's Thor. And the snide looking, dark haired one with him, is Loki. And this.........this is Peter. He..............."

"Hi, I'm Tony Stark." Her father suddenly interrupted. As he stepped forward and offered Cody his hand.

"I'm also (Y/n)'s dad. So, you're Cody, huh? I hear that you've been taking my daughter out. So, what are your intentions........" The billionaire continued, as he gripped the younger man's hand. (Y/n) pushing in between the two and pulling Cody's hand from her fathers. Briefly glaring at her dad before turning her attention to her friend.

"Don't listen to him. He's only joking. Well.......not about him being my dad, but about him caring what your intentions are..............."

"(Y/n). That's the Avengers!" Cody exclaimed, as he finally turned his eyes to the girl in front of him.

"Yeah. They are the Avengers. My family are the Avengers. And my dad is Iron Man." (Y/n) agreed.

"Are you an Avenger...........?"

" I work with........... or should I say, I worked for them. But now I'm sort of independent." (Y/n) clarified, as she placed her hands on either side of Cody's face and turned it back to look at her.

"Look...........I will be able to explain everything better, later. At the moment, I have to show these guys something. So, why don't you go back to the diner, and I will tell you everything when I have dinner. But for now, please don't tell anyone. Okay?" The young Stark continued. Peter feeling his heart drop into the pit of his stomach, as he watched (Y/n) kiss the other boy on the cheek. Cody nodding, before quickly scurrying away.

"You do know that he's going to tell everyone, don't you?" Sam said, as (Y/n) turned her attention back to opening the door to her shop. Knowing that any chance of keeping this all secret, had long since gone.

"Yeah. By the time you come back out, the rest of the town will be here with banners, balloons and a band. Dad will be in his element." (Y/n) sighed in agreement, as she pushed open the door. The team piling into the workshop and allowing (Y/n) to lead them through all the whirring and spinning machines.

"Hector! Open up, will you please." (Y/n) called out, as she came to a small door.

"Certainly miss." The dutiful AI replied. The door clicking and opening slowly. Tony, Peter, as well as the rest of the team, staring in disbelief as they poked their heads through the ingress. None of them sure how (Y/n) had been able to do any of what they were seeing. 

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