The Winter Guard - Part 12 - Bucky x Reader

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Dedicated to our king. Wakanda forever.

Bucky looked out of the plane window, sure that he had never been this nervous before. His leg bouncing up and down, as he fiddled mindlessly with his fingers. After (Y/n)'s display of some of what she was capable of, he and the others had contacted Shuri and T'Challa, hoping that they would be able to do for the Winter Guard what they had done for Bucky. That they would agree to let them bring (Y/n) the Wakanda. The team watching as the siblings had looked at one another for a moment, before smiling and saying that they would be happy to assist. That if someone needed their help, then they would do all they could. Though they had asked to speak to (Y/n) themselves, before they made their way to Wakanda. Bucky leading the major by the hand and placing her before the monitor. T'Challa and Shuri smiling at her and introducing themselves. The others filing out of the room; only Bucky staying outside the door, just in case (Y/n) had need of him.

But all that was some time ago now. Some time since Bucky and Steve had escorted (Y/n) to Wakanda. Shuri promising Bucky that he didn't have to worry about her. That she would be well cared for. Yet since then, they had heard nothing of substance about the Winter Guard. Even when the team had contacted the siblings to ask directly about her, all they would be told, was that the major was well and doing just fine. That she was fitting in and had even made friends. But then, last night, Tony had received a call. A call from a smiling Shuri who had explained that (Y/n) was well and she believed that the major was very much ready, if they would like to come and see her. Bucky unable to sleep due to the notion of being able to see her again. Still holding in his mind the last image that he had had of her. Of the last kiss that he had given her.

"You ok............?" Steve asked. He and Bruce looking over at the obviously agitated Sargent.

"Yeah, I just..............I just hope that she's ok............"

"Of course, she's ok. She's in Wakanda. You're just worried that she might have forgotten you. That you and the female Rambo might not be able to play kissy face anymore." Tony suddenly commented. Steve rolling his eyes, wishing that the billionaire hadn't insisted on coming. Saying that he was interested in Shuri's latest developments. Bruce giving the soldiers an apologetic smile before asking if he could come too, saying that he really was interested in Shuri's newest advances.

"Tony!" Steve warned, as he noticed Bucky's metal hand ball up into a fist.


"Now is not the time.............and her name is (Y/n). We are going to Wakanda to see if she's ready to come home. And whatever went on between Bucky and her is between the two of them, and not us............."

"Well excuse me. This is my plane, and I thought that as I have been nice enough to let the lovesick soldier use it, meant that I might be able to say something. But if not, I won't say another word............"

"Can we have that in writing.........." Bucky muttered under his breath. Tony about to say something in reply, until he caught the glare from Steve, and the look from Bruce. Tony holding his hands up in surrender, before moving back into his seat.


Bucky almost jumped out of his seat, as the plane landed on Wakandan soil. Opening the door of the private jet before it had even come to a complete stop.

"She isn't going anywhere." Steve assured, as he came to stand behind him. Placing his hand on his friends arm. Bucky nodding in agreement and letting the pilot actually cut the plane's engines before he and the others made their way to a waiting Shuri. Her smile growing broader as she saw Bucky.

"Where........where is she.............Is she alright?" The soldier asked, as he looked around. His heart beating a little quicker as he caught no sight of (Y/n).

"The major is well...........and it is nice to see you again............." Shuri replied. Smiling again, as Bucky suddenly realised he had been rude.

"Shuri, I'm sorry. I..................."

"Not at all. I understand. (Y/n) is training in the gardens with my brother. Why don't you and the captain go and see them, while I take Doctor Banner and Mister Stark to my lab." The princess replied, gesturing over in the direction of the gardens, before turning her attention to Bruce and Tony. The two science bros, nodding in agreement. Bruce patting Bucky reassuringly on the arm, before quickly making his way to catch up with Tony.


"Do you think that she will remember me?" Bucky suddenly asked, as he and Steve made their way to find (Y/n) and the king.

"Since when have you ever listened to any of the rubbish that Stark says? Of course, she is going to remember you. Nothing will have happened to her memories of you while she's been here. Shuri, T'Challa and the others will have just helped her come to terms with who she is. Get back the memories of the life she had before they turned her into the Winter Guard. Her parents, her family. None of that will have affected anything that had happened between you two." Steve replied. The two old soldiers stopping. Bucky smiling at his friend, before Steve slapped him on the back.

"Now come on...........lets go find................" Steve began his words disappearing as a loud sound suddenly filled the air. The earth beneath them seeming to move. Bucky and Steve looking at one another in disbelief, before running towards where the sounds seemed to be coming from.      

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