Love is blind - Part 8 - Clint x Tony x Reader

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"Yep.......its me. Hi Clint............" (Y/n) replied with a smile. Her ears picking up the sound of footsteps coming towards her. The younger Barton preparing herself for the inevitable confrontation. Sure, that she was going to look awful in front of all those present again. That she would make yet another bad impression on those that she had met before, and the new ones that she could smell were in the room.

"What are you doing here? Where are Laura and the kids...........?"

"Laura and the kids aren't here; they're still on the farm. Its just me. And I am here because Tony asked me to come." (Y/n) explained, not needing to be able to see, to know that Clint was probably glaring at Tony right at this moment.

"Oh yeah, and why would he do that...............?" The archer continued, it obvious from the change in his voice, that he had fully turned his attention to the billionaire that stood just to her side, still holding onto her arm.

"I can speak for myself, you know, Clint. You don't need to talk to Tony like you are discussing a child. Next thing I know, you'll be spelling stuff out in hopes that I don't understand what you're saying. I am a fully grown woman with my own mind. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions about what I do with my life. Just because I'm blind, that doesn't mean that I am an idiot.............."

"I never said you were, (Y/n). I just worry about you. It isn't safe here for you. Its best that you stay on the farm so that Laura..........."

"Firstly, Laura has enough to do without looking after my ass all the time. Secondly, I never said that you don't worry about me, I know you do, and I really appreciate it. And thirdly, I am sick to death of being safe. I am sick to death of being a prisoner on that farm. Of being surrounded by cows and having no one to really talk to other than myself. I, I need a life, and Tony here has offered me a chance to have that.............."

"Prisoner.........? You were never a prisoner. And what exactly has he offered you..........? What exactly has he told you? What exactly has he said that you can do? I should have known not to let him anywhere near you when we got to the farm. You do know that he has had more women in his bed than anyone here has had hot meals, and I am not having you fall for his silver tongued, billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist bullshit. I am not letting my sister become another Stark conquest............."

"STOP CLINT! Yes, I do feel like a goddamn prisoner. I may have been able to leave the farm, but it still felt like a prison. And how dare you, you of all people, judge others for the mistakes they have made in the past. I am no longer that child that fell down that levy, or should I say, that you pushed down that levy that day, you know. I am not going to let your guilt for what happened all those years ago, keep me from knowing the world, from being able to do things, anymore. I am going to prove to you, and everyone else here, what I.......what (Y/n) Barton can actually do............" (Y/n) growled, her arms firmly crossing over her chest, as she waited for her brother to reply.

She didn't want to do this. She didn't want to be like this. She loved Clint, she really did. She had hoped that he would be happy to see her. That all of this wouldn't turn out like it had done when he had brought some of the others to the farm; but here they were arguing in front of everyone again. (Y/n) hating the idea that she might be coming across as a brat that didn't appreciate all the things that Clint had done for her. Didn't appreciate how he had so magnanimously taken care of his feeble, blind sister for so long, and all she could do was belittle him in front of his friends. Called his home a prison. But after insulting Tony; after thinking that she would jump into bed with the billionaire, just because he had treated her like a human being and not an inconvenience or burden. Just because he had been able to see things in her that not even her own brother had noticed, she had had all she could take. And Clint was going to hear the truth whether he liked it or not.

"You did this...........!" Clint suddenly exclaimed. His face red with anger as he stood in front of Tony.

"You turned my sister against me................"

"I didn't turn anyone, against anyone, Barton. Like (Y/n) said, she isn't a child anymore. She doesn't need you or me to speak for her. I invited her here, I didn't force her to come, she chose to. All she wants to do is show you........."

"And how do you know what my sister wants............................?"

"Because I actually talk to her. I listened to what she had to say. To what she wanted to do with her life. I didn't just presume that she couldn't do anything because she was blind................"

"But she can't do a lot of things..................."

"You're doing it again, Clint; talking about me like I wasn't here. And Tony hasn't turned me against you. I am not against you. But you have no idea what I can and cannot do, Clint. No idea what I am capable of, because you never gave me a chance to show you what I am truly capable of. You just presumed that I couldn't do, because I can't see. Because I can't drive a car or walk around a new place without falling over furniture. Well, I am going to show everyone what I can do. And then, maybe, you will find that I am even more qualified to call myself an Avenger than you." (Y/n) interrupted. Her unseeing eyes staring right into her brother's, before she turned and left the room.

"You heard the lady. I want you all in the training room at nineteen hundred hours." Tony added. Shaking his head at Clint, before he followed after (Y/n).   

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