Half a man - Part 3 - Rhodey x Reader

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"Have I done something wrong........? I......... I always perform to the best of my abilities on missions, and neither Tony, Steve, nor Director Fury have ever voiced concerns about my performance. About what I do................"

"What........? No! You haven't done anything wrong, (Y/n). What would make you think that I wanted to speak to you about that.....?" Rhodey interjected, as he took a seat on the corner of her sofa.

"Well.......... it's just that I have noticed that you have a tendency of watching me, sir..........Rhodey........James. I presumed, that given the fact that I am the newest member of the team, you were evaluating me. That you were seeing if I was good enough to call myself an Avenger, and if not, you would be recommending to Director Fury that I should be excluded from the team. Please.........James. I worked so long and hard to get here. I train every day. I do all I can to learn from the others, and work with them. If there is something............"

"(Y/n)........there is nothing. I assure you. You have done more than enough to impress not only me, but also Tony, Steve and the director. I have never seen anyone so quickly fit in with the team as you have. In fact, Tony often says that it feels like you have been here since the beginning." Rhodey interrupted. The colonel giving her a soft smile.

"Then..........if it isn't that..................?" (Y/n) continued. The captain not sure what else all this could be about. Why the man that had barely said a word to her since she had joined the Avengers, would want to speak with her in private now.

Slowly, Rhodey brushed his fingers over the braces. Doing his best to fight the negative voices in the back of his head. All his life he had been a fighter. He had never let anything beat him. That was how he had got to the rank he had. That was why he had been able to achieve all that he had achieved. So, he couldn't let this defeat him now, could he? And if he didn't take this chance to say something to (Y/n), then he might not get another one.

"I.........er..............." He began, as he got to his feet. Rhodey sure that the only way that he could actually get his speech out, was by looking at anything other than the beautiful captain. In exactly the same way that had enabled him to ask Audrey Hayes out, so many years before.

"(Y/n)........I.............I think that you are quite the most amazing woman that I have ever met. You are not only beautiful, but you are also smart and funny. Since you came to join the team I............I have found that I have developed feelings for you. Feelings that have only grown with time. I know that I should have said something to you before now. That I should have come and spoken to you about this; but I have allowed myself to believe that you wouldn't be interested in me, because I'm...........I'm not the man I used to be. Because of these damn braces. But someone earlier made me see that if you didn't want to get to know me, it would be more to do with the fact that I'm a grumpy asshole, and nothing to do with my disability. And he also helped me see that I have a right to be happy. And I think that if I am going to be happy, then you will have to be in my life. So...........maybe, if you can look past the fact that I can be a that grumpy asshole, you might like to join me for a coffee or something. To do something away from the others.............." Rhodey said. The colonel breathing a sigh of relief, as he finally managed to say all that he wanted to say. Taking another deep breath before turning to look at an obviously stunned (Y/n).

(Y/n) stood there. Her mouth slightly agog and her eyes wide, as she looked at the man in front of her. The captain wincing a little, as she pinched herself. Just wanting to make sure that all of this was real. That she wasn't just dreaming and at the best moment she would find herself waking up. Not for one second had she expected to hear any of that come from the colonel. Not for one second had she expected him to want to speak to her about anything like that. In fact, she had always thought that he didn't like her. That he just saw her as a soldier and nothing more. But now.............now it was more than apparent that James felt exactly the same way for her, as she did for him. (Y/n) slightly shocked thought that even for one minute the colonel would think that she would even see the braces. His disability never once crossing her mind. All that did concern her, was the fact that he was a good and loyal man. A man that she really would like to get to know better.

Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) made her way over to him. The captain slowly taking James' hand in hers before she spoke.

"James Rhodes..........you are quite the most fascinating man that I have ever met. Not only are you rather handsome, but you are also smart and somehow you are able to put up with Tony. Which is a skill that I will have to get you to teach me. Since I joined the team, I too have found that I have developed feelings for you. Feelings that I should have been brave enough to come and speak to you about before now. Not once have I ever seen you as anything but the strong, loyal and brave man that you are. Not once have I ever really thought about the braces that you wear. And the fact that you can be, as I am sure Tony described you, a grumpy asshole, on occasions; has never changed to way I feel for you. So, you and I going somewhere together, away from the others, would be nice. And I suppose that coffee would be the easiest thing to start with. Because I think that we both have the right to be happy, and I think that I could be happy with you." (Y/n) replied, before she leaned in and placed a soft kiss to his lips. It now Rhodey's turn to stand there, mouth agog.

"Would you like to go and get that coffee now..............?" James managed to ask. His heart beating a little quicker, as (Y/n) moved a little closer.

"Give me time to have a shower and get changed, and then I'm all yours, colonel." (Y/n) replied. Giving James another quick kiss before she made her way to the bathroom. James sure that he would have to thank Tony for this. And sure that (Y/n) would never let him feel like half a man, ever again. 

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