Immortal - Part 5 - Nick x Tony x Steve x Reader

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(Y/n) could feel her breath become erratic, as the sounds of voices got louder. The compound was nothing more or nothing less than what she expected. It oozed Stark. It was all show, yet there was still style and substance to it. The immortal only able to imagine what technology lie within the structure; (Y/n) more positive than ever that the son was very much like the father. She had a feeling that if Howard were to see it, he would say that he could do better. That certain things were missing here and there; but that was just Howard. A small smile coming to her lips, as she recalled the fireworks, the fanfare and show of the Stark expo in 43. Her old friend making changes until the last minute. Until he had walked out to stand on the stage.

Yet now that smile was gone. Her heart pounding like never before, as she followed Fury to where the Avengers were waiting. Her breathing quickening with every foot fall. She couldn't understand it, but she was scarred. Not scarred for her life, that would not only be ridiculous, but redundant. It didn't matter who or what the people were that she was about to meet, not one of them could hurt her, even if they wanted to. No, it was not that, it was perhaps................perhaps a fear of having to face the past. Usually, she did her best to move on, move away; when one life was over, she would forget about it and move on to the next one. She would take on her new life, her new persona and never think about the last. Never having to worry about those that had once known her, coming forward. Yet now, now it was all different. The life that she had known, the life that she had thought she would never have to think about again, was going to be right in front of her. Rogers, the man that she had helped Howard and Erskine turn into Captain America, would be in the room she was walking towards. His face bound to bring back more memories. More recollections of Howard and the life that she had lost. A life that she knew that she could never have had, no matter how much she wanted it.

Yet there was another shadow that would also loom over her. The boy........Howard's boy. She had heard of his birth; it had of course been in all the papers at the time. The arrival of an heir to the Stark fortunes, to Stark Industries was bound to make a splash. She could even remember the headline, the announcement in the society pages. Howard Stark and his wife Maria, today celebrate the arrival of their first child. Anthony Edward Stark. A tear coming to her eyes as she read it.

During their nights together, she and Howard had often spoken about a life together that both of them knew was impossible; yet it had been nice to pretend, even if for a short while. They had talked about what they would do after the war, about where they would live; and about............about children. (Y/n) telling him that she would love to have a son, a sweet little boy that she would call........that she would call Anthony. And she was about to meet the child, that in another world, could have been hers.

"You okay.............?" Nick asked, as he turned to look at the woman behind him. The immortal doing here best to calm her nerves. Telling herself that this was just like anything else that she had had to deal with over her long life. That this was just another persona, and she had to do all she could to convince the world's greatest heroes, that she was who Fury had told them to expect.

"Yeah, fine. Let's just get this over with..................." (Y/n) replied. The immortal taking a deep breath as the director opened the door.


"Who are we here to meet again?" Tony asked with a yawn, as he sat back in his chair, his feet propped up on the meeting room table. He had already been up seventy-two hours working on his latest suit, and didn't have the time, nor the inclination, to dance to Fury's fiddle every time the S.H.I.E.L.D director called. Though of course Rogers, as per usual, was doing his boy scout routine, and had made the billionaire join him and the others in the room. Tony grumbling as he looked down into his now empty coffee cup; telling himself to make a mental note that a coffee machine should be placed in the room.

"The director said that it's an agent that until recently was working in England and Europe. From the information that he provided, it seems that she has an intelligence and counterespionage background. Supposedly quite the expert; so, he's brought her back here and wants to introduce her, as she will be spending some time with us..............." Steve explained, as he looked at the billionaire.

"But you would have known that, if you had read the file." The captain added. Tony just rolling his eyes.

"Unlike you Rogers, I have other things to do than playing in the gym, look pretty and kiss Fury's a................."

"Ahem.................!" A cough came, cutting Tony off just at the right moment. The billionaire chuckling to himself, as Fury glared at him with his one eye. Tony slowly taking his feet from the table and sitting up straight.

"Ah, Fury............can we got this over with? I was busy............"

"Ladies, gentlemen and...........Stark. I would like to introduce you all to agent le Fay............. Agent le Fay, the Avengers.......and him........." Nick announced, giving Tony another look, before moving out of the way and allowing the immortal to move into the room. Tony and Steve almost jumping to their feet, as the woman looked around the room. The pair wide eyed, as she gave the amassed heroes a smile.   

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