What's she up to? - Part 5 - Wade x Reader

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"(Y/n)........" Tony began, as he saw the look on his daughter's face.


"What's going on?" The billionaire continued, holding up his hand when Nat went to speak.

"I.........." (Y/n) started. Looking at the others. Not having a clue as to why all the team had congregated outside of her room. Not having a clue as to what was going on at all. Or that was until she saw a sheepish looking Peter poke his head out from behind Steve.

"We had come to talk to a (Y/n) about something.............." Steve interrupted, both Starks turning to look at the captain who appeared slightly, well, very embarrassed.

"And what would that be..........?" Tony enquired, holding up his hand again when this time Clint tried to help out. Steve looking between the others. A bright shade of pink flushing his cheeks. The flush growing even brighter as he looked at a confused (Y/n). His mind suddenly filling with images of what could be on this site of hers if Sam was right.

"We............Peter saw (Y/n) with some money and someone.........well Sam thought that she might have an Only Fans site................"

"A WHAT!?" Both Starks called out in utter disbelief, as they looked at Steve, who wished that he could just crawl into a small hole and die.

"So, let me get this straight.........Parker sees me with some cash. He goes and squeals like a pussy to you guys, and the first thing that you think of as a reason for this, is that I am showing my ass for cash? Well, it really is nice to know what you guys think about me, isn't it.............?" (Y/n) said, looking between Steve, Sam and Peter.

"Tell me you don't................"

"Jeez, dad! NO! I DO NOT HAVE AN ONLY FANS SITE..........." (Y/n) interrupted. Making sure to annunciate every word so that it sunk into everyone's head.

"Then what......................"

"You have an Only Fans..........? Why am I the last to know about it? How much does it cost? Do I get a discount...........?" A voice came. (Y/n)'s eyes scrunching closed, at the sound. A long low groan leaving her lips, as she could only image what had just appeared behind her. Especially when she finally opened her eyes and saw the faces of all those in front of her.


"Dad, I can explain...................."

"Yeah dad, we can explain..........." Wade said cheerily, as he joined the younger Stark and placed his arm around her shoulder. Suddenly finding himself bent double and gasping for breath, as (Y/n) elbowed him in the guts.

"This better not be what I think it is.............."

"If ya thinking that me and ya little girl are together, you'd be right, dad..........."

"WILL YOU SHUT UP, WADE!" (Y/n) growled. Knocking his legs from under him, before turning to look at her father. The red and black clad mercenary once again gasping for air.

"Dad, I promise, I am not with him. Well.........not in that sense anyway. I would never, could never.............I mean, he's never washed that suit of his, and he has a very strange relationship with a stuffed unicorn that he has. That, and he keeps talking about this guy called Ryan Reynolds. Its just too weird. And you wouldn't believe what he looks like under that mask. He be ug...er....lee." The young Stark tried to explain. It obvious that whatever she said, it was not going to make things better. (Y/n) not having felt like this since she was about fourteen, and her father had caught her kissing a boy. Sure, that she would never forget the hour long talking to that she had had to sit through about how bad boys were. How they were only after one thing, and that she wasn't allowed to date until she was thirty. Or forty.

"You, and whatever that thing is supposed to be, come with me now............." Tony ordered, as he pointed at his daughter, and Wade who had by now managed to get back to his feet. The young Stark nodding and dropping her head, before dutifully following after her father. Doing her best to ignore Wade, as he skipped along by her side.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not missing out on what's about to happen." Clint remarked, as he quickly followed after the trio. The rest of the team looking at one another for a moment, before they too followed after the Starks and their unusual visitor.


"So, what do I call him.........?" Tony asked, as he, (Y/n) and whatever he was, made their way into the common room. (Y/n) pushing Wade off, as he tried to take a seat on her lap.

"This is............."

"You can call me anytime, handsome............." Wade interrupted, as he looked up at the not very happy billionaire.

"You know, those chocolate brown eyes of yours make me quite weak at the knees. Can I call you daddy..............?" The mercenary quickly added, before (Y/n) could get him in a headlock and put her hand over his mouth.

"His name is Wade, Wade Wilson. Or he goes by Deadpool. He...........he's sort of.........well, he's a mercenary............."

"A mercenary?" Another voice came. (Y/n), Tony and the idiot, looking over to see Steve make his way into the room. The others remaining hidden outside. Not sure whether they should get some popcorn or not.

"Rogers..........this is none of your business. (Y/n) is my............."

"Ooooooooo, is he your mom, (Y/n)? Now that's what I call a MILF! Hubba Hubba........" Wade managed to say, as Steve moved into the room. It obvious that the captain was now as angry as Tony was. Steve and her father now both standing cross armed and looking at her and Wade, whose head was now forcefully being pushed into the sofa cushions.

"Explain now. And it better be good, young lady............."

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