Love is blind - Part 4 - Tony x Reader

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"So, what do you want first, Mister Stark? Guns, knives or arrows............?" (Y/n) enquired, as she leant down and moved some old hay out of the way. Pulling on something that opened two doors that had just looked as though they had been part of the barn previously. Tony's eye's growing wide, as he saw what had been revealed. A wall full of weapons.

"What the..............?"

"Pretty impressive, huh? Took me a while to collect these. I mean, its not like I could just go down to the local Walmart. But I have my ways." (Y/n) chuckled, as she reached forward. Her fingers brushing over her interesting collection.

"Are..........are you going to do what I think you're going to do? But....... how? You can't see." Tony asked, as he looked between the targets, the weapons and the smiling younger Barton.

"Yes, Mister Stark. I am going to do exactly what you think I am going to do. Did you think that Clint was the only one that knew how to handle a weapon? And just because I can't see with my eyes, that doesn't mean that I can't see in other ways. It is amazing what your other senses came do when you lose one. How they can develop and overcome the disability. How they can enhance. And that is what my senses have done. They have adapted and improved. So, I ask again, what do you want to see first? Guns, knives or arrows............?" (Y/n) explained. Crossing her arms and waiting for the billionaire to reply.

"I er.............." Tony continued in disbelief. Only able to look at the beautiful younger Barton.

"You know, I have to say that I am a little disappointed. I would have thought you would be a little more decisive. That you would be a little more open minded to any possibilities. It would appear that you aren't as interesting as I thought............." (Y/n) sighed, as she turned back to the wall and slowly began to close the doors.

"Let's see what you can do with the knives first. Work your way up to the arrows." Tony suddenly said, (Y/n) smiling softly to herself, as she reached her hand into the display. Instantly finding the throwing knives that she wanted.

"Excellent choice, Mister Stark. Now, why don't you sit back, get comfortable, and watch the show." The younger Barton chuckled, as she moved into position. Taking her stance, before the first blade left her hand.


Tony watched in amazement. The billionaire finding it impossible to believe that she had hit every target perfectly, with every weapon that she had used. The knives quickly being followed up by a silenced pistol. Each bullet landing in the center of the bullseye. Yet it was when (Y/n) had notched her first arrow that Tony had found himself really smiling. He would never tell her brother, because Clint already had a big enough head as it was, but Tony had to admit that up until this moment he thought that there couldn't possibly be anyone better with a bow than old Robin Hood. But now he knew that he was wrong. Now he knew that the younger Barton made her brother look like so kid running around his back garden trying to use some cheap little plastic bow, that fired arrows with suction cups on the end.

"So, what do you think?" (Y/n) asked, as the last arrow hit its target, and she turned to look at the billionaire.

"Not bad..............." Tony began. Trying to not let her hear the amazement in his voice. To not let her know that he was smiling.

"Not bad.........not bad. I am damn good, and you know it. I spend hours every day practicing. Every day in here, just shooting at targets that I can't even see. Practicing right under Laura's nose. Right under Clint's, until every weapon I use, hits what I want it to...................."

"Ah, but you know where the targets are. If I were to move one of the targets and asked you to hit it..................."

"Move one. Whichever one you want. Move all of them if you like. It doesn't matter." (Y/n) interrupted. Giving Tony a very indignant look. A look that he had seen Clint give him a thousand times.

"Very well, Miss Barton." Tony replied, as he got to his feet and made his way over to the far end of the barn. (Y/n) closing her eyes and listening intently, as the billionaire began to move around. Smiling as she heard him move her targets around. As he tried to be as quiet as possible. The younger Barton waiting patiently, until everything had gone quiet. Until she felt the man's breath on her neck.

"Shoot now." Tony hummed softly into her ear, before moving back into the spot that he had held previously. His brows furrowing slightly, as (Y/n) seemed to survey the barn.

"Hmmmmmmm. Interesting, but not impossible. Part of me expected you to try and hang one from the roof." (Y/n) chuckled, as she notched an arrow. The billionaire finding the breath catching in his throat, as she shot. The projectile ricocheting off an old metal tub, then the tractor, before lodging itself in the bullseye of the target that he had done his best to hide. Two more arrows following after the first and hitting the other targets that he had shifted around the barn.

" do you like me now, Mister Stark?" (Y/n) enquired, as she slung her bow over her shoulder. Tony for the first time in his life finding himself completely and utterly speechless. Part of him wondering why it was Clint that was part of the team, and not (Y/n). Okay, it was impressive what Clint could do, but (Y/n) could do all he could, and more, despite the fact that she couldn't see.

"I...........I would have to say that you are the most impressive things that I have ever seen, Miss Barton." Tony finally managed to say, as he made his way over to her. Iron Man's alter ego taking in everything about her, as her unseeing eyes looked deep into his.

"Why thank you. And I find that I would have to say the same thing about you, Mister Stark." (Y/n) replied. An exquisite shiver making its way down her spine, as she felt his rough fingers move some hair away from her face. The light tough making her skin tingle.

"Perhaps we should go back." (Y/n) added, as she stepped back and placed her bow back in its spot.

"I hate to think what the rest of your team will think of me for what happened between Clint and I. It isn't exactly the first impression that I wanted to make if I ever got the chance to meet the great Avengers." The younger Barton continued, as she made her way around the barn and pulled her arrows from the targets.

"We aren't that great, and I wouldn't worry about it. We've all been through worse things than seeing a brother and sister fall out. But you're right about going back. So, why don't you let me escort you, Miss Barton?" Tony retorted, as he took (Y/n)'s hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. The two leaving the barn and making their back to the house. The billionaire promising himself that when everything was back to some semblance of normality, he would see the younger Barton again. 

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