No fun - Part 15 - Tony x Peter x Reader

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"What's wrong, dad? Not up for being the centre of attention, today. Not up for finding another way to ruin my life...........? That's not like you." (Y/n) asked sarcastically, as she finally noticed that her father and Peter were still in the shadows of the shop. Both men remaining silent, as they just looked back at her.

In truth, and despite what his daughter might think. Tony hadn't said anything because he was struggling to find the words to tell her how proud he was of her. How proud he was sure her grandparents would have been if that could see what she had been able to achieve in such a short time. The differences that she had been able to make as the hero that he had stopped her from becoming. The Iron Knight proving to not only him, but also the rest of the team, that she deserved a place with them just as much, if not more than Peter did. That despite his neglect. All the times he had sent her away to boarding school because one woman or another that had temporarily come into his life, hadn't wanted some dead woman's kid hanging around and spoiling everything. And despite the fact that when she had got back into his life, instead of appreciating her and wanting to make up for all the years that they had lost. Instead of fulfilling all the promises that he had made her when she had been placed into his arms on the day she was born. He had lavished his time and attention on Peter. Yet even with all that. and in spite of him, she had become great. A true Stark. One that put him to shame.

He knew that he couldn't say anything about the way she had spoken to him. About her being so angry at him. Because he knew that she was right. He would have done exactly what she had said. He would have apologised and promised her that he would change. That he would become the father that he always should have been to her. And he would have done his best to fulfil that vow. Yet eventually, he would have forgotten. He would have gone back to his old ways getting caught up in his own million and one projects, and spent more time with Peter. But she had been wrong about one thing when she had said that he didn't want her. That he would have given more of a damn if she had been born a boy. For the time that she had spent away had opened his eyes. It had made him see that (Y/n) was the most important thing that he had. Though how he could change things. Truly change things, he still had to figure out. Tony sure that his father was laughing at him from somewhere for doing exactly what he had sworn he wouldn't do. For making (Y/n) feel about Peter, how he had felt about Rogers. History having an awful habit of repeating itself when you didn't learn from it. Though one thing was for sure, as soon as he got the chance, he would be contacting Xavier.

Slowly, Tony pushed himself off the wall and made his way to the door. Stopping for a moment to look at his daughter. Tony unable to do anything but give her a small nod and smile, before making his way out into the light. The billionaire sure that nothing he said, would suffice. In fact, it would probably make the whole thing worse. (Y/n) fighting back the tears, as she watched her father leave.


"(Y/n)." Peter said softly, as he came up behind her, and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Your father loves you (Y/n). I know he does. He's been looking for you everywhere since you left. He's tried everything. He misses you. I.............I miss you. Just come home. We can fix this. I'll leave. I won't come around................."

"No Peter. I don't want that. The relationship that has built up between you two, I wouldn't want to destroy. It's too important to the both of you. Plus, I couldn't punish you for Tony Starks failings as a father. And I'm sorry, Peter. As much as I would like to come home. To be able to spend time with you all again. I just can't." (Y/n) explained, as she turned to look at Peter. The sad look on his face mirroring hers.

"Go on, Peter. My father is probably already looking for you. He'll need help with all those Iron Man groupies." (Y/n) chuckled, as Peter reluctantly made his way to the door.

"Oh, and Peter. One last thing." (Y/n) called out. The young man turning back. His eyes growing wide, as the young Stark's lips crashed into his. His arms wrapping themselves around her waist, as hers snaked around his neck. The pair standing there for a moment. Forehead to forehead.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't. And you never know, the Iron Knight and Spiderman might just be lucky enough to meet again soon." (Y/n) continued, before pulling away, turning him around and pushing him toward the still open door.

"See you around, Perfect Peter." The young Stark added before closing the door on the speechless young man. (Y/n) doing her best to ignore the fanatical screams and cheers from outside, as she made her way back into the shop. Slumping into one of the old chairs, as she looked around the little kingdom that she had been able to create.

"Hector!" She called out with a heavy sigh.

"Yes, miss.................?"

"Would you place a call to the school for me please.................?"

"Of course, miss................." Hector dutifully replied. The room going quiet for a brief moment.

"Hi, kid. Is everything ok?" A voice enquired. (Y/n) smiling at the familiar gruff but friendly tone.

"Hi Logan. Yeah..............everything's ok, sort of. I was just hoping to speak to the Professor, is he there...........? I need to ask him a favour."

"He's here, but he's got a class. Is there anything I can do.............?"

" could come and get me. My cover's been blown. I hoped that the professor's offer of a room would still be good. I..........I miss you all." (Y/n) explained. The tears finally breaking through the barrier as she began to sob.

"You sit tight, kid. We'll be with you by tonight." Logan replied, before the call ended. The large feral racing off to find the others. To find the professor. The mutant determined to find out what was going on. Determined to bring his friend home. 

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