Oddity - Part 2 - X-Men x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way down the main street. A lone pickup truck driving slowly past her as she walked towards the hotel. The man in the vehicle eyeing her as she pulled her hood further down over her features. A small smile coming to her lips, as she thought of the oddity of humans. How, just like her they could be split between good and bad. How most, just liked her, tried their best to walk the fine line between the two extremes. That also like her, they would occasionally step foot over the line, performing great deeds of kindness, or wrongdoings, before returning to the middle ground. Only certain ones finding themselves drawn to the extremes, where they could become saints or despots. Tyrants or heroes. All of which (Y/n) had met in her time. All of which had made their impression on her in their own ways. (Y/n) wondering if the man in the truck thought that she could be up to no good. But there again, that would not be the first time that mortals had thought that either.

But she had decided that she quite this "Oddity". The inclement, grey blanket of rainy weather that hung over the settlement, suited her perfectly. (Y/n) knowing that despite the fact that small towns were always more difficult to hide in. That the towns folk had a habit of asking more questions. Would be more intrigued as to the strangers that made their way into their home. She still preferred places like Oddity to the big cities. The hustle and bustle just too much for her. The constant noise and lights making her feel uncomfortable. Making her long for the open road and peace. But at the moment, that didn't matter. At this moment, all she wanted to do was be out of the bitter wind that had suddenly picked up. Out of the rain that had now become much heavier. Not that the inclement elements bothered her any. But it would still be nice to peel the wet clothes from her body. To feel the hot water from a shower, stream over her form. To let her wings loose.

"Afternoon. How can I help you...........miss?" An elderly man asked from behind a counter, as (Y/n) made her way into the reception area of the small hotel. The odour of fresh brewed coffee and the pale haired, bespectacled man's cologne seeming to hang in the ether.

"A room. I would like a room if you have one please." (Y/n) replied, as she pulled the hood slightly back from her face. The man looking over the top of his glasses at her, as she unzipped her drenched coat a little. Seeming to examine her closely. (Y/n) sure that she couldn't blame him, as he tried to work out her reason for being in the small town.

"Its $40 a night." The hotelier finally replied, as he turned to pick out a key. (Y/n) reaching into her pocket to grab a bundle of scrunched up notes.

"It will be just two nights at the moment. Though it could be more, if that's all right." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled out the relevant amount and handed it to the man.

"Don't get many tourists, not in these parts. And especially not at this time a year. You here visiting someone?" The man enquired, as he placed the key into (Y/n)'s frozen hand.

"No. Just passing through. I'll be heading up for Canada and then Alaska when the weather gets a little better." (Y/n) replied. The answer one that she had used on more than one occasion. One that seemed to satisfy the curiosity of most.

"Alaska, huh? Tough place to live. Wild................."

"Yeah. But I'm not scared of a little tough and wild." (Y/n) interrupted. Giving the man a small smile and a respectful nod, before making her way to the room.


(Y/n) quickly closed the door behind her. Dropping her old bag to the floor before peeling off her sodden coat and making her way over to the window so that she could close the curtains. The Nephalem breathing a sigh of relief, as the world outside disappeared from view. (Y/n) finally able to take off the rest of her sodden clothing and unfurl her wings, before dropping onto the bed that was covered by an old comforter that had definitely seen better days.

She couldn't help but look around. The room wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. Better than resting out in the open like she normally did. Better than perching herself on the highest branches of the tallest trees so that no one would see her. And it was only for a couple of days. Two days to scope out the area. To see if there was anything of interest to keep her there longer. To see if there were any of the oddities that the mortals called mutants. And after that she would be on her way. But as she lay there, the soft mattress seeming to envelop her, she couldn't help but get the strangest feeling that as she had told the old man the two days could end up being more. A lot more. A voice in the back of her mind telling her that she had to stay. That there was something important coming. People that would also be making their way to the usually named town, that she had to meet. That there could be someone important enough to make the usual cautious oddity, come out of hiding.

Slowly she sat. Her thoughts suddenly filled with the idea of food. It had been quite some time since she had eaten anything. Some time since she had partaken of the little amount of nourishment that she had with her. It was true that she could have human food is she needed to. That she could have stayed and taken the waitress in the diner up on her offer. Yet that would not sustain her for as long as the ambrosia that she had been carrying with her for so long. The Nephalem only requiring the smallest amount to keep her full for some time. Sure, that in the morning she would be able to find a store where she could buy nectar or at least honey. Though first she would shower. She would clean her ruffled feathers. Remove the grim from her form, and then eat.


The jet filled with X-Men sped their way towards the small town. Charles explaining what their quarry was. How he had been looking for her for so long. Continued to tell them all he could about the special woman that they had come to find. That she was as old as the hills. That her strengths, abilities and "mutations" were much different to any other of their kind. That she had chosen to be alone since the time that she had been banished to the earth. That she distrusted most others. But that now, after all the long, lonely centuries he was sure that they could persuade her that she would finally be able to call somewhere home. Would finally have a family. Or should that be, Kurt would be the one to try and persuade her. Charles having told him, that given his manner, and his ways. Kurt was the best option to meet with her. And even though he had had his reservations, he had to admit that the thought of meeting a heavenly being, did appeal to him.

"You will just have to be a little patient with her. We all will. She hasn't spent any period with others, in a very long time. And she won't like us very much. But eventually she will. Eventually we will make her see that she belongs with us. And I know if anyone can do that, it's you." Charles explained. A smile pulling at the corners of Kurt' lips, as Storm and Hank gave him a reassuring nod. The whole team turning their attention to the outskirts of the town, as Scott landed the blackbird. 

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