Legolas. Katniss. Robin Hood wannabe - Part 2 - Clint x Reader

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(Y/n) drummed her fingers impatiently on her knee, as she, Bucky and Steve got closer to the compound. They had been gone a couple of days longer on the mission than they were supposed to have been. But despite that, things had gone well. And all three of them were coming home without so much as a scratch. Yet during their time away, (Y/n) had found that she had only been able to think about one thing. And that one thing had been the archer. Her mind going back to the night before they had both had to leave on their respective jobs. To how Clint had stood there and seemed to want to tell her something. To the morning that they had left. The archer looking at her like he had never looked at her before. A worried look that had made her stomach drop. A look that had made it impossible for her to really care about anything other than getting back to the compound and seeing him again.

"We nearly there?" (Y/n) asked as she looked out of the window. Her foot now taking to bouncing up and down nervously.

"What's the all fired hurry? You got a date or something?" Bucky chuckled as he looked between (Y/n) and Steve. Steve just shaking his head, quite aware that his old friend was attempting to tease her. The two old soldier, just like everyone else, not blind to the looks that (Y/n) would often give Clint when she didn't think that anyone else was looking. The looks that the archer would give her, when he thought that everyone else was busy.

"No, I don't have a date. I'm just sick of listening to you grumble. You know, Sam's right about you............" (Y/n) replied. Chuckling under her breath as Bucky grumbled yet again. Muttering something to himself about Sam never being right.

"We should be there in a couple of minutes, (Y/n). Best to buckle yourself in............."

"Yes mom." (Y/n) replied. Steve just rolling his eyes at her comment, as she took her seat.


As soon as the back of the plane open, (Y/n) raced out. Running through the corridors to get to the common room. Clint was due to be home days ago, and if there was one place that he would be at this hour of the day, it would be the room where they all congregated. The archer probably kicking back as he cracked open his first beer of the evening. Yet as she got to the door. The expectant, happy smile dropped from her lips, as she saw the others. The concern evident in their eyes as they turned to look at her.

"(Y/n)." Nat said softly, as she slowly got to her feet and made her way over to her friend.

"Hi. What's..........what's going on? Where...........where's Clint?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked around. Her heart dropping into her stomach as the Widow placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Clint isn't here................."

"Oh, is he out............?" (Y/n) remarked. Hoping that that was just all this was. That the others looked worried and concerned for another reason.

"No, (Y/n). Clint hasn't returned from his mission." Nat explained. Her grip on (Y/n)'s shoulder getting a little tighter.

"What? No........he was due to be back days ago. He has to be here. Oh, let me guess, he's put you all up to this. He's gonna jump out at any minute and try and scare me................."

"(Y/n). This isn't one of Barton's stupid pranks. We lost contact with him four days ago. We've tried everything but..........he wasn't at the rendezvous point for his extraction. We have no idea what's happened, or where he is. Even if he's alive or.........." Tony said, as he slowly got to his feet and made his way over to where the two women stood.

"! Clint is always ok. He has to be here. He has to be............."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart..............."

"I er............I think I need a drink................" (Y/n) replied in a stunned whisper, as she made her way over to the bar, grabbing for one of the full bottles and a glass, before dropping herself onto one of the stools.


"Is it helping?" Steve asked, as he took a seat next to (Y/n). The female Avenger not having noticed that it was now just her and the captain in the room.

"Not really. I have no idea how Tony drinks this shit." (Y/n) replied, as she pushed the glass away.

"Want to talk about it...........?" The captain continued. Steve not particularly wanting to push, but not wanting to leave (Y/n) to stew on the possibilities of what could have happened to Clint any further on her own.

"Talk about what.............?"


"Why would I want to talk about Clint? So, he's not back from his mission. It's not like I care. If he was here, he would only be coming out with something stupid. Trying to claim he was better than me at everything............."

"(Y/n)..............." Steve interrupted, as he reached over and took her hand.

"What's happened to him, Steve? Clint always comes back. He's like Teflon, all the bad things that might happen to him just seem to slide right off. What if he's............I don't know what I'll do without him, Steve. I mean, I never even got chance to tell him that.................."

"I know, (Y/n). I'm sure that he will be ok. That he will find a way to get in contact............"

"No. I'm not waiting. I am not leaving any of this to hope or luck. I want to go and find him, Steve. I am going to go to wherever he was, and I am bringing him home." (Y/n) told the captain, as she got to her feet and made her way to the door.

"And I am bringing him home because he is my Legolas, Katniss Everdeen, Robin Hood wannabe. And no one. No one, messes with the man I'm in love with..........." She continued, as she made her way down the corridor. Steve quickly jumping to his feet and following after her. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book TwoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon