Love is blind - Part 5 - Tony x Reader

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(Y/n) sat at the kitchen table. Her eyes closed, as the morning sun flooded the room and bathed her in its warmth. Her mind wandering, as it had done every day since he and the others had gone, to the billionaire. She had liked him, really liked him. And despite what he and the rest of the team had been through, he had still had the most amazing ability to make her smile. To make her feel like she had never felt before............important. Like she was good enough to see herself as something other than a burden to Laura and her brother.

The Avengers had been gone for some time now, and even though Laura had said a few things, she hadn't heard anything from Tony. Before they had left the farmhouse, he had promised that he would see her again. And as much as she wanted to believe him, she had told herself that she had to be a little more real about things. He was a handsome older man. A genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist. And given that, he could have anyone that he wanted, so why would he bother himself with a blind woman that was capable of little more than a glorified circus act.

"(Y/n), honey. have a letter." Laura said softly, as she came into the room. (Y/n) able to tell from the tone of her sister-in-law's voice, that she was as confused as the younger Barton was.

"A letter.........for me.............? Who's it from?" (Y/n) enquired. Listening as Laura took a seat at the table next to her.

"It doesn't say....................."

"Well, you better read it. I can't imagine that its anything important though. It's probably just something saying I've won a million dollars, or a subscription to Readers Digest." (Y/n) sighed, as she placed her elbows on the table, then her chin in her hands. Her eyes closing again, as she allowed her face to once more be bathed by the morning light.

"Oh..................." Laura suddenly said, as she pulled the letter from the envelope.


"I can't read it." Laura replied, as she looked at the piece of paper.

"Why? You blind now, too?" (Y/n) chuckled. Her brows furrowing, as Laura placed the letter in her hand.

"No..........its in braille, silly. Looks like someone wanted only you to read it." Her sister-in-law explained. Smiling as (Y/n) brushed her fingertips over the tiny bumps. The younger Barton jumping to her feet as she felt the name at the bottom of the note.

"(Y/n)? Is everything............"

"Yeah, Laura. Er...........everything is fine. I just.............I'm just gonna go to my room." (Y/n) replied, as she made her way to the stairs. Expertly dodging the toys that already littered the floor.


(Y/n) closed the door firmly behind her. She knew that it was silly. She knew that Laura couldn't read the dots on the page. But she wanted to read this by herself. She wanted to take in every word without the sounds of Laura and children interfering with her thoughts.

Quickly, she made her way over to her bed and dropped onto it. Unfolding the letter and once again allowing her fingertips to lightly ghost over mark.

"Hi, sweetheart. Bet you thought I'd forgotten all about you, huh? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there is no way I could do that. Before I left, I promised that I would see you again, and I meant it. And as Legolas is getting a little too cocky again, I thought that you might like to come to the compound and help me take him down a peg or two. So, I've organised for you to be picked up on the 22nd and brought here. I would love it if you would show the others, your brother what you can really do. So, bring everything. I want the full show.

Hope to see you soon, Little Hawk.

Mister Iron Man Stark...............Tony"

Suddenly (Y/n) let out an excited high-pitched squeal. Dropping onto her back and laughing loudly. It wasn't that she didn't love the farmhouse. That she didn't love Laura, Cooper, Lila and the little one that was still to be born. But this was her chance. A chance to prove that she could do more, that she could be more than a live in babysitter.

"(Y/n)!? Is everything alright...........?" Laura enquired worriedly, as she pushed her way into the room. Her brows furrowing in confusion as her husband's sister jumped from the bed and made her way over to her. A large smile spreading from ear to ear.

"No Laura. Everything is not alright...........Everything is wonderful." (Y/n) replied, as she made her way to the wardrobe and pulled out some bags.


"I have been invited by Mister Stark to go to the Avenger's compound. He is sending someone to pick me up on the 22nd. So, I have some packing to do." (Y/n) replied, as she pushed some clothes into one of the bags.


"We're nearly there, Miss Barton." A voice said from the front seat of the car.

"Thanks, Happy." (Y/n) replied cheerily. Sure, from his tone, that Tony's head of security was smiling at her through the rear-view mirror. The younger Barton turning her gaze back to the world that she could only imagine was passing by outside the window.

She couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she recalled Laura's shock, as she had followed her to the old barn. As she had seen her sister-in-law's little collection. (Y/n) doing her best to explain as she had placed her best weapons in a bag and her best bow in its case.

She had to admit that she had been a little worried about trying to get her collection all the way from Iowa to upstate New York, especially if she was going to have to go on a regular flight. But she realised that she should have known better. The younger Barton more at ease, as Happy, her escort, had informed her that Tony had it all in hand. That a private jet was waiting for her at the local airport. (Y/n) kissing a still shocked Laura and the kids goodbye, before she allowed the man to lead her to a car. The head of security with her every step of the way. Helping as best he could, if she needed it.

Now she was nearly there. Now she would soon get to see Tony again. To see the others and her brother again. The excitement of it all building up inside her until she thought that she was about to pop. She knew that if Clint didn't know about all this, he probably wouldn't be very happy. But sometimes (Y/n) couldn't help but think that her brother was never happy about anything that she did. So, what the hell. This was her life, not Clint's. And she finally wanted to do something with it. So, even if this went nowhere. Even if nothing more happened between her and Tony, she would at least remember this for the rest of her life.

"Here." Happy stated, as he drew the car to a stop. The big man getting out of the vehicle and opening her door. Taking her hand and helping her into the fresh air. A large smile coming to her lips as she heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, sweetheart...................."  

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