I'm fine - Part 3 - Loki x Reader

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Loki paced the room. How could he have let this happen? How had he fallen, and fallen so hard? In the past, he had been able to get what he wanted from lovers and then dismiss them when he was done with them. The God of Mischief not caring what the other person might be thinking or feeling as he turned his back on them. Not giving a damn if he had hurt anyone. And once it became obvious that (Y/n) was getting too close. That she had real feelings for him, then Loki had done what he had always done, he had pushed her away. He had told her that he didn't care, and never had done. That he had only told her those things to get what he wanted, and now he didn't want her anymore. That he was bored of her and wished for something else. Yet this time, for the first time, as the words left his lips, he had wanted to instantly take them back. He had..........he had actually wanted to apologise. To tell her that he hadn't meant it. But as each hateful syllable left his lips, he had dug himself a deeper and deeper hole. Until it got to the point that there had been no way out. The look on (Y/n)'s face telling him that even if he had been able to backtrack, his words would have fallen on deaf ears. The Avenger doing nothing but slowly nod her head, before turning and leaving his room, never to return. Loki lowering himself onto the sofa behind him. His head dropping into his hands, as he realised what this all meant. That he had pushed the one person away, that was really able to deal with him. That accepted all his glaring faults, and still stood by his side. That had always been there when he had needed someone. The god finally seeing that he didn't just have feelings for the beautiful Midgardian. He had actually............he had actually fallen in love with her.

He had tried to go and speak with her on a number of occasions. To explain he hadn't meant anything that he had said that night. That he was a fool. To admit that he had never thought that he would find real love with anyone, never mind a Midgardian. And he had had no idea how to deal with what he felt for her. But each time he had gone to find her, he had been informed by the insufferable boy scout, or the smug billionaire, that she was off on another mission. Word of her return to the compound only coming as the annoying AI had announced that Banner was needed on the helipad. That (Y/n) was yet again in need of treatment. Thor later telling him of the injuries that she had received this time. Of the dire states in which she had come home. Loki often finding himself in front of the medical room door. His hand trembling as it rested delicately on the handle. Often finding himself stood in front of her room door. His hand raised to knock, only to find that his usual bravado and confidence would leave him. The God of Mischief turning and returning to his own rooms. Chastising himself for his cowardice in the face of love.

But this time, this time he knew he had to do something. He would have to find a way of seeing her. Of getting past the rather large, idiotic guard dogs that inevitably would take it upon themselves to watch over her, until she confessed what had caused the change in her. Until she told them that he was he that had sent her down this path of self-destruction. Loki hoping that he could do something to help heal the hurt that he had caused. That he could apologise and tell her how much he loved her, before the Hulk smashed him into the concrete again. Or, his brother put that stupid hammer of his on his chest, and refused to move it. Though he did have a sinking feeling that that was all going to be harder than it sounded. Especially if the woman that he really and truly loved, didn't pull through. Loki taking a deep breath, before making his way to the door, determined to see how (Y/n) really was.


"How is she?" Clint asked, as he, Nat and Thor made their way into the medical room. Bruce just finishing up, pushing the needle into Sam's vein.

"She's not doing well. But after Bruce gets some of Sam's blood into her, hopefully she'll improve. Though I hate to admit that I'm not holding my breath." Tony replied, as he let Bruce get on with what he needed to do to take care of his patient. Nat making her way over to the bed and taking (Y/n)'s limp hand in hers.

"What happened this time? How did she end up like this?" Nat asked, as she brushed some hair from the cold skin of her friend's face.

"What do you think happened? She's been allowing herself to be used for target practice again. Well not anymore. If she comes through this, she's not allowed to leave this compound until she tells someone what the hell is going on. She won't be going on another mission until she can work through whatever has caused this. Because I don't know about you, but I don't want to see her die. I want the old (Y/n) back." Tony told the widow. The billionaire knowing that he shouldn't be angry at Natasha, that he shouldn't be angry at (Y/n). Yet the frustration of her not wanting to open up. Not wanting to tell him or one of the others what had was going on, had come to a head. Tony for the first time in a while, feeling as though he needed a very large, very stiff drink. The billionaire finding a heavy hand rest reassuringly on his shoulder, as Steve moved up behind him. As Clint stood next to Natasha's side. No one noticing, but Thor, that stood at the doorway to the room, watching the goings on, was his brother. The God of Thunder quietly slipping from the room and closing the door behind him. The two gods stood face to face, as Thor determined to find out why Loki had even bothered leaving the common room. Had left his one man game of chess.  

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