No fun - Part 23 - Tony x Reader

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My apologies for lack of updates, I have been in hospital for surgery and only got home yesterday. But, now that I am home, I hope to be able to get back to writing as I recuperate. For CorinnaAdkins

"Peter................" Tony suddenly said, as he got to his feet. The two youngsters reluctantly letting one another go.

"Could you leave us for a minute........I'd like to talk to (Y/n) alone." The billionaire added. Peter looking between the father and daughter.

"Its ok, Pete. Why don't you wait in the corridor? I'm sure that Logan is still out there. But he probably won't talk to you much, though if you're lucky you might get a grunt. And I would suggest that you don't say anything weird about me..........he can be a little protective and you really don't want to deal with his claws............." (Y/n) said, before kissing Peter on the nose, and pushing him in the direction of the door. Peter's mind to filled with the thought that the girl that he cared so much for, felt the same way he did, to think about anything else. Yet as he made his way out of the room and caught sight of the big man leaning against the wall, a rather stern look on his face, the words 'you really don't want to deal with his claws...........' made him wish that he had just jumped out of the window instead.


" and Peter, huh..........." Tony said, as the door closed. (Y/n) looking between her father and the heavy, wooden ingress.

"Well, just cos I said I cared about him, doesn't mean that he feels the same............After all, I doubt that he would want to do anything to disappoint you. He still thinks that you can walk on water..........." (Y/n) replied, as she took a seat on the corner of the desk.

"I may be getting a little old, but I still remember the look that a guy gets when he's in love with a girl, and that kid has it bad.............." Tony interrupted. A smile pulling at his lips, as his daughter continued to look at the large wooden door.

"And the only one that he thinks walks on water, is you.............." The billionaire continued, as he reached out his hand, desperately hoping that his daughter would take it.

"I think that we need to talk, (Y/n). Just you and me. Father and daughter............."

"You're only saying that because Steve probably told you not to come back to the compound if I wasn't with you..............."

"How did you......................?"

"Because I know Steve. I swear that sometimes its like you two are an old married couple and he's my mom. Its just the kind of thing that he would say. I wouldn't be surprised if Bucky was right there with him giving you one of his looks................" (Y/n) said. Allowing herself to chuckle as she saw the look on her father's face.

"He was, so was Barton........and even Lang was giving me the stink eye. But I'm not here because of them, nor because Rogers told me that I couldn't return to my own compound. I'm here for you...........for us.............." Tony replied, still offering his hand. A broad smile spreading across his face as his child finally relented and placed her hand in his. Allowing her father to take her over to the large leather sofa that sat up against the wall.

"You know..........." Tony began, as his thoughts went back to all the things that he wanted to tell his daughter.

"Your grandfather would have been proud of are everything that he hoped that I would be. He didn't want me to turn out like him, but I became his worst nightmare, an exact carbon copy of him. And........well, I did to you, what he did to me, I sent you away. I should never have done that. But perhaps that is why I have not been the father that I should have been. Why I did send you away..........I was.........jealous. In you, I see all my imperfections, because you have none of them. I see my failings, hear my father's voice in my ear telling me how bad I am doing; how I should be more like you." The billionaire continued, as his grip on his daughter's hands. (Y/n) just sitting at his side and allowing him to continue.

"Most things I have achieved, I have achieved because of the money, the Stark name; but you, you have done all you have without any of it. You have become the Iron Knight because of what you did in that little workshop. Because you worked hard and did what you had to do. Because you took your time to come to places like this and listened to people. Incorporated their abilities into your technology, and have become something that I have never felt I was...........a true Stark. Your grandfather's greatest legacy.............." Tony continued, as he let go of (Y/n)'s hands and got to his feet. The billionaire pacing the wooden floorboards. His heart beating fast, his mouth drying as he walked to and frow in the well-appointed room. Hoping that when he had finished what he had to say, he might be able to start to fix his relationship with his child, before all she had left of him, was a short film to tell her how he had truly felt.

"You are amazing, (Y/n). And I............I am a fool, sweetheart. A jealous idiot. I pushed you away because of what and who you are. I took Peter under my wing because I felt like you didn't need me. That you would be so much better off without this giant screwup in your life. But I realised, when you left, that you might not need me, but I need you. You are truly my greatest creation. The best thing that I ever did; that I ever will do. That you are the one that will really be able to carry on the legacy that Howard Stark left. I am truly proud of you, and don't blame you for doing what you did. Don't blame you for turning your back on me. But I do need you, (Y/n). I need you to come home. Not because of Rogers or the others, but because you are the only thing that truly matters to me. The only one that has always been there, that has never failed me. And I want to make everything up to you. I want you to show me how to be a better be the father I should always have been. The father that you need................." Tony added, as he finally stopped pacing and turned to look at his daughter. 

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