No fun - Part 22 - Tony x Peter x Reader

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The three sat there for a few moments, none of them knowing quite where to start. Tony looking over to the door, a comment slipping from his lips before he could stop it.

"You seem close.................." The billionaire finally remarked. His word cutting the heavy atmosphere. Though not making anything better.


"With the big guy. You seem close..............."

"What do you mean by that, dad..............?"

"Nothing. I........................"

"Look, if you have just come here to insult my taste in friends, we can stop this now and you can leave. All this was the professor's idea anyway. Logan is a good and decent man. He, along with the professor, Hank, Scott, Storm and the others have always been there for me, for as long as I have known them. Logan in particular, and despite his supposed gruff nature, has taken me under his wing. And when I couldn't look to Steve, Clint, Scott or the others, for one reason or another, I could always turn to Logan.................."

"You could always have come to me............." Tony interrupted. The heady mixture of emotions that he had been doing his best to control with booze, finally bubbling to the surface at the notion of yet another man being there for her. For taking on his roll because he had been so damn bad at it.

"Could have come to could never come to you. All my life I have loved you; despite everything, I have always loved you. When I was younger, you were everything to me. I saw you as my prince charming, my knight in shining armour. I even wanted to marry you when I was little. And then, as I grew, I came to realise, as you left me with one nanny or another. As you shipped me off to one school or another, that I was the last thing in this world that you loved. The last thing that you cared about. Your work, your flings and one-night stands. The long procession of women that found their way into your bed, far more important to you than the child of a dead woman that you had probably long since forgotten about. But, despite that, despite all my tears and heartache; despite always feeling abandoned and never good enough........... I still love you." (Y/n) interrupted. Tears steadily trickling down her cheeks, as she spoke. Both Tony and Peter listening in stunned silence as she continued.

"What little time I did get to spend with you, were some of the best times of my life. They inspired to be like you. To do all I could to be a Stark; to prove to you that I was good enough to bear the name. But no matter what I did, I always seemed to fall short. That I was, and would always be, a disappointment. And the time we spent together, you only put yourself through because you felt obligated to be there, because you were never there when I wanted you.........when I needed you, were you? When I graduated MIT at the same age you did, instead of having my father there beaming with pride, I saw Happy. The poor man having to explain to me that you couldn't be there, because you were currently in the south of France with some woman called "Sapphire". But still............still I couldn't hate you. I still couldn't do anything but love you. That was why I joined you in the company. That was why I was there when you admitted to being Iron Man. When you became part of the Avengers. And that was why I stayed. But then, I began to realise that there was more to life. That I deserved more than what you were giving me. That not all relationships between father and daughter were like ours. I found the support and care that I needed in the likes of Steve and then Bucky. I found the fatherly love that I had so long for, from Clint and then Scott. From men like Charles and Logan. Because when I thought that there might just be a chance that we could get closer, you found Peter. The only child that you ever really wanted............................" The younger Stark continued, as she slowly got to her feet. (Y/n) now struggling to see because of the tears that filled her eyes. The skin of her cheeks, her neck and chest now all wet.

She had promised herself that she wouldn't cry. That she would be strong. Cold. That despite assuring the professor that she would listen to whatever her father had to say, her true intention had been to try and hurt her father. To hurt him with her words. To make him come face to face with his neglect. Yet as she looked at him, she could once again see her daddy; the daddy that had been her prince charming. The father that she had seen as the only man that could chase away dragons or the monster that lived under her bed. And now the tears refused to stop.

"I no longer care if you see me as a disappointment. I don't care if you think that I am not as good as you. That what I was able to achieve in my little workshop, was nothing compared to what you would have done. For now, I am the Iron Knight. I am a Stark. And whether you like it or not, I am not just going to hide in the shadows any longer. I am not going to come in second best to your work, your women, or even Peter. I am going to be what I have always been, Howard Stark's granddaughter, and will carry his name with pride." (Y/n) added, as she moved aways from the chair, and made her way around the table; stopping as she got to Peter. The young man only able to look up at her in shock and awe, as she pushed the tears from her eyes with the palms of her hands.

"And as for you................Peter Benjamin Parker..........I don't hate you for being the child that my father really wanted. I don't think that you have taken my place in my father's heart, because I never had a place to begin with, though you do have a place in mine. I love you, Peter Parker. I have done for some time. And no matter what happens from here, nothing will ever change that........." The young Stark smiled. Suddenly finding herself engulfed in a pair as strong arms, as Peter got to his feet and held her close. 

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