Immortal - Part 2 - Nick x Reader

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"Immortal...........? Really? Young man, I don't know who you are, or why you are really here, but at your age, you should know that there is no such thing as an immortal; maybe in fantasy films or books, but in the real world, no one lives forever. Oh, and I haven't been thirty for many, many years; my appearance is due to good genetics and nothing more. Now, I think that it is about time that you left. As I said, I have things to do......................." (Y/n) said, as she crossed her arms and looked at the bald man with a black patch over one of his eyes. A smile pulling at just the very corners of his lips as he produced a file, and slowly pulled out the pictures that were held within it.

"This is a photograph of a nurse from the Civil War, as she cared for a Union soldier that had just had his leg amputated. This one is a photo of Tombstone, the woman in the picture was described as a gunslinger that knew the Earps and Doc Holliday. This is a mugshot of a woman that was part of the Suffragette movement in England. Apparently, she had chained herself to the railings outside Westminster. And this........this is a copy of a painting, held in a private collection, of a lady that lived during the reign of Henry the eighth. These aren't the only examples that I have. You see, I do my research. And if you notice, there is one thing that they all have in common............." Nick said, as he pushed forward the pictures. (Y/n) not needing to look at any of them to know who was pictured. Not needing to see a copy of the painting, to remember having sat for it. But choosing to call his bluff, as she reached out and picked up the pictures, looking at them for a moment before throwing them back on the table.

"There is a similarity in the features of the women, but that doesn't mean anything................."

"Yes, but all those similarities bare a striking resemblance to you, do they not............?"

"Oh please, there are examples of people looking like those from the past, everywhere. You really think that a couple of old, blurry photos and a painting prove that I am immortal? That I have wandered the world for centuries................."

"I wasn't thinking centuries, no, Miss (Y/n). I was thinking more like millennia. Many millennia. I think that you have been wandering this planet for a very long time. That you have found yourself at some of the most important points in our histories. That you have met some of the most famous people; and I for one would really like to talk to you about all that. About what it is you can really do, and what you have learned." Nick interrupted, as he leant back in his chair; watching as the woman in front of him took a seat. Her fingers ghosting over the shotgun that was just in front of her.

"It must be a very lonely life. How many people have you loved and had to watch die........? How many friends, acquaintances have you had to leave when it started to become obvious that you really weren't aging. How long have you been on your own..............?" The director pushed. Nick finding his usually calm heart beat a little quicker, as she looked up at him. Tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. It obvious that he had touched a sore spot.

"You know..........I can stand being alone. I have no problem with enjoying my own company. With not seeing another living soul for months, years on end. But...........but being lonely.........that is a very different thing. I suppose you want to know how it started, how I came to be what I am..........." (Y/n) sighed, as she got to her feet and made her way over to the refrigerator, pulling out a jug of homemade sweet tea. Pouring two glasses and placing one in front of Nick before she retook her seat.

"I think that it would be a good place to start..........." Nick agreed with a nod, as he picked up his glass and took a drink.

" started with a meteor that hit the earth. Of course, I didn't know what it was at the time; but me being the inquisitive thing that I am, I just had to touch it. I remember it as if it were yesterday, even though it would be classed as prehistory to everyone now. When I touched it, it was as if something from the meteor surrounded me. As if something from inside it filled me, embraced me. As if it became a part of me; and then.........then I was thrown backwards. The world just turning black. I woke after a couple of days, and there didn't seem to be any aftereffects. In fact, I even forgot about the whole thing, the daily issues of trying to survive in a hostile environment, taking precedence. But then, then I noticed that people, people I knew, I cared for, were naturally getting older and then dying. Those that had been younger than me, grew old and died. Yet I............I stayed the same. I didn't age, didn't die. And in the end, even those that I thought so much of, chased me away; claiming that I was cursed or some such thing. And the longer that I live, the more I think that they are right. I have seen empires rise and fall. Watched the pyramids of the Giza Plateau grow from nothing to the wonder that they still are today. I was there when Alexander conquered half the known world. I was there when Caesar landed on the shores of Britannia for the first time. When the colosseum opened. I was there when Troy fell to the Greeks. When the Northmen found the new world. I have seen war and death in all of its shapes. Walked battlefields in hopes that I would find those that I called friend, still alive. I have watched everyone........everyone that I ever cared for, ever loved, die. And to answer your question, I have been alone for a very long time, because I cannot stand to the thought that I will have to lose anyone else. So, now you know. Now you have your answer. I am immortal. I will live until the end of days. I cannot die, cannot be killed; cannot be hurt or harmed." (Y/n) explained, as she leant back in the chair. Watching the man dressed all in black, just stare at her.

"So.......... what else is there, what do you intend to do with this information, Mister Fury?" The immortal added. Nick reaching over and picking up the pictures, before putting them back into the file.

"Well, if you would be interested, I might know a place, know somewhere that you won't have to feel like you are on your own. Somewhere that you won't have to pretend that you aren't you, anymore. Somewhere that all that you have seen and know can be used to help others." Nick replied, as he looked up at her. (Y/n) mussing for a moment, before looking at him.

"I'm listening.................." 

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