What's she up to - Part 1 - Peter x Reader

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This is a request, and I am sorry that I can't find the name of the person that made it. If it was you, please let me know.  I am starting with Peter here but will be bringing in the other Avengers and someone a little different. I hope you enjoy.

(Y/n) sneaked back into the compound. Her eyes scanning the darkened corridors for any movement. For any hint that her father had left the labs, or one of the others had ventured from their bed at this late, or should that be, very early hour.

This was not an unusual event now. For months she had been sneaking out and then sneaking back. For months, she had been doing things that she knew that her father, and probably everyone else, would disapprove of. But she didn't care. Life was now fun. It was filled with danger. Filled with excitement. And she wasn't about to give all that up.

"Miss Stark." F.R.I.D.A.Y suddenly said. (Y/n) spinning around, as she heard the voice of the AI. Her hand placed firmly over her heart, as it nearly jumped out of her chest.

"Jeez F.R.I.D.A.Y. Will you not do that. You nearly scared me to death. And keep it down will you. I don't want everyone waking up. Remember, this is one of those just between me and you situations. Okay?" (Y/n) hissed. Bringing her finger up to her lip and hushing her fathers AI. F.R.I.D.A.Y responding with silence. (Y/n) smiling softly, before she turned and made her way to her room. The young Stark breathing a sigh of relief, as the door finally closed behind her. Grateful that once again she hadn't been caught. That her secret life hadn't been discovered, and that she didn't have to answer the hundred and one questions that would inevitably be asked if she was found out.

It wasn't that she was ashamed of what she was doing. Far from it. It was just that keeping the whole thing secret, made it more fun. That, and she knew that her father and Steve would still disapprove her of activities, even if she was actually helping others. And she couldn't go through not only the 'dad talk', but also the 'cap talk'. (Y/n) often feeling as though disappointing the captain was worse than disappointing her father.

Quickly, she moved from the door and made her way to the corner of the room. (Y/n) pulling up the carpet, so that she could get to the floorboards beneath. The wooden boards removed to reveal a small safe. Her fingers making quick work of the old-fashioned dial. A small smile coming to her lips as the door clicked, and she pulled it open.

"Another good evening's work." (Y/n) chuckled, as she pulled the large bundle of bills from her pocket and dropped them into the safe. The money joining an already large stash that sat in the box. The young Stark knowing that she wasn't doing any of this for the money. But she wasn't about to turn down the 50/50 split that her partner had agreed to.

"(Y/n)?" A voice suddenly came. The young woman nearly jumping out of her skin for the second time that night. Her brows furrowing in annoyance as she turned and saw Peter standing in her doorway. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"What the hell, Parker? How long have you been there.............?" (Y/n) began, as she quickly got to her feet and did her best to distract her father's prodigy from what she was doing.

"(Y/n), what's going on? Where have you been? What was all that money.............?"

"Firstly, Parker. Its none of your business. Secondly, its none of your business. And thirdly, guess what, its none of your damn business. And what part of 'Stay out! Positively no exceptions! Yes, this means you!', don't you understand?" (Y/n) retorted, as she pointed at the sign that she had placed on her doorway some time ago. Everyone else seeming to be able to abide by her wishes. Everyone that is except for the young man.

"I........I just wanted to make sure that you were ok. I was up getting some water and I heard............."

"I'm fine, Parker. Nothing is going on. Nothing that has anything to do with you anyway. So, why don't you trot off back to bed." (Y/n) interrupted, as she moved over to where Peter stood. Gesturing for him to leave.

"Oh, and Parker. Don't say anything about this to my father or any of the others. This has nothing to do with them either." She added, as she pushed him the rest of the way out of her room and then slammed the door behind him. Peter standing there for a few moments, not sure of what to make of the situation, before he turned and made his way back down the hall.


"What's she up to?" Peter asked himself, as he dropped onto his bed. Numerous possibilities. Numerous answers to his own question filling his mind. Most of which seemed a little silly, or completely farfetched. Though that said, it was true that (Y/n) had become more secretive recently. That she would sleep until late, and then make excuses why she would have to go back to her room after the team had all had their dinner. Make excuses to not do other things. But what was going on with her, and why she would say something like "Another good evening's work" as she pushed a large amount of money under her floorboards, was beyond him. And he had to admit, it was slightly worrying. He liked (Y/n). He really liked (Y/n). She was smart, funny and beautiful. The only other one in the compound that was close to his age. And normally, they got on well. The two often spending hours in the labs together. Tinkering with one thing or another. Laughing and joking as they would listen to music and, Peter thought, enjoyed one another's company. But now that had all ended. The young Stark seemingly more involved with whatever the money and comment that she had made, had to do with.

Turning to his side, he looked at the picture of himself and (Y/n) that had been taken at one of her father's parties. The two of them smiling broadly, as their arms were placed around each other's shoulders. Peter determining to find out what his friend was up to. What had changed her. And despite her warnings, if it meant talking to one of the others, then that was what he would do. 

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