Daughter of Hydra - Part 2 - Avengers x Reader

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"They're here." A deep, gravelly, heavily accented voice called out, as a tall man with salt and pepper hair and a designer suit, made his way into the room. The man moving to the window and watching as the private plane came to rest on the runway in the near distance.

"Of course, they are here. I wouldn't expect all this fuss for anyone else, Otto. You have royalty, movie stars, politicians and every tin pot dictator calling on you. Yet I have never seen your man move as quickly as they are for the arrival of the great Avengers. It is pathetic really. A bunch of people that go around wearing Halloween costumes, and everyone loses their minds at the thought of meeting them." A woman replied coldly, as she looked at the reflection of the billionaire in the large mirror which sat in front of her.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea....................?"

"If I didn't think that it was a good idea, I wouldn't have allowed you to invite them, Otto. I would not be allowing Fury to think that he had been clever by managing to get the team here. Or to allow you to let them stay in this rather palatial home of yours, that Hydra have been so nice as to place you in. You see, it is one thing learning about your enemy from files and computer generated images. From these things, I know more about the Avengers than they probably know about themselves, about each other. But there is nothing like meeting the enemy face to face. Being able to look into his eyes. Allowing him to look into yours. Once I have done that, I will finally know what I have to defeat. Who I have to bring to their knees, so that Hydra can stand tall. That is the whole reason that this gala was organised, so that I can meet the foe. So that I can learn how to defeat them." The woman interrupted, as she turned to look at Otto. Slowly rising from her seat and going to join him at the window.

"You aren't going to do anything here..................?"

"How stupid are you really, Otto? How did you ever become a self-made billionaire...........? Oh yes, that's right, because Hydra have been propping you up for years. Hiding your little business mistakes and cons. You should really remember that you are only here because of the powerful friends that you have. If it wasn't for them, we would have let you die in whatever gutter it was that you originally crawled out of. I am not here to do anything to any of the Avengers. I am here to enjoy the parties in the bay. To enjoy the race. I am here to enjoy the weather and a few glasses of the best champagne. I am here to let the Avengers see me. To let them see the face of their new enemy. To show Captain America, that I am greater than the sum of my father's parts. So, why don't you trot off like the dutiful little hound that you are and go and meet our guests. I think that it would be nice for the host to meet these most special of guests, personally. I will greet them when you have brought them here. And make sure that you tell your men to strip that plane of Starks when it is moved into the hangar. If they have brought their weapons with them, they are likely to try and hide them behind the panels." The woman continued. A small smile, pulling at the corners of her lips, as Otto nodded and made his way back to the door.

"Oh, and Otto. One last thing................"

"Yes, (Y/n)....................?" Otto replied. The older man suddenly grabbing at his chest, as the Daughter of Hydra turned her gaze to him. His heart feeling as thought it were being gripped in a vice.

"You even think about betraying Hydra; betraying me by saying anything to any of the Avengers while they are here. I promise that it will be the last thing that you ever do. Do you understand me...............?" (Y/n) enquired. Otto weakly nodding his head, as his heart began to beat normally again. The billionaire wiping the sweat that had come to his brow, before quickly exiting the room. Leaving the Daughter of Hydra, to turn her gaze back out over the scene beyond the window. To contemplate what she would soon meet.


The Avengers readied themselves, as the private jet pulled up to a stop on the little runway. Normally, they would have been studying files, talking about tactics. But as there were no files or information to study, other than what little Fury had been able to tell them about this (Y/n). As they were unsure as to what they would come face to face with, they had really had nothing to do. The flight on the whole would have been pretty boring unless Tony hadn't decided to break out a case of Dom Perignon. The others indulging in the free flowing alcohol to break up the monotony of watching clouds pass by the windows. The only ones shaking their heads as they were offered the flutes of sparkling wine, being Steve and Bucky. The two old soldiers lost in their own thoughts. The captain remembering his failed mission. Remembering being brought before Red Skull. Remembering how the head of Hydra had punched him twice in the face, before taking him to his knees with a punch to the gut. Only for Steve to quickly recover and tell the irate Schmidt, that he could 'do this all day'. He could recall the sounds of the zip lines hitting the outside of the base, and the Howling Commandos, led by Dum Dum Dugan, beginning a second attack. The fight between the two men eventually ending on the Valkyrie, as Red Skull had grabbed the Tesseract. The former Nazi screaming out in rage and agony as the flesh on his hand burned up. The space stone housed in the crystalline cube, transporting Schmidt away.

Bucky on the other hand could only think of all the things that he could recall during his time in the hands of the terrorist organisation. Of all the deaths that he had caused as the Winter Soldier. All the pain that he had caused others, while he was Hydra's killer puppet. The old soldier fearing that if this daughter of Schmidt. This..........this Daughter of Hydra, could rally the organisation behind her, then what he had gone through, could happen to others. That other poor souls might be used to help the organisation meet their nefarious ends. The sergeant determining that he could not let that happen. That if they could not bring this (Y/n) over and persuade her that no matter what she had been taught, what she had been told all her life, that it was Hydra that were the evil ones. Then he would be the one to, as Fury had put it, eliminate her.

"Okay, boy and girl. Looks like we have a welcoming committee. So, lots of smiles and best behaviour." Tony said, as he looked out of the window, and saw an older, well-dressed man climb out of a large limousine and make his way over to the plane. The man smiling broadly, as the door of the jet was opened, and the Avengers stepped foot onto the tarmac. 

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