What's she up to - Part 6 - Wade x Tony x Steve x Reader

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Credit to the picture creator. 

"Don't you think that you should let him up first?" Steve asked before (Y/n) could begin to explain about the lycra clad buffoon, as he looked at the squirming Wade, who was currently being force fed the seat cushions.

"What...........? Oh no, he's fine. He's just faking it for sympathy. He's probably hoping that you'll come to his rescue and sweep him up into your arms. Believe it or not, you can't kill him. I know, I've tried." (Y/n) replied, as she pushed Wade's head a little further down. The younger Stark rolling her eyes, as she saw Cap give her one of those looks.

"Fine! But don't say that I didn't warn you. And I would suggest that if he brings out his unicorn, you don't touch it. I unfortunately know where that thing has been. And even more unfortunately, I know what he does with it." (Y/n) continued, as she relented, and finally let the gasping Deadpool up.

"Why can't you be more like your mom, (Y/n)? He's nice.............." Wade said, as he finally stopped pretending to be dying, and gave Steve a little wave.

"See..........I told you. And Steve is not my mom............though sometimes I wonder............." (Y/n) retorted. The last part said under her breath.

"Have you two quite finished........?" Tony interrupted harshly. Both (Y/n) and Wade sitting up straighter at the sound of the billionaire's bark.

"Ooooooo, he's soooooooooo commanding......Your dad is so hot..........."

"Shut up Wade.................."

"Explain, (Y/n)....................!"

"It's a long story, dad..............."

"Well, I don't have anywhere else to be, so................"

"Okay, well, I met him by accident. One of those strange little quirks of fate you might say. I was on my way back to the compound and I got stuck in all that chaos on the freeway last year. Chaos that was caused by this idiot and a bunch of bigger idiots that he was having a slight disagreement with. And what with me being a Stark, I couldn't keep my nose out of trouble. That, and I know that Cap wouldn't have wanted me to let innocent people get hurt..........So, when braindead here came skipping along looking like he was having fun. I felt the terrible need to join in, and well...........I had my suit with me, soooooooooo..........."

"Oh yeah, she's definitely your daughter........" Steve suddenly commented. Tony turning to glare at him.

"Keep out of this Rogers, you influence her too much................"

"Are your parents gonna fight? You guys know that you shouldn't fight in front of the kids, right.............."

"SHUT UP!" Tony and Steve shouted in unison. Both of them turning to look at Wade.

"So, you're telling me that you're a mercenary with this........guy, and that was where the money came from that Peter saw you with........you haven't got one of those site things............"

"Aren't you listening Rogers, (Y/n) already told you no. I'm more concerned that she might be dating this........this joke........." Tony interrupted. Steve suddenly thinking about it and turning to look at the younger Stark.

"You aren't................?"

"Yep, handsome. Everyday and in every way possible." Wade replied before (Y/n) could get out a word. Placing his arm around her shoulder.

"I swear to god, Wilson. If you don't stop digging, I am going to take great delight in breaking every bone in your body. No......... I am not doing anything with Wade. I wouldn't. Call me shallow, but the last avocado in the fridge look, is not what I go for in a man. That, and I can only spend so long with him before I want to hang him upside down by his testicles. I would hate to think about what things would be like if I was actually sleeping with him..........."

"We could always find out................" Wade grinned. Jumping up and hiding behind the sofa, as (Y/n) gave him one of her threatening looks.

"Great. Then you can stop all this and get him out of here............." Tony interrupted. Drawing his daughters murderous gaze from the lycra clad clown.

"What? No!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as she jumped to her feet.

"I beg your pardon, young lady.....................?"

"I said no, dad. And "young lady"? If you haven't noticed, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a big girl now.............."

"I've noticed................"

"Will you shut up Wilson? I am trying to say something..........." (Y/n) huffed, as she turned and glared at her partner once again. Wade holding up his hands in surrender, before shrinking back behind the sofa. (Y/n) turning back to look at her father and Steve.

"I know that you only want the best for me, both of you.......all of you.......but like I said, I'm a big girl now........shut up Wade..........and I can make my own decisions about my life and what I want to do with it. I know that its nothing like being an Avenger, but we do, in our own weird way, help.........sort of. I enjoy what I do. And believe it or not, I enjoy doing it with him.........shut up Wade. Because despite the fact that he is completely infuriating. Despite the fact that he is out of his tiny mind and talks to people that aren't there, and about people I don't even think exist. Despite the fact that he can be completely disgusting. He comes out with language that would make even a sailor blush and Cap faint. He has a face that not even a mother could love, and every other thing that comes out of his mouth is some unsubtle sexual innuendo about me playing with his sausage. I..........I like him. He's my partner.........my..........friend for want of a better word. And I want to keep him around. God help me, I care about him. So, I'm not going to stop what I'm doing. I'm not going to stop doing it with him..........don't say a word Wilson.........and he is going to be staying here until its safe for him to go home. And if neither of you like that, well............. it's tough." (Y/n) retorted. Huffing slightly at the two men in front of her, before making her way around to the back of the sofa, grabbing Wade by the ear and pulling him from the room.

"My room, now Wilson.................."    

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