Failure to communicate - Part 4 - Phil x Reader

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(Y/n) linked her arm with Phil's, as they made their way through the airport and up to their check in desk. The younger agent snuggling into his side, as the pair were greeted by the older woman that sat at the desk.

"Newlyweds? Oh, isn't that sweet. And first class to Rome for a honeymoon. How romantic. Don't you make a lovely looking couple too." The older woman cooed, as she looked between the happy couple and their paperwork. Phil putting the bags on the conveyer, as the woman finished checking them in.

"Have a wonderful time. And congratulations." The woman continued, as she handed Phil the boarding passes. The two agents nodding and smiling, before heading for security.

"Well, she seemed to think we looked good together. Perhaps it wasn't a bad decision to marry you after all, Phil." (Y/n) chuckled. More and more liking the sound of saying that she was married to him. The words seeming to trip off her tongue quite easily.

"When we have finished the mission, then you can allow yourself to think that you are the world's best actress. Until then, don't start celebrating, agent (Y/l/n)." Phil replied. (Y/n) pulling him to a stop and taking her boarding pass and passport from his hand.

"That's it, Phillip. You are spending the first night of our honeymoon on the sofa. And every other night too, if you keep up that tone." (Y/n) informed him. Sticking her tongue out, before turning and making her way to security by herself. Phil watching the sway of her hips in the short floaty dress as she went. Getting lost in the hypnotic movement for a moment, before shaking his thoughts from his mind and chasing after her. (Y/n) smiling to herself, as she felt Phil place his arm around her waist.

"If we are going to pull this off, Phil. You are going to have to learn what it is to be romantic. And how to not insult the woman that you're supposed to have just married. We are meant to be in love. So, just pretend that I'm actually someone you like, and suck it up until this is over. I mean if I can do it, and I'm supposed to be such a terrible agent. Then the great Phillip Coulson should be able to do it, right?...........Darling." (Y/n) retorted. Removing his hand, as they began placing their items in the trays.


Phil looked over at (Y/n), as the pair sat in the lounge. She hadn't said anything since they had moved through security. Hadn't said anything since they had taken a seat. Only smiling as a waiter had come over to ask if she wanted a drink. He knew that he'd done it again. Knew that he'd put his foot in it, by talking to her as he had. He had wanted (Y/n) on this mission for the precise reason that he did like her. That out of every woman that worked for S.H.I.E.L.D, she was the only one that he cared about enough to want her to pretend to be his wife. That he wanted to use the mission to try and make up for how he had been treating her. To let her know the truth, as to why he had been being such an insufferable jackass. But he was not off to a good start.

Girding himself, he slowly got to his feet and sat by her side on the sofa. His hand slowly reaching out and taking hers.

"Sorry." Phil said. His voice only loud enough for (Y/n) to hear.

"What........? Oh yeah........No problems. You know, the last time I was in an airport like this, I was having to come home for my parents funerals. They had let me go away for a couple of weeks with a friend. On the third day of the vacation, I got a call from Nick, telling me that they had been killed and that I should come home. I had to wait for hours to get the next flight. My friend had offered to come with me, but I told her, no. That she should stay. And for every moment that I sat there, I cried." (Y/n) sniffed, before finally turning her attention from the large windows to the man by her side.

"Anyway.........." (Y/n) continued, trying her best to sound cheery, as she dropped her head onto Phil's shoulder and snuggled into his side.

"I'm bored. Tell me something interesting." The younger agent added. Phil finding himself smiling, as he heard her sigh.

"Like what............?"

"Oh, I don't know. Anything. Everything. Tell me about all the lovely sights that we are going to be able to see while we wait for the bad guys to make their move. I mean, as much as this is supposed to be a honeymoon, I'm not spending the whole time in the hotel room like we would if we had really just married." (Y/n) chuckled. Phil's moving his arm so that it was around her shoulder. The senior agent telling her all about the sights and what they could do, even though he was well aware that she already knew all about Rome. And she also knew that they probably weren't going to be able to see anything, before Hydra made their move.


The flight to Rome had gone better than either (Y/n) or Phil could have hoped. The attendants congratulating the pair on their marriage. Their glasses filled more than a few times with champagne over the eight hour flight. (Y/n) sure that she had never seen Phil smile and laugh so much, as he finally seemed to get into the role. As he seemed to let down his guard. His eyes happy for once, as he looked at her. The pair of them moving closer and closer, as the alcohol took its effect. Phil even once pulling her in for a kiss. The younger agent's breath being taken away, as they finally separated. A smile that she had never seen before coming to Phil's lips, as he looked into her eyes.

"Darling." Phil said, as he opened the cab door for her. Holding out his hand for (Y/n) to take. The senior agent paying the driver, as he took the luggage from the trunk. A young man scurrying out to pick the bags up, as the two agents made their way inside the rather grand looking hotel.

"Signore e Signora Jenkins. I see that you are in the honeymoon suite." A tall, dark haired man smiled, as he typed at the keyboard. The concierge handing them a key.

"I would like to wish you both a happy honeymoon in our wonderful city. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to call." He continued. Signaling for the young man that had collected the luggage, to show their guest to the room. The porter, nodding in thanks as Phil pushed some Euros into his hand, before closing the door behind him. His eyes growing wide, as he turned to look back at the room, and saw (Y/n) sat on the bed. A mischievous grin pulling at the corners of her mouth, as he made his way over to her.

"Do you sleep on the right or the left, darling." 

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