What's she up to? - Part 4 - Wade x Reader

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Steve knocked on the door of (Y/n)'s rooms. The captain more than ready to confront her and try and find out what the heck was going on. Ok, he knew that he wasn't her father, yet just like all the others that were stood behind him, he was worried about her. (Y/n) was a beautiful and intelligent woman. A woman that any man would be proud to have on his arm. And as far as his old-fashioned sensibilities were concerned, she didn't need to do things like have this, if Sam was right, 'only fans' page. Steve not sure why she would even contemplate it. But that was why he was here. He was here because he wanted to understand. That, and Peter had begged him not to tell her father about all this.

"(Y/n)!" Steve called out, as no answer came.

"(Y/n)!" The captain called again. This time banging loudly on the door.

"I am afraid that Miss Stark is not in her rooms, Captain Rogers." F.R.I.D.A.Y suddenly said.

"She left some time ago." The AI continued, as Steve turned around to look at the others.

"Do you know where she is............?"

"I am afraid not, Captain Rogers. Miss Stark has disabled all the tracking systems that I had in place for her..............."

"What's going on? (Y/n) having a party that I wasn't invited to?" A chuckle came. Everyone turning around to see Tony leant up against the wall with his arms crossed. His brows furrowing, as everyone just stared. No one sure what to say.


(Y/n) carefully pulled the bike up in a little wooded area a short distance from the compound.

"Get off. I'm gonna leave this here and sneak you in another way." (Y/n) said as she climbed off the machine.

"What? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me..............."

"To be honest Wilson, YES! Look, despite everything, I like you. Hell, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't. It's fun, and when it's just us, you are my kind of crazy. But.......it would be one thing if it were late. If the others were in bed, I could have hopefully got you inside without you being seen. But they won't be. And I don't want to have to try and explain.........you. Let's face it, you can be a little..........you. And I really don't want to try and explain all this to cap, never mind my dad. I don't think either of them will take kindly to the idea of me being........well, a mercenary. Or that I am doing that with.........you." The young Stark replied, as she pushed Wade off the bike and wheeled it over to a large clump of trees to better conceal it. Shaking her head, as Wade jumped up from the floor and bounced over to her.

"You like me...........you really like me............?" The red and black clad idiot enquired giddily. Squealing like a schoolgirl as he clasped the sides of his face.

"There is a difference between like and the like that you are hoping for, Wilson. So don't start getting any ideas. I might possibly......sometimes.....occasionally think of you as a.......... friend. And that is why I came running when you called. But don't push it. I just need to get you inside without the others or my dad seeing you. Because if they do, I will never hear the last of it. And please..........please don't do anything dumb. All you have to do is hide out in my room until its safe for you. Either that, or until you buy Al a new chair." (Y/n) told him, as she grabbed hold of Wade's hand and pulled him behind her. The young Stark peering up the driveway, scanning for any activity.

"Okay, looks quiet. With any luck, the others will be too busy training to notice anything, and dad and Bruce will be in the labs. I'll get you to my room and then go and try and find you some clothes. Maybe some of caps or Bucks will fit you. Because I am just letting you know that you aren't to pleasant on the nose at the moment. I don't think those assholes actually knew where you lived, they just followed their noses. When was the last time that you washed that outfit of yours, anyway?" (Y/n) asked, as she pulled him along the tree line, hoping that Steve and Sam had not had to delay their run that day.

"What, this old thing? Never................"

"Eeeeeeeeewwww! Wilson, you are disgusting. That's it, you are not even sitting on anything in my room until you shower, and I have put that outfit of yours through a medical decontamination shower in the labs." (Y/n) interrupted, as she dropped his hand.

"Now come on, lets get this over with............."


"Well..........? What's going on?" Tony continued, as he pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to where the others were still standing outside (Y/n)'s door.

"We, er................"

"We were just wanting (Y/n) to clear up an argument that we were having. And she's done that. So, we were all just going back to the common room." Natasha interrupted Steve. The widow moving to make her way back down the hall, only stopping when (Y/n) suddenly appeared from around the corner. Her heart dropping into the pit of her stomach, as everyone, including her father, turned to look at her.


"Ok. Just stay here a minute and don't wander off. Don't make a noise; and please don't do anything stupid." (Y/n) told Wade, as she pushed him up against the wall. Relieved that they had got this far without being seen by anyone else. Wade having to admit that he was getting quite turned on by (Y/n) dominating him.

"As soon as I know that the coast is clear, I'll come back and get you." The young Stark continued. Putting her hand over his mouth as he went to speak. (Y/n) sure that she wouldn't like what was about to come out of it.

"No! Whatever you were about to say, no! Now, just stay, Wade. I mean it." (Y/n) added, as she straightened herself and made her way down the corridor. A relieved sigh leaving her lips, as she reached the corner around which lay her room. The young Stark stopping dead in her tracks as she saw Nat. As she saw the rest of the team. As she saw her father. All of them looking at her. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن