Daughter of Hydra - Part 1 - Avengers x Reader

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"Do any of you recognise the woman in these pictures?" Fury asked, as the lights in the room dimmed and images of a beautiful woman suddenly appeared, projected up from the centre of the table. The assembled team studying each one. All of them trying to recall if they had ever seen the face before. And wondering why this particular woman seemed to be of such interest.

"No. But I wish I did." Sam called out from the back of the room. Bucky rolling his eyes and groaning at the Falcon's usual antics.

"I am not quite sure whether you would wish to know this particular woman, Wilson. She's not exactly as she may appear." Fury said. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D turning his attention to the two old soldiers.

"I had hoped that one of you two might know or remember something." Fury continued. Bucky and Steve looking at one another as the director spoke. Bucky shrugging his shoulders before Steve turned his attention back to Fury.

"I can't say that I do recognise her, no director. I'm sorry. Who is she anyway?" Steve enquired, as an image of just the woman's face appeared.

"As far as we can ascertain, the woman's name is (Y/n). Other than that, there is very little else exact, except for the fact that she is the daughter of Johann Schmidt. Or if you would prefer, Red skull............." Fury explained. All eyes turning to look at Steve, as the captain sat up straight in his chair. The old soldier remembering that the last time he had seen the former head of Hydra, was when he had vanished into a wormhole after touching the Tesseract with his bare hands.

"But..........but that's impossible. This woman is far too young. If anything, she would be his granddaughter." Steve responded. Not sure what to make of the look on the directors' face.

"Well........when I say daughter, what I actually mean is that this woman was created in a lab using Schmidt's DNA.............."

"So, are you telling us that Hydra are creating full size clones now, of their biggest Nazi assholes?" Tony interrupted, as he studied the floating image of the undoubtedly beautiful young woman.

"Not full sized clones thankfully. But she is a clone. We had sent one of our own agents to infiltrate the organisation, and what we were able to ascertain from the information that we received from them before they were killed, it would appear that Scmidt's DNA was mixed with the super soldier serum that he tested on himself, along with others that Hydra have perfected since, to produce this young woman. Yet whereas the original serum disfigured Schmit, it would appear that what it has created in his "daughter" is much different. She has been raised in isolation by Hydra since she was born. It is all she knows. And it would appear that now they need a new figurehead, they have finally wheeled her out for all to see. She has been photographed at a number of high profile functions throughout Europe. Maybe trying to recruit from the rich and powerful. But other than that, she hasn't been seen..............."

"So, from what you have been able to ascertain. What exactly is she, and what do you want us to do about it?" Tony sniffed, as he put his feet up on the table.

"What she is, Stark, is dangerous. Despite those exquisite looks and beautiful smile, what lies beneath is a woman that was bred to kill. That has been raised to take Hydra to the top and dispose of anyone and anything that might stand in the way. And that includes S.H.I.E.L.D and all of you. We have no idea what her own particular abilities are, other then the fact that she can make you, Banner and even Strange, look like the kid that sits at the back of the class and eats paste." Fury replied. Tony grumbling under his breath, as he heard a couple of chuckles from the others. The billionaire sure that the likes of Barnes, Wilson and Barton were imagining him with a dunce hat on and a mouth full of glue.

"And what I expect you to do, is go to Europe. To be exact, Monte Carlo. A billionaire by the name of Otto Borne is holding a gala in his rather large mansion, next week. We have seen the guest list; it a long line of the who's who or the rich, famous, powerful, and unscrupulous. The perfect place from the new head of Hydra to do a little recruiting. We have managed to get Stark and the rest of you an invite. The notion of having the Avengers at his little shindig obviously appealing to Borne's already huge ego. I want you to try and get close to this daughter of the Red Skull and bring her in to us. We hope that we can break the brainwashing that she has obviously been subjected to since she was young and bring her to our side. But if not............we want her eliminated. We don't need Hydra having someone to rally behind. Especially not someone like her." Fury added. The team looking at one another. Each of them hoping that it wouldn't have to come to that. But if it did.............

"When do we leave, director?" Steve asked, as the picture of the woman's face finally disappeared, and the lights came back on.

"The party will be held this weekend to coincide with the big motor race that the principality hosts every year. Mister Borne has offered you all a room in his mansion, so we would like you all to arrive on the Saturday for the function on Sunday evening. We believe that (Y/n) will already be there. So, all you have to do is make a good impression on her and your host, and not bust the place up unless you really have to. Mister Borne not only has the ear of European royalty, but he is also a big contributor to political campaigns on this side of the pond. And he can name a couple of ex-presidents as friends. Therefore, we really need this as low key as possible." Fury explained. Watching as the amassed hero's slowly got to their feet.

"So, lady and gentlemen. Grab your tuxes and little black dresses. It should be one hell of a party." The director added, as he watched the team leave the room. Fury not sure what they were going to have to face. But hoping that the same number came home, as would leave. 

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