Assassin - Part 8 - Scott x Reader

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One margarita, two margarita, three margarita, four...............The alcohol was flowing freely, the air filled with music and laughter; and at the center of it, were Scott and (Y/n).

The place, simply called "Donovan's" was not what he had really expected, nor did he know how (Y/n) would have come to know of it. It was a strange mixture of things. It was an Irish inspired bar, but had hints of foreign, more tropical climates, as if it were trying to impersonate a tiki bar. And then, some........probably the likes of Stark, might describe it as a dive bar. Parts of it dark, the booths filled with patrons that looked like that hadn't seen the light of day in a very long time; slouched over their latest drinks. But no matter how (Y/n) had found or knew of the bar, the part where they were, was lively. The other people there, seeming to be enjoying their night as much as he was. And she had been right, they did make the best margaritas that he had ever had. A broad smile making its way onto his face, as the beautiful Avenger turned to look at him.

Scott couldn't remember the last time that he had enjoyed himself so much, and it wasn't to do with the tequila that was now making its way through his blood stream. Well........perhaps a little of it was but the real reason for the high that he was currently feeling, was the woman that was sat across the small table from him. He knew that he had said this a thousand times, that he had thought it even more often; but he had to think it again.........she was beautiful. No, not just beautiful........wonderful. She was the kind of girl that he had always been looking for. The kind of girl that he could see himself settling down with, growing old with. He had already seen how Cassie had got on with her. How his daughter had been quite taken with (Y/n). Cassie seemingly pleased when he had asked her if she would be okay with him asking (Y/n) to be his girlfriend. Yet asking Cassie for her consent, and actually asking (Y/n), were two very different things. Though he did have to admit, that the alcohol was making him feel a little braver. Making him feel as though he could just come right out and say it.


One margarita, two margarita, three margarita, four...............The alcohol was flowing freely, and (Y/n) couldn't help but smile as she took a sip from the glass that the barman had just placed on the table in front of her.

The place she had brought Scott to, was simply called "Donovan's". It was not a place that she would normally go, nor one that she would have thought about going into; but Tony, and of course it had been Tony, had dragged her there one night. (Y/n) not daring to ask him how a billionaire such as himself, would know of a place like this; but when he had taken her inside, she was glad that he had. It was a strange mixture of things. Things that didn't necessarily go together; but somehow, it worked. It was, in part, an Irish inspired bar, with a couple of large, heavy looking shillelaghs above the bar, and Irish flags dotted here and there. Then, there were hints of more tropical climbs, as if the place were trying to impersonate a tiki bar that you could find next to beach in Mexico or some such place. And then, there was another part, a part at the back that was shrouded in darkness and cigarette smoke; the battered booths filled with patrons that looked like that hadn't seen the light of day in a very long time; that probably only slept, when the alcohol had finally taken its full effect. But no matter how Tony had found or knew of the bar, she was glad that she had joined him that night. The two much better friends than the others might realise. Not that she would tell Scott that; not that she would tell him that it was the billionaire that had brought her there in the first place. (Y/n) quite aware that Tony was not Scott's favourite person, but still...........A broad smile making its way onto her face, as the handsome Ant man turned to look her.

(Y/n) couldn't recall the last time that she had enjoyed herself so much, and it wasn't to do with the tequila that was now making its way through her veins. Well........perhaps it was a little to do with that; but the real reason for the high that she was currently feeling, was the man that was sat across the small table from him. She knew that she had said this a thousand times, that she had thought it even more often; but she had to think it again.........he was handsome. No, not just handsome........perfect. Scott was the kind of guy that she had always been looking for. The kind of guy that she could see herself settling down with, growing old with. That she could see herself making a life with, away from the chaos of the Avenger compound. Away from their work saving the world, and her extracurricular activities for Fury. She had already met his lovely daughter Cassie, and they seemed to have gotten on quite well. Cassie appearing to be enjoying her company, when Scott had brought her to the compound one time. Yet as much as she hoped that the little girl would be happy if she were to tell Scott that she was interested him; that she...........well, she had fallen in love with him, actually hoping and telling him, were two very different things. Though she did have to admit that the alcohol was making her feel a little bolder. Making her feel as though she could just come right out and say it.

"Would you like to dance?" Scott suddenly asked, as he got to his feet and offered (Y/n) his hand. (Y/n) nodding her head and allowing the handsome man to lead her to the small dancefloor. The bodies of the other patrons pushing her chest up against Scott's; the female Avenger feeling a heat radiate up from her belly to her chest and face, as Scott moved a little closer, his arms wrapping themselves around her waist. (Y/n) closing her eyes, as his lips ghosted over hers................

That sound! It was the sound of her phone. The sound of the cell phone that Fury had given her. (Y/n) pulling away and giving Scott an apologetic look.

"Let me just answer this, and I will be right back. I promise.........." (Y/n) said, giving Scott a quick kiss on the nose, before she pulled out the phone and made her way outside. The assassin pressing the screen and bringing the cell phone up to her ear.

"What now, Fury.............................?"  

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