The Winter Guard - Part 7 - Bucky x Reader

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Parts in italics are a dream. Hope you enjoy this next part.

(Y/n), Bucky, Steve, Tony and Bruce made their way though the corridor. The major and sergeant lagging behind the others just enough so that they couldn't be heard talking. Tony looking over his shoulder for a moment before turning his attention to Steve.

"He's taken quite a liking to her.........."

"He sees himself in her. They've been though the same hell. She has no one in this world, so he just wants to help. To support her........." Steve interrupted. As he, the doctor, and the billionaire stopped at a room right next to Bucky's.

"Its more than that. Not that I can blame him. She is quite beautiful. But you should tell him not to get too close. We still don't know whether this is some kind of elaborate Hydra plan. I mean, it's a little strange don't you think, that a bunch of megalomaniacal assholes like those that run Hydra, would let two highly trained killers just slip through their fingers. That not only their best assassin, but also their version of Rambo just happen to be here. Together." The billionaire continued. Steve nodding his head. The captain having to admit that he did have a point. That he would have to keep an eye on their guest, hopefully without Bucky noticing. Steve having a feeling that his old friend would take offense to it.

"Here you go. Right next to old Frosty." Tony announced, opening the door, as the two soldiers finally joined them.

"Old Frosty..............?" The Winter Guard enquired, looking between the three men. It obvious that she was more than a little confused by the comment.

"Yeah, its what he calls me. He thinks its funny." Bucky huffed, scowling at Tony before he turned his attention back to (Y/n).

"Come on, Ill give you a tour." The sergeant continued, as he pushed open the door a little further, and allowed her to enter the room.


"So.........there you go............." Bucky said, as he finally finished giving the Major his tour. His brows furrowing as he turned around and saw (Y/n) sitting on the corner of the bed, looking down at her metal arm.


"How did it happen............?"

"How did what happen..........?" Bucky countered, as he made his way over and took a seat next to her.

"Your arm. How did you end up like me...........?" (Y/n) elaborated. The Winter Guard slowly flexing her fingers.

"It's a long story I suppose............."

"I have nowhere else to be............" The Guard countered, as she turned her attention to Bucky. The old soldier nodding his head.

"It was different to you. I..........I fell from a train that was travelling along the side of a snow covered mountain. But it didn't start there. I suppose that you could say it began when I was a prisoner of Hydra in 1943. They injected me with a serum, probably like something they gave you. If they hadn't, I wouldn't have survived the fall. But the fall resulted in injuries, one of which was the loss of my arm. Hydra recovered me and gave me a new Vibranium one. Which was later replaced with this." Bucky explained, as he pulled off his glove and showed her. The Winter Guard slowly taking his hand in hers. Bucky sure that he could feel his metal hand tingle. As if the endings of his non-existent nerves were reacting to her touch. Sending a wonderful thrill down his spine.

"I suppose, in a way, we have a little to be thankful to them for. If it hadn't been for them, we would have both been dead a long time ago. I, slumped up against a tree, surrounded by my own blood, body parts and snow. Probably never to be found. And at the bottom of a mountain. And I would never have got the chance to meet you. Which would have been a shame." (Y/n) noted. Bucky looking up to see her smile. The old soldier smiling back, as he moved closer. As his flesh hand reached up into her hair. The two closing their eyes as they leant in..............

"Everything alright?" A voice asked. Bucky and (Y/n) quickly moving apart, as Steve poked his head around the door.

"Yeah, just great, thanks.............Bucky growled sarcastically in reply. Giving (Y/n) an apologetic smile.

"We thought that you might like something to eat." The captain continued with an embarrassed cough, as he made his way further into the room.

"I.........I'd like that, thank you..........." (Y/n) replied, as she got to her feet. Pulling Bucky up with her. The Winter Soldier giving his old friend another look, as the two walked past Steve and out of the door.


"Major. We have had reports that there could be a few German stragglers seen in the town not far from here. Should I send some men.........?" A man asked, as he walked into the office. Her hand reaching up to brush away the tears that were falling down her cheeks, before she turned to look at him.

"Yes. Send Volkov and twenty other men. If there are still Nazi's here, I want them dead.............." She replied, as she slumped into the chair behind the desk.


"I'm fine Nikitin. Just.........just carry out my order............" She replied, as she looked up at the large man in front of her. Giving him a reassuring nod. Nikitin saluting before turning and leaving the room. Leaving her amongst all the paperwork that the Germans had tried to destroy before they fled their earthbound hell.

Suddenly, she looked around. She was no longer cold. She was no longer in an office. Now, now she was surrounded by lush vegetation. The air thick and heavy with moisture. The sweat dripping from the end of her nose, as she carefully and quietly made her way through the deep green foliage. She could hear voices, men's voices. They were laughing. Shouting. The smell of alcohol suddenly filled her nostrils, as she found herself pushing into a clearing. The sound of a woman screaming splitting the night air. Her eyes growing wide with anger, as she saw a girl being thrown to the floor. The guns in her hands putting an end to the mass of men that were shouting and reaching for their weapons. The noise. The chaos not stopping until each one lay dead. Until all that were left, was her and the girl. The fear filled creature scurrying away like a startled animal as she looked down at her..............


She sat bolt upright from the place she had fallen asleep on the floor. Doing her best to breath, as the hunting memories, as the awful nightmare seemed to take her breath away. Her eyes darting around, as she tried to recall where she was. As she tried to recall how she had got there. The Winter Guard springing to her feet as she heard rushed noises coming from outside where she was. The Hydra weapon raising her metal hand, as she raced for the window. A blast that emanated from the artificial limb blowing out the glass, sending a million tiny shards into the air, as she leapt out into the night air. Landing effortlessly on the floor some distance below her, before she sprinted for the woods that surrounded her location. The sounds of shouting filling her ears, as she moved into the darkness. 

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