I'm fine - Part 2 - ? x Reader

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"I........I'm sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean to snap. Not at you." (Y/n) apologised. Guilt gnawing at the pit of her stomach, as Bruce gave her one of his usual reassuring, soft smile.

Of all people, the last one she should be angry at, was Bruce. He was such a sweet guy. So helpful. A constant support. Out of all the men that she had met in her life, Bruce was definitely one of the best. But so were all the others. So was each other member of the team. And it wasn't right that she took out her frustrations. Her pain, and regret on them. None of them could be blamed for her foolishness. None could be blamed for her losing her heart to him. Yet even knowing all that, it was still the people she cared for the most that received the brunt of the maelstrom of emotions that raged inside her. (Y/n) knowing perfectly well that the real one that she should be angry at, was the man that had broken her heart.

"Are you gonna tell us what's going on, (Y/n)? This is getting out of hand. Every time you come back from a mission, it looks like you've been allowing yourself to be used as a punching bag, or a bullseye for every bad guy out there. We need to know what's happened to you. Why..............."

"I'm fine..........." (Y/n) interrupted. Finding herself unable to look up at the captain.

"Bullshit! I am sick of hearing you say that (Y/n). We aren't stupid, and we aren't blind. There is something going on. Something has happened to you. And until you talk to someone about it, you aren't going on another mission. I think I speak for Cap too, when I say, that I don't want to live with the thought of your death................"

"You can't stop me from going on missions. You can't stop me from doing my job. I take these missions so that no one else has to get hurt. So that no one......"

"Again, I call bullshit." Tony retorted angrily. Interrupting the interruption. Moving to stand in front of (Y/n), as she got to her feet.

"I think you'll find that Rogers and I can stop you from going on another mission. You are doing this to get yourself killed, (Y/n). Simple as that. And I am not going to allow someone with a death wish to go back out there. So, until you let someone know what the fuck has gotten into you. You are confined to the compound." The billionaire continued. Knowing that he shouldn't be so annoyed with (Y/n). That whatever had caused the change in her was serious enough to push her to this point. But just like the rest of the team, he cared for the younger woman. And didn't want to lose her.

"Fine! Then I resign." (Y/n) growled, as she glared at Tony. The room around her beginning to spin. The man in front of her, becoming fuzzy. Steve and Bruce jumping to the billionaire's side, as (Y/n) fell, unconscious, into his arms.

"You don't think she was serious, do you?" Bruce asked, as Tony picked (Y/n) up, and placed her on the bed.

"Of course, she didn't mean it. Now, let's just get her fixed. And when she's better. We will try and find someone that she will talk to." Tony explained. Grabbing a clean gauze and putting it on the deep cut on her head that had begun to bleed profusely once again.

"She needs a transfusion, but we've run out of her blood. I used the last bag of her haemoglobin last time she was injured. We are going to need to get Sam down here. He has the same blood type." Bruce informed the two other men, as he wheeled some machine over to where (Y/n) lay.

"I'll go and get him." Steve replied. Quickly making his way from the medical bay to find his friend. Leaving Tony and Bruce to watch over (Y/n).


"There you are. I need you to come down to the med bay with me." Steve said, as he finally found Sam sat in the common room playing video games with Clint and Thor. Loki sat in the corner playing chess by himself. Doing his best to ignore the idiotic noises that came from the three other men. Nat sat on the sofa; half of her attention devoted to reading a book. The other half to telling the boys that they were playing all wrong.

"Me? What do I need to go to the med bay.................?"

"Its (Y/n). She's just got back, and she's in a bad way. Bruce has run out of her blood. So, we need you." Steve explained. Sam jumping to his feet and pushing the controller into Nat's hands.

"Will she be okay? Do you want me to come and talk to her?" Nat asked, as she watched the two men make for door.

"I don't know, Nat. Bruce didn't say. And she's unconscious at the moment, so there's little point in coming down. Though maybe when she wakes up, you can try and talk to her again. See if she will finally tell you why she's doing all this." Steve told her. The captain giving her a soft smile, before he and Sam left the room. Nat, Clint and Thor looking at one another.

They, just like everyone else, had seen the changes in (Y/n). How the once happy and vibrant woman, had become dark and sullen. Had completely closed off and refused to talk. How when not on missions, she would spend most of her time locked in her rooms.

"I am telling you, it's some guy. Some asshole promised her the world. She fell for it hook, line and sinker, and then he up and left her..........."

"What would make you say that.......?" A cool, calm voice interrupted the archer. Clint, Nat and Thor turning to look at Loki.

"Because (Y/n) wears her heart on her sleeve. And she's too nice for her own good. I would put money on some asshole talking advantage of that. Getting what he wanted, and then dropping her when he thought she was getting too serious. She always said that she had a habit of going for the bad boys. And this wouldn't be the first time that she was hurt. But on this occasion, if I find this guy. He's gonna be on the wrong side of one of my arrows." Clint told the seemingly disinterested god. Loki's long fingers reaching out and picking up a rook, so that it could take a white pawn.

"Anyway. Awake or not, I'm going down to make sure that she's ok." The archer continued, as he got to his feet. Nat and Thor agreeing. The duo following after Clint as he made his way out of the room.

"Are you coming, brother?" Thor asked, as he looked over at Loki. Shaking his head a little, as he watched his brother mull over his next move. The God of Mischief seemingly too lost in his game to have heard anything that had been said.


"Never mind. I doubt she would want you there, anyway.............." Thor retorted quietly. Not interested in anything else that his brother might say. The God of Thunder knowing that the one that really mattered at the moment, was (Y/n). Thor letting out a heavy sigh, before turning and following after the two spies. The god leaving before he could see the chessboard and all its pieces knocked to the floor. Before he could see Loki had slumped into his chair. The God of Mischief the only other one to know that the reason for the change in the beautiful Avenger really was because of a man. And that that man, just happened to be him. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now