The only one that can help - Part 1 - Bucky x Sam x Zemo x Reader

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"You can't be serious?" Sam asked in disbelief, as he looked up at Bucky. Zemo's brows furrowing in confusion as he watched the two men. The former colonel having no idea what or who either man could be referring to.

"We need some help. And who better than her? I mean with her abilities.........."

"With her abilities, she will probably kill both of us. And we don't need help, we can do this on our own............." Sam retorted, as he got to his feet. Zemo not able to ask what was going on, and who this her was, before Barnes spoke again.

"Stop kidding yourself. And stop trying to play the hero. I don't like the idea any more than you do, but you know we need help, and if we offer her something she wants, hopefully she won't do anything stupid. Hopefully she'll agree to join us." Bucky bit out. The sargent sure that Steve would agree with him if he were still with them. That he would realise that this was the only way.

The Winter Soldier was well aware that Sam knew that they needed help with the Flag Smashers. That despite all they could do, they needed something more. And to his mind, she was the only one that could assist. But it would be a long shot. First, they would have to persuade the authorities to release her. Not a small feat in itself, given what she was and what she could do. And then, they would have to get her to agree to help. And given that he, Steve and Sam had been the ones to get her locked up in the first place, that might not be as easy as it sounds. Bucky recalling how she had threatened to do some very nasty things to them, as the power limiter had been placed around her neck before she was dragged away.

"Ok, fine, but why her................?"

"Because we know where she is. We know what she can do, and the offer of freedom might just make her a little more cooperative. I can't imagine that she likes being in that place.............."

"She's a criminal, Barnes. She is dangerous, unpredictable and powerful. We could get her out, and as soon as we turn our backs, she vanishes. Either that, or we end up in the morgue with a toe tag. There must be someone else........." Sam countered, as he himself recalled the threats made by the woman. The Falcon sure that if they did get her out, and she did do something, there wouldn't be enough left of either himself or Barnes, to put a toe tag on.

"Can you think of anyone else? And yes, she is all those things, but she is also not stupid. She will know a good deal when she is offered it. And its either this, or she spends her life under lock and key." Bucky explained, as Sam retook his seat. The Falcon having to admit that despite the fact that he didn't like it, the old soldier did have a point.

"May I ask as to whom you are referring...........?" A smooth voice finally managed to interject. Sam looking at Zemo, as Bucky grabbed himself a drink. A heavy sigh leaving Sam's lips. The Falcon slumping back in his seat.

"Her name is (Y/n). She.............she's a little different. It's hard to explain what she is really capable of; to be honest, I'm not sure that anyone really knows. But she can do stuff. She knows things, she see's things that she shouldn't be able to. And she's dangerous too. Very dangerous. She used her abilities to help her commit crimes. Lots of them. Barnes, Steve and I finally managed to corner her, and we grabbed her before she could get away. And needless to say, she wasn't too happy about it. I won't tell you what she threatened to do to us, if she ever saw us again.............."

"And she is in prison...............?" Zemo interrupted. Wishing that The Falcon would elaborate on her threats. The Sokovian never having met her, but already liking the sound of her. Sure, that her warnings would be most interesting.

"Er..........sort of..............."

"What fly boy here is trying to say, is that she has been housed somewhere special since we captured her. Somewhere that can control and monitor her. Somewhere where she can't do any more harm. All I can hope is that we can somehow persuade the right people to release her for a little while. She doesn't need to know that she's going back." Bucky interjected, as he took a gulp of his drink.

"So ya gonna lie to her? You're gonna promise to get her out, free and clear, and then send her back when we are done. Oh, she is gonna love you. If she didn't hate you enough as it was already, she is definitely gonna hate you when she finds out. And she will find out. She won't let you fool her again..........."

"Fool her again...............?" Zemo smiled. Wanting to know more, as he saw the uncomfortable look on the super soldier's face. Bucky giving Sam a warning glare. A glare that Sam of course chose to ignore.

"Yeah, she and Barnes used to be together. Our dear (Y/n) committing all of her crimes right under this lovesick puppy's nose. But when he found out about everything, Steve persuaded him that he had to do something about it. That he had to stop her. Barnes was the one that got her to meet him that day. We wouldn't have been able to get her if he hadn't. And she wasn't happy about it when she realised what he'd done. She promised to do things to him that Hydra hadn't even dreamt of. So, Barnes, if you want to try and get her out, to try and persuade her to help. If you want to tell her that she'll be free, and then send her back after she has helped, that is on you." Sam explained, as he got back to his feet and left the room. Leaving a rather amused looking Zemo and nervous looking Barnes to contemplate what would happen when they met (Y/n). The ex-colonel more than happy to be there when the super soldier had to go cap in hand to his former lover.   

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