What's she up to - Part 2 - Avengers x Reader

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Ok, this wasn't quite what Peter had intended when he had gone to see Natasha to talk about (Y/n). But as soon as he had mentioned the younger Stark's name to the Widow, it was as if every other Avenger in the building had heard and had come running. All of them, apart from her father, thankfully, were now sitting in the room listening to what Peter had to say.

Just like the young man, they had all noticed the change in (Y/n). It wasn't that the changes had been overnight. They hadn't been immediate. They had been subtle. Quiet. Sneaking up on them. And it really wasn't that she had changed for the worst. It was just that the others had recognised that she had become more secretive. Unable to do things that she would normally do. Seeming to disappear to her room all the time. Yet when one of them would knock on the door to see if she was alright, there would be no answer.

"It wasn't that I intended to intrude. I just caught sight of her coming back into the compound and I wanted to make sure that she was ok." Peter began, as he looked around the team. Part of him wishing that he had never gone to see Natasha in the first place. Sure, that someone would eventually go and talk to (Y/n) about all of this, and then she would never speak to him again.

"Okay, we get that, kid.......But what happened then..........?" Clint interrupted, just wishing that Peter would get on with the story.

"Well........she had money.......lots of it..................."

"She's a Stark, of course she has money. I think her dad has a secret vault somewhere in this place just full of money so that he goes swimming in like Scrooge McDuck, whenever the fancy takes him. Your not telling us anything we don't know..........." Sam interjected. The others finding that they had to agree.

"Yeah, I know that, but this was different. She was hiding it under the carpet in her room. Why would she be hiding money unless she didn't want anyone to know about it? It doesn't make sense. And then she said something about it being "another good evening's work". And when I said her name, she got really annoyed that I was there. I don't know what she could be up to........."

"Well.......it could............." Sam interrupted again, as he appeared to muse.

"No......no, it couldn't.............."

"Couldn't be what, birdbrain?" Bucky huffed, not sure that he liked the grin that had come to the Falcon's lips.

"Like I said.......it couldn't be............."

"Will you just spit it out!" Clint exclaimed. The archer pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Sure, that if Wilson didn't get on with it, then he might just end up with an arrow somewhere he wouldn't like.

"Okay, but ya not gonna like it.........Only fans..........." Sam announced. A huge smile spreading across his lips, as the others began to protest. Telling him that that was impossible. That it was a dumb idea and that (Y/n) would never even think about doing something like that. Only Steve and Bucky not sure about what the Falcon was referring to.

"A what...........?" Steve enquired, the rest of the team turning to look at the very confused pair of old soldiers. Peter glowing bright red as he looked around the others. It obvious that even though Sam had brought it up, he, nor anyone else was going to elaborate.

"Er.......its a..........is a platform on the internet, where people can........people can upload special content. Content that you can only see if you pay for it. Things like exclusive music, insights into a person's life. And er............pictures and videos.............."

"So, what's so all fired bad about that.......?" Bucky asked. Neither he nor Steve sure why everyone else was protesting so vehemently that it was impossible.

"It..........its what those pictures could be of.........." Peter replied. His cheeks going even redder, as his mind filled with possibilities.

"What our little webslinger is attempting to suggest, is that these pictures and videos could be of (Y/n).......naked. You know.......no clothes. Showing off everything that the good lord gave her..........." Clint explained. Steve and Bucky looking at one another, before they too began to protest.

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger, I did say that it was only a possibility. Let's face it, (Y/n) is beautiful, and she would know exactly how to create something like that. She has all the equipment that she would need.......in more ways than one........" Sam retorted. Everyone looking at Steve, as he got to his feet.

"Where are you going?" Nat enquired, as the captain made his way to the door.

"To talk to (Y/n). Someone has to............." Steve replied. The rest of the team looking at one another before following behind, as the captain marched down the corridor.


(Y/n) turned over in the bed as her cell phone began to ring. Normally she would have been up hours ago, but given the hour that she had been able to creep back into the compound, a few hours extra hours in bed, were much needed. A groan leaving her lips, as she saw the number. Still not sure how one man could attract so much trouble. But given as it was him, she knew that she really shouldn't be surprised.




"Ok, can you at least stay out of any further trouble until I get there.......?" (Y/n) asked. The young Stark quickly pulling the phone away from her ear, as the sound of several automatic weapons nearly bust her eardrum. The call suddenly going dead. (Y/n) jumping up from her bed and racing to her wardrobe, dragging her outfit and guns from a concealed compartment, before sprinting for the door, and making her way out of the compound. The back wheel of her motorcycle sending the gravel of the driveway flying, as she sped out of sight.  

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