Immortal - Part 3 - Nick x Reader

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"I am the director of an organisation called S.H.I.E.L.D, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division; and I work with a group of talented people............."

"You mean the Avengers................"

"How do you................?"

"I may keep myself to myself, Mister Fury, but that doesn't mean that I don't know what's going on in the world. And what does the fact that you work with the world's greatest heroes, have to do with me? Are you suggesting that I get to know them? That I join them? You know, you aren't the first person to come looking for me over the years. Not the first person to say that they could offer me a place where I didn't have to pretend. The first to say that I could use all I know to help others, the world. Howard Stark............"

"You met Howard Stark................." Nick interrupted. The Director wondering why his research hadn't found that out.

"Is that a surprise...........? If you really knew anything about Howard, it shouldn't be. Howard pretty much did the same thing that you did today. One day in 1939, he came driving up to my home. Climbing out of his car with one of his usual broad, charming smiles on his face. He not long before had started Stark Industries, and he told me he knew what I was, that he needed help. That the world needed help; and despite myself, I agreed, as I knew what war was like. What it could mean if the fascists won in Europe. I helped him and Peggy Carter with the rescue of Abraham Erskine from the HYDRA castle. I was in New York at the Stark expo in 1943. I was at the inception of Project Rebirth; I helped, and watched from the shadows as Steve Rogers went from being a sickly, frail young man, to your Captain America. I would probably have remained working with him longer if it hadn't been for Heinz Kruger killing Erskine. Due to the assassination, Howard became worried that as HYDRA had been able to get close enough the kill Erskine, they might come after me. That they might want to use me; to experiment on me so that they could discover my abilities. So, instead of remaining with him in the States, I spent the rest of the war working for the British............"

"You had a relationship with Howard.............?"

"That, is none of your goddamn business. Howard Stark was my friend, a good friend. We were there for one another; he trusted me, and I trusted him. But he knew that even if HYDRA didn't come for me, I would eventually leave; because it would just end up the way that everything else does. For you see, it doesn't matter whether they are spies, super soldiers, big green monsters, a man in a suit, or gods, all will end up in the cold hard ground..............." (Y/n) explained, as she took a sip of her sweet tea. Hating that she had been forced to think about Howard after all this time. That she had to remember what she had lost when he had said goodbye the day that she had left.

"Tell me, Miss (Y/n). How long have you been in this town? How much longer can you stay here before you have to move on? Before the people in the town begin to get more suspicious than they already are? It must be hard, you get used to somewhere, but because you are what you are, you can never truly settle down. You can never really plant roots, because you know that you will have to one day leave and start all over again. Ok, its true that they all will, we all will die before you. But wouldn't you like to see what your handiwork helped create, and meet Rogers again? To meet Howard's son. Perhaps help him and pick up on the work that you started with Howard?"

"Well, thank you for coming here and doing your best to cheer me up, Mister Fury. You know I was having a good day before you came speeding down the driveway. At least Howard invaded my life with a charming smile. And if I did agree to all of this, how would you bring me into this little situation? Are you just going to tell them all that I am an immortal that was there when Vesuvius swallowed Pompeii, who watched the Great Fire of London engulf the capital............"

"Believe me, Miss (Y/n), it wouldn't be the strangest thing that those guys have seen or heard; but no, I was planning on something a little more subtle. Bringing you in as one of my agents that I want to work with them. I have already taken the steps to create a backstory for you, if you agree to come with me. Though if you feel the need to tell them anything else, that is up to you..............."

"And, what if I go with you, meet the Avengers; meet Rogers and Howard's boy, and decide that I don't want to stay? Will you keep me there, force me to stay, or will I be allowed to come and go as I please.............?"

"You won't be a prisoner. If you decide that you aren't interested, then you can leave, with no ill will. Hell, I will even make sure that we help you move when you decide to leave here, as a show of good will." Nick explained, as he pushed the folder back into his briefcase and drank down the last of his sweet tea.

As much as she hated to admit it, she was interested in seeing what Rogers was like after he had spent so many years on ice. Even more, she wanted to see if Anthony was just as much like his father as he seemed to be when she had watched him on the news. (Y/n) letting out a heavy sigh, before slowly nodding.

"When do you want me to be ready to go..............?"

"I can have a private jet waiting for us at the local airport, tomorrow morning............." Nick said, as he slowly got to his feet.

"Fine. I'll be ready for you to pick me up............." (Y/n) replied, as she rose from her chair, escorting Nick back to the front door. The director turning and shaking her hand.

"Thank you. You won't regret this, Miss (Y/n)." Nick told her, giving her a respectful nod, before making his way back to the car.

"Oh, I very much doubt that............" The immortal retorted quietly, as she closed the screen door, and watched as the big, black car sped back down the driveway. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن