The only one that can help - Part 6 - Bucky x Reader

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(Y/n) smiled, as Bucky opened the passenger side door of the car for her. It was one of the things that she loved about the old soldiers; they had always been gentlemen. The kind of guys that would open a door for you, would pull out a chair. Heck, she was sure that if it were needed, Bucky or Steve would have thrown their coat over a muddy puddle so that a lady could pass.

She had to admit that despite their forced time apart, Barnes had changed very little. His hair was shorter, it was true, and there might be a couple of extra lines around those beautiful eyes of his, but it all added to his character; all added to the charm of James Buchanan Barnes. A charm that she would have liked to have seen in the 40s.

Steve had of course told her stories, much to Bucky's embarrassment of how his best friend had been in their youth. Of the Bucky that was the consummate charmer. That just like Snow White did in the cartoon, he could charm the birds from the trees with just one smile. The Winter Soldier grumbling that Steve was trying to make him out to be some kind of Lothario in front of (Y/n). That Steve was exaggerating things that happened a lifetime ago. (Y/n) recalling as she had chuckled to herself when she heard Bucky tell Steve "Keep your yap shut punk. I don't want to lose this girl", when he thought that she wasn't listening to the conversation between the pair.

She had to admit that the stories had made he feel a little..............jealous, there she said it. But it wasn't the notion of the girls that had caused that feeling, although she had got a rather amusing image of Bucky as the pied piper of Brooklyn, whistling out loud as he made his way down the sidewalk with a long line of girls wandering after him; no, it was more that those girls had had the chance to meet him before everything had happened. When he was still the happy carefree Bucky. Not a man that had seen war. That had seen death. Not a man that had been turned into something he didn't want to be and do things that he would never want to do. But that said, she had had him now. James Buchanan Barnes had been hers, not one of those girls from the past, and she had been happy to take him, warts and all.


Bucky smiled as he helped (Y/n) into the car. Slowly closing the door before heading around to the driver's side. He had had a feeling that she would want to come and see Steve sooner or later. Before he had taken his opportunity to go back and live out his life with Peggy, (Y/n) and Steve had always got on well. The captain once even telling him that she was a keeper, so "don't mess it up".

It would be truthful to say that Steve being comfortable with (Y/n) had made him a little jealous at times. The fact that his old friend had so easily been able to make her smile, to make her laugh, had caused him on the odd occasion to hear the green-eyed monster whispering into his ear. Telling him that (Y/n) would be better off with Steve. That Steve could make her happy, whereas he brought nothing to the table but nightmares and darkness. Bucky at one point sure, that when his old friend had started to tell (Y/n) about the man he was before the war, he was trying to ruin things so that she would fall for the captain and not him. Seemingly making him out to be some kind of Casanova. But when she had seen the look in his eyes. Seen the tension in his brow, (Y/n) had snuggled into his side. She had whispered that he might have had those girls then, but he was hers now; and she would love him for always, through the good and the bad.



"Can I ask you something...........?" Bucky enquired, as he turned the key in the ignition. The vehicle rumbling softly into life before making its way toward the gates of the cemetery.

"Well, as I probably gave you a heart attack by thinking that I had made a run for it with the Baron in tow..........I suppose I should say yes..........."

"Did...........did you kiss Zemo..............?"

"What...........? Did I kiss............Wow. That was not the question that I was expecting,, I didn't kiss the Baron............"

"But he said you did......................"

"Well, Barnes, I am not to be blamed for the Baron's false drunken recollections. Though if the situation had called for it, and I had had to do it so that I could get away, I would have done. But as it is, my lips have yet to know the taste of the Barons...................."

"So, you do want kiss him.............?" Bucky enquired, quickly turning his head to look at the woman next to him. Pulling the steering wheel sharply, as he nearly drove into a tree.

"I didn't say that............I mean, it is true that the Baron is quite charming, and is rather handsome. But.............."

"But what....................?"

"But he isn't really my type. I prefer my men to be dark, to be moody. To be a little over a hundred years old, but not look it. You wouldn't know where I could find someone like that, would you, Barnes?" (Y/n) replied. Smiling to herself, as Bucky pulled the car to the kerb and turned off the engine.


"Bucky please. Just let me say this.............Sitting with Steve made me realise that I had to get all of this out." She continued. Taking a deep breath before turning to look at the soldier.

"For what its worth, I'm............I'm sorry. I should never have put you in the position that I did. And I didn't mean to betray you, or hurt you, if that's what you think. I never had any intention of being this. I never meant to be a criminal. But............but when my parents kicked me out for being.............for being what I am, I just sort of fell into it, and found that I was quite good. It was the way that I could support myself and going for the big guys, the ones that had more money than sense, sort of made it ok in my mind. When I met you, met the others, Steve, Sam..........I stopped. I know you might not believe me, but I turned my back on my old life. All I wanted to do was be your girl. To maybe even help you. To find a new path for myself. But, the more you were away, and the more I felt abandoned again, I found myself going back to my old ways. Not because of anything you were doing, I just needed something. Some fun, some excitement. I still had my old contacts, and they were more than happy to have me back...........and well...............well, one thing led to another and here we are. I know that you have the intention of taking me back once we've got these Flag Smashers dealt with; but I need you to know a couple of things before we go any further. Firstly, I don't blame you for what you did. Secondly, I will not be going back. I will fight you, Sam, Zemo, or anyone else they send after me, I don't care. I am not going back to be experimented on like some kind of overgrown lab rat, again. And lastly, but most importantly................I need you to know that no matter what you might think, I loved you................I still..............I still love you, and I always will. You were the best thing that ever happened to me James Buchanan Barnes." (Y/n) confessed. Tears rolling down her cheeks as Bucky looked at her. Her eyes fluttering closed, as he placed his hand on her cheek. Her heart fit to burst, as she felt his lips gently come into contact with hers.  

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