A rare feral - Part 6 - Victor x Reader

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I'm sorry that this part is a little shorter than normal, but I will make up for it in the next.

"What........what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked, as she backed away from Victor. Her body beginning to burn up. Her temperature rising with every step closer that the big feral took. His nose sniffing at the air, as he took her exquisite aroma.

"It was you. The smell. It was you." Victor replied with a deeper, more seductive growl. His eyes firmly set on his prey, as he watched her skin seem to glow in the faint light of the fire a short distance away.

"What was me?" (Y/n) enquired with a snarl. Her body not sure what to do, as the pain inside her grew. The need for him. The need to be claimed by the big, ruggedly handsome feral, battling her instinct to fight him. Her instinct to be the survivor. Her needle like claws growing, as she prepared herself for whatever was to come.

"Don't play dumb, kitten. It doesn't suit you. I know you can feel it. That you can smell it. I can sense your heat. The heat a female only gets when she is with her mate. I know that you're burning up. That it hurts. Don't try to deny it. It will only make things worse. All you have to do is surrender to me, and I will make you feel better than you have ever felt in your life. I will show you what it is to be claimed." Victor told her, as he took another step closer and held out his hand. The odour of her heat sending him wild. His want, his need, his desire to feel himself deep inside her, stronger than anything he had known before.

"Surrender? Me? I have never surrendered in my life, and I have no want to start now." (Y/n) began. A low rumbling chuckle coming from deep inside her belly, as she backed into the icy water. The Tigress hoping that the frigid liquid would allow her to think straight. That the primal fog that had taken her over, would dissipate if she could only cool the heat inside her.

"I think that you will find that if you want to claim me, that it is you that will have to surrender, Creed. If you are truly my mate. If you are truly mine, then you will be prepared to prove it. Prove that you are worthy to claim me. Prove that you really are the man that you think you are. So do it. PROVE IT!" (Y/n) roared. The sound sending the slumbering birds up from their roosts and into the night air.

"It'll be my pleasure, kitten." Victor retorted, before pouncing forward. The silence of the Alaskan wilderness suddenly filling with the sounds of a feral mating dance. Thunderous roars, and rumbling growls shaking the trees, as a Tigress fought a Sabretooth. Both feral's fighting for supremacy. Claws slicing at the air. At flesh. Both (Y/n) and Victor knowing that with each hit. With each strike, they wanted one another more. That neither of them had ever fought an opponent that could match them like this.

Suddenly, (Y/n) found herself pinned to the riverbank. Her arms held above her head by one of Victor's strong hands. His beautiful body pressed up against hers. Creed unexpectedly doing something that he had never done in his life. That he never believed that he ever would.

"I surrender." Victor whispered into her ear, as he leaned over her. His heart thumping against his chest, as she writhed underneath him.

"I surrender." (Y/n) replied. Her body no longer wanting to fight. No longer wanting to protest. Her body just wanting to be his.

Then she was in the air. Hosted up in Victor's strong arms, as he made his way back to the fire. The big feral gently settling her on his large black coat, before he pulled at her clothes. (Y/n) unable to do anything, as the heat within her became overwhelming. The only words that she could formulate were the ones that told him that she wanted him. That she was his. The rare feral moaning lewdly, as he pulled her legs apart and pushed himself between them. A snarl leaving her lips, as Victor bit down on her neck and claimed her as his. As he sheathed himself inside her.


Victor pulled (Y/n) to his side. His hand reaching up to brush the sweat soaked hair away from her face. A face that was more perfect than any he had ever seen. He had never classed himself as a caring man. A feeling man. Never seen himself as a man that others would describe as actually giving a shit about anyone else. And if he was honest, he didn't. But now, as he held his mate close, something inside him felt different. As he looked into her eyes. As he felt her heart beat against his. He knew that from now on, he would care. That he would always care for (Y/n). That he would never allow any harm to come to his mate. Victor knowing that he now had a weakness. But that it was a weakness that he never wanted to lose.

"So, what now?" (Y/n) asked, as the brushed her fingers over Victor's beard. A purr like sound coming from her, as he caressed the claim mark on her neck.

"Will you take me back to the person that sent you after me? That sent those other men after me?" (Y/n) continued, as she moved from his side and straddled his hips. Victor's nails carefully running along the lines of her thighs. Up over her hips and waist. He progressed only stopped as the reached her breasts. The large feral unable to resist teasing her hardened nibs. The sound of her moan, and the heat from between her legs, letting him know that she wanted more. Needed more. And he was quite willing to give it to her.

"I'm taking you back, yes. But not for what Stryker expects. Whatever he had planned for you, I won't let him do it. You're mine, (Y/n). And no one hurts what's mine." Victor assure, before turning her over and nipping at the mark on her neck. (Y/n) panting, as she felt her mate inside her once again. The rare feral no longer caring what was to come. No longer fearing this Stryker that had sent Victor after her. For as long as she was with Victor, then that was all that mattered. 

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