Assassin - Part 7 - Scott x Reader

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(Y/n) threw the latest clothes that she had decided weren't good enough for an evening with Scott, onto the bed. A heavy sigh leaving her lips as she joined them. The agent lying on top of the large pile of shirts, pants and dresses. Why did this have to be so hard? It was Scott for goodness' sake, he was a great, lovable, funny guy, and probably wouldn't mind if she opened the door wearing her Minion pyjamas and fuzzy Yoda slippers. In fact, she had a feeling that the loving father might even possess such things himself. But whatever she managed to pull out from her wardrobe just didn't feel right. She wanted to make a good impression, perhaps that was the wrong thing to think given that she and Scott had already known one another for some time. That they had both seen one another at their worst, Scott once having carried her in his arms, as the team had made their way back out of their latest battle, her body broken and bruised. And she in turn had protected him, as he had been injured. So, she perhaps shouldn't feel that pressure, but she did.

With another heavy sigh, she sat up, placing her head in her hands as she looked at herself in the mirror. She knew that she could go to Nat, sure that the Widow would be happy to lend her anything in her vast wardrobe, but (Y/n) didn't think that most of the stuff that the other female agent had, would be fitting for the little place that she and Scott were going to go. That her dresses were more suitable for one of Tony's flashy parties that were filled with rich and famous people, than just going out for a few quite margaritas.


Scott balled up and threw the latest clothes that he had decided weren't good enough for an evening with (Y/n), onto his bed. A heavy sigh leaving his lips as he joined them. The ex-felon lying on the pile of shirts, pants and t-shirts that he had managed to accumulate at the compound. Why did this have to feel so hard? This was (Y/n) for goodness' sake, she was the most wonderful of women that probably wouldn't mind if he turned up at her door wearing his Captain America pyjamas and fuzzy Chewbacca slippers. In fact, he had a feeling that the gloriously nerdy girl might even possess such things herself. But whatever he managed to pull out from the chest of draws, just didn't feel right. He wanted to make a good impression, to show that there was more to him than just the goofball that the others seemed to think that he was, now perhaps that was the wrong thing to think given that (Y/n) had never seemed to have a problem with his terrible dad jokes and magic trick, and he and the agent had already known one another for some time. That they had both seen one another at their worst moments, he having once carried her in his arms, as the team had made their way back out of their latest battle, her body broken and bruised from the fight. And she in turn had protected him when he had been hit. When he couldn't shrink or grow anymore. Scott finding himself unable to do anything other than hide as she shielded him. So, perhaps he shouldn't feel that pressure, but he did.

With another heavy sigh, he sat up bolt upright, placing his head in his hands as he looked at himself in the mirror. It had crossed his mind to go and see the other boys, sure that one of them would be happy to lend him something that might be suitable, but the shudder that had just gone down his spine at the thought of the grin that would make its way onto Stark's lips if he were to say anything to him, completely put Scott off the notion. That, and he didn't think that one of the billionaire's overpriced designer suits or tuxedos, that were more fitting for the flashy parties that were filled with rich and famous people, that he threw, would quite work when going out for a few quite margaritas.

"Fine............." The electrical engineer said in an exasperated tone to the image that looked back at him. Throwing his arms up in the air as he got back to his feet. Scott digging to the bottom of the clothes pile for the first thing that he had tried on. His favourite pair of denims and grey shirt suddenly seeming like the most obvious and only choice. Scott racing around his rooms, as he looked up at the clock on the wall and realised that he was supposed to be knocking on her door at any moment. Doing his best not to fall over as he struggled to get his legs into his jeans.


(Y/n) took a deep breath and looked at herself for one last time as a knock came to her door. A smile coming to her lips, as the clock clicked over to seven. The woman that was Fury's secret feared assassin feeling her hand shake as she reached for the handle. Her heart beating wildly, as she opened the door to see that smile that she had come to love. Scott looking so handsome in his jeans and shirt. A cute blush coming to his cheeks, as she stood before him.

" look beautiful, (Y/n)." Scott said, as he looked her up and down. (Y/n) more than sure that he had seen her in just these clothes, a hundred times before, but she wasn't about to say anything against his sweet compliment.

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself there, Buggy." (Y/n) replied, as she leant against her door.

"Now, what say we get out of here? I feel the margheritas calling and I would rather that it was them, than Tony because he needed something." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took the arm that Scott offered. The two making their way down the corridor. 

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