The Winter Guard - Part 3 - Bucky x Reader

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Bucky watched the woman intently. Her eyes had never left the chaotic city that moved by beyond the car window. He was sure that he couldn't remember her. Sure, that he had never worked with her. But given his own still mixed up and missing memories, that didn't mean a thing. Even after all this time. Even being back with his old friend. And despite how much Steve and all the others had done their best to help, he still struggled. He still had nightmares. Awful nightmares. Often waking up in a pool of his own sweat. What he had done during his time as the Winter Soldier, sure to never leave his mind. So, he could only imagine what this Winter Guard was going through. The maelstrom that must be going on behind those beautiful eyes. Because at least he did have Steve. He could remember what and who he used to be. Who and what he really was. But she...........she apparently had none of that. No one to fall back on.

"Does anything look familiar?" Bucky asked quietly. The Winter Guard looking away from the window for a split second, before turning back.

"Some of the buildings. An odd smell here and there. But apart from that............." The woman replied. Her eyes focusing on a sudden glint of something from the inside of the car. The breath catching in her throat, as she caught a glimpse of Bucky's arm from under his sleeve.

"Are you one of them..................?"

"I used to be. For a long time. I was just like you. But I'm not anymore. Don't worry........." Bucky replied reassuringly, as he pulled down his sleeve. Steve and Tony looking at one another as the pair talked. Both knowing that if anyone could find out anything about their new guest, then it would be Buck.

"It hurts, doesn't it.............?" She continued, as she finally turned in his seat and properly looked at him.


"When they force you into the chair. When they place the mouth guard between your teeth and the machine around your head. When they wipe all your memories. It hurts, doesn't it?"

"Yes...........yes it does.............." Bucky agreed. His eyes moving to the floor of the car as he recalled the torture that Hydra had put him through. As he recalled the pain.

"How did you do it? How did you deal with it..............?"

"I...............I don't know..............." The Sargent confessed. His eyes slowly moving back up. Catching themselves in hers.

"No. Neither do I." The Guard replied. A small sad smile pulling at the corner of her lips, as she looked at him for a moment long, before returning her gaze to the city.


The rest of the long drive back to upstate New York had been in silence. The Winter Guard's complete attention focused on the world as it went by. Seemingly fascinated by everything that she was seeing. The four men in the car, occasionally looking at one another. None of them sure what, if anything there was to say. Yet, as the car turned to make its way up the driveway that led to the compound, the Winter Guard began to move in her seat. Her body fidgeting as she seemed to be trying to get a better look.

"What's that............?"

"That's where we're going. It's our home." Steve explained. His and the brows of the others furrowing, as the woman moved back in her seat.

"I don't want to go there. Please.........please don't take me there........" She begged. Suddenly grabbing hold of Bucky's hand. The fear in her eyes telling him, that whatever was going on in her mind, was real and terrifying.

"It's alright. There isn't anything to worry about. I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I won't let anyone harm you." Bucky assured, as he gripped her hand tightly.

"I swear................."

"Have you seen this place before?" Steve coaxed gently, as he looked between his best friend and the woman. Her fear filled gaze turning to look at him.

"I don't...........I'm not sure. But.........but there's something about it. Something that makes me think of something bad. Something awful that I saw..............." The woman replied. Bucky sure that whatever this something awful was that she could remember, it must have been bad. The Guard suddenly grabbing for the handle. The door flying open before she jumped from it. The four men watching on, as she rolled and came effortlessly to her feet. The wheels of the Range Rover digging into the gravel, as Happy slammed on the brakes. Bucky, Steve and Tony leaping out and racing over to where the Guard stood stooped over. Her hands on her knees and eyes set firmly on the floor. The men sure that at any moment she would throw up.

" was cold. Freezing.............." The Winter Guard began. Her eyes never leaving the ground, as she began to describe the horrors that she could see in her mind.

"There were men with guns, all of them in uniform. Walls made of wire. Tall towers. A trainline. Just bodies. The woman continued. Her tears dropping onto the bone dry gravel beneath her. The Guard taking a deep breath before standing up and making her way to Bucky.

"I don't want to remember this. Take it away........please." She begged. Bucky not sure what to say to help her. His hand reaching up and settling into her hair, as she threw herself into his arms. The Sargent looking over at Steve, Tony and Happy.

"Why don't you guys go on ahead? We'll make our way up in a minute." Bucky told them. The three other men looking between each other before turning their gaze back to the soldier.

"Buck I don't think................."

"It'll be alright, Steve. Don't worry............" Bucky assured. His arm gripping tighter to the Winter Guard as he felt her tremble against him. Her tears trickling down onto the shoulder of his leather jacket.

"Okay. We'll meet you up there." Steve reluctantly agreed. Nodding at Bucky, as he gave him a quick smile. The captain, Tony and Happy climbing back into the car, before it slowly moved away. The trio watching in the mirrors, as the Winter Soldier and Guard stood together. The only thing moving, Bucky's arm as he continued to brush his fingers through her hair.  

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