Immortal - Part 8 - Tony x Steve x Reader

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For a moment, Steve looked down at the hand that the agent was offering him before looking back to her eyes; the captain still feeling this strange sensation in the pit of his stomach. That perfume seeming to surround him. And despite how idiotic he might sound, despite how much it made sense for Buck to say that if she had been given the Super Soldier serum like himself and Steve, then Fury would have told them that; Steve still had the strangest feeling that he was right. That the woman that he knew had been in the shadows all that time ago; the woman that had been there when he became Captain America, was now stood in front of him.

"What's happened to those old-fashioned manners of yours, Rogers?" Tony suddenly remarked, as the captain continued to leave the beautiful new agent hanging. His thoughts, his memories knocked from his mind, as Bucky nudged him with his shoulder.

"What.......? Oh, my apologies, agent le Faye. It's a pleasure to meet you too." Steve finally said, as he reached out and took her hand.

"That perfume that you are wearing. It is unusual.........does it have a name.......?"

"Perfume..........? Oh, I suppose it is. I must confess that I picked it up in a bizarre in Cairo, the last time that I managed to get some time off. The stall holder informed me that it was supposed to made from some ancient recipe that dated back to the time of the pharaohs. I didn't necessarily believe him, but it sounded good, and I liked the scent, so................Its called Blue Lotus, after the sacred flower." (Y/n) explained, as she turned her attention to the other old soldier, and shook his hand.

"We have the most interesting and delightful of visitors, and the only thing you can think of, is to ask her about perfume? Boy, Rogers, you need to get out more. Even Bruce came up with a better line than that." Tony chuckled, before taking the immortal's hand, and placing it back in the crook of his arm.

"Well, now that you've met Captain Charming and the rest of the motley crew, why don't I take you to see my lab. I am sure that there will be a few things down there that you might find interesting?" The billionaire continued, his smile getting broader, if possible, as the new agent nodded. Tony leading her out of the room. The pair stopping for a moment, as they got to Nick.

"Thank you, Director. I think I'll be fine, if you wish to go." (Y/n) said. Nick giving her a nod in agreement, before watching as she and Tony left the room. Nick not sure that leaving those two alone, was the best thing given the immortal's history with his father; but............

"Director........could I have a word with you.........?" A voice came interrupting Nick's thoughts, Fury turning to find Steve standing in front of him.


"Well.........what do you think...........?" Tony asked, as he and the new arrival stood in the middle of the lab with the blueprint for his latest suit appearing all around them.

"I........I think that you have done wonders, Mister Stark." The immortal replied, as she looked up at the display.

She and Tony had been talking since they had left the room where he and the others had been waiting. More and more he was making her think of Howard. He had the same sparkle in his eyes, as he showed her all his latest projects. The same childlike glee, as he went on trying to impress her. (Y/n) was sure that Howard, if he were still alive, would be impressed by what his son had achieved. By all that he had done and the direction in which he had taken Stark Industries; heaven knew, that she was.

When she had first joined Howard in his work, the pair could never have imagined in their wildest dreams that things like his notions of hover cars, would be nothing to what was before her now. The suits that Tony had designed, the new innovations that had been showing her, the immortal had to admit, amazed her. (Y/n) only able to wonder what she and his father could have done if they had had this technology. Sure, that the war would have been over much sooner if they had been able to achieve even half of what Tony had done.

"This isn't all. I have so much more to show you............" The billionaire continued, as he moved so that he was stood right behind her. A shudder racing down her spine, as she felt his warm breath fan across her neck.

"Oh, I am sure you do................" (Y/n) began as she turned to look at him. Feeling at that moment as if she were back in Howard's labs. That at any moment, the man in front of her would lean over and kiss her.

"But perhaps we could save that for another time. Now, I would really like to wash up and maybe change. It's been a long day." The immortal continued, chuckling as Tony pouted slightly before smiling again.

"Of course, as long as you promise that you will have dinner with me.........?"

"I would be delighted, Mister Stark..............."

"Good, and its Tony................" Tony told her, before offering her his arm and leading her out of the labs.


"Everything about agent le Faye is in her file, Captain Rogers.............." Nick said, as Steve and Bucky followed him as he made his way out of the compound.

"So, she wasn't given the Super Serum. She's not like me and Steve; not from the same time........." Bucky chimed in; he and Steve almost barreling into the Director, as he came to a stop and turned to look at the pair.

"No, (Y/n) was not given the serum. She isn't a super soldier; and nor is she as old as you. Now, if you will excuse me............." Nick explained, before turning back around and heading for the door. Leaving Bucky to turn his attention to his old friend.

"See, I told you, pal. And like she said, that perfume is to an old recipe, or something. Your mystery woman probably picked it up on some trip to Egypt in the 30s..............."

"'re right................" Steve replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible. The captain, despite what he had heard, still feeling the need to trust his gut instincts.

"So, you ready to go to the gym............."

"Er......maybe later Buck. I have something I need to do first............" Steve interrupted, giving Bucky an apologetic nod, before quickly making his way to his rooms.   

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