Someone to watch over - Part 1 - Steven/Moon Knight x Reader

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New character time again. After watching Moon Knight for the second time, I thought that I should do an imagine for him. I love Oscar Isacc and think that Steven, Marc and Moon Knight deserved something. I hope that you enjoy.

Steven groaned as he slowly came around. His hand reaching up to cover his face, as the light stung his eyes.

"Oh, you're awake. That's good. I was beginning to worry." A strong English female voice said. Steven sitting bolt upright at the sound. His eyes growing wide, as he looked at the beautiful woman that was silhouetted against the large open window. The Pyramids of the Giza Plateau her backdrop.

"You've been out for forty eight hours. I hate to think what would have happened to you if I hadn't been following you." The woman continued, as she moved to sit in a rather ornate, carved wooden chair.

"I don't know what she would say if I hadn't rescued you............Now, with whom am I speaking?" The woman continued, as she looked at him. Steven not quite sure what to say. Not sure if he could actually say anything at all, as a small smile pulled at the corner of her lips.


"Ah. I had hoped for the other one. But either is a pleasure to finally meet you, Steven with a V..........." The woman replied with a nod. Steven doing his best to sort through all the muddled thoughts in his mind. All the questions that he knew he should be asking.

"I should imagine that you have a lot of questions. That you are wondering who I am and why I was following you. name is (Y/n). And I am the avatar of the goddess Mut. The consort of Amun and mother of Khonsu. My lady heard that the other gods had imprisoned her son in stone. That you had lost your abilities now that Khonsu was held in the ushabti. So..........she sent me to help her son's avatar until he can be freed. Mut has no desire to see Ammit released. And I personally have a score to settle with Harrow." (Y/n) explained, as she got back to her feet and made her way to a small table. Pouring Steven a glass of water and handing it to him, before taking a seat next to him on the bed.

"When I found you, you were in the desert. I brought you here, and I will be your shadow until Khonsu is released from the stone. Mut is very insistent about that. She is not at all happy that the other gods thought that they had the right to do what they did. That they would take the word of Harrow over that of her son." (Y/n) continued, as she carefully reached up her hand and brushed back one of the dark curls from his forehead.

Steven continued to stare at the woman by his side. The gift shop worker still stunned by not only her, but by what she had just told him. He had no idea that someone had been following him. No idea whether Marc knew that someone had been following them. But either way, he was glad that she had been.

Mut. He of course knew of her. The mother goddess of Thebes. A beautiful woman that was often depicted with the wings of a vulture and wore the dual crowns of royalty. A goddess that rose to the position of queen of the gods, when Amun, her husband, became the most important god of Egypt in the New Kingdom. Yet he had never expected that her avatar would have been watching over him. Never expected that there would be someone else on their side.

"Can you........I mean.........can you do the whole suit thing? Are you like us?" Steven asked, as he finally managed to find his voice.

"In my own way, yes. Though my garb is much different to the ones that you and Marc wear. Khonsu is the god of the moon. My lady on the other hand, is the mother and daughter of the sun god. So..............."

" long have you been............?"

"Been her avatar? It's been a long time now. Though I have known the goddess for much longer than I have been her vessel." (Y/n) began, as she turned her gaze to the ancient scene that lay outside the window.

"I didn't have a very good childhood. My father left when I was young, and my mother was no mother. One night, this beautiful woman appeared in my room. She took a seat on my bed just like this, and she smiled at me. She told me that she wanted to be my friend. That she would help and protect me, if I would agree that when the time came, I would help her in return. And I found myself agreeing. Every night from then on, she would visit me. She would teach me. Tell me all these wonderful things. What I could be if I stayed with her. And I have. Even when I joined the army to escape my mother, Mut followed me. She has been with me in every war zone, every skirmish that I have faced. She was with me when I found myself trapped behind enemy lines. But it wasn't until Harrow became a problem that she showed me what I was truly capable of. What being the avatar of a goddess really meant. And now, it is my turn to repay her for all her protection. Now I am to watch over and protect you until Khonsu can be released, and Ammit and Harrow defeated. So, I would suggest that you take the rest of the day to recover. We have a lot to do tomorrow, and I need you at your best." (Y/n) explained, before getting up and making her way to the door.

"I'll bring you something to eat." The avatar added. Giving Steven one more smile before she headed out of the room. Leaving Steven to scramble from the bed. A sense of relief filling him, as he saw Marc's face looking back at him through the mirror. 

Marvel Universe Imagines and One Shots Book Twoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें