Rasputin - Part 4 - Sam x Clint x Reader

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"Sweetheart. Its ok." Tony tried to reassure, as he held (Y/n)'s trembling form in his arms. The billionaire looking up, as Bruce as he rushed back into the room.

"No.......no.......you're not real. None of this is real. They have used you before. Used the others. Steve, Bruce, Bucky...........They have filled my head with your images in hopes of destroying me. In hopes of breaking me, to get what they want. To turn me into something. But I never believed it. I would never allow myself to become what they wanted. As much as I hoped for this. As much as I prayed for this. I know those pictures of you were never real. And this is no different. This is just more torture." (Y/n) sobbed. Her tight grip on Tony refusing to loosen, despite her beliefs.

"(Y/n), this is real. I promise. Look. Bruce is here. As soon as the others find out that you're awake, we won't be able to move in this room. You are ok. We found you. Brought you back to the compound. Everything is going to be alright." Tony explained, a small smile coming to his lips, as (Y/n) pulled away slightly, so that she could look at him. So that she could look up at Bruce.

"Prove it! Tell me something that only the real Tony Stark might say. Would say." (Y/n) retorted. Waiting hopefully, as Tony mussed for a moment.

"Ok.........I can be an asshole sometimes.............."

"Only sometimes..........?" Bruce interjected without meaning to. The doctor amazed, as huge smile spread across (Y/n)'s face. The tears once again beginning to fall, as she threw herself back into Tony's arms.

"It is you........It really is you..................."


Sam and Clint stood at the door to the room, as the rest of the team piled in. Tony had had F.R.I.D.A.Y inform the others that (Y/n) was now awake and desperately wanted to see them. Tony and Bruce doing their best to explain how they had found her and brought her home. About the Hydra base and them finding her in a cryotube, before the small medical room was filled with bodies. Sam and Clint just looking at one another. Their legs seeming to refuse to move, even though they out of all of them, were the most desperate to make sure that she was alright.

Clint knew that what Sam had said earlier, was true. That he had given him and (Y/n) the whole spiel about him being the best archer. That he never missed anything. But when it had come down to it, he had missed something. He had missed (Y/n) being taken. Clint feeling that he hadn't been prepared enough for the mission. That as the one in charge, he could, should, have done more. And now, all he could do was hope that (Y/n) would forgive him. That somehow, he could make up for all she had been through. 

Sam knew that what Clint had said earlier, was true. That he had been too distracted by a pair of beautiful eyes and a pretty smile. That he hadn't been watching when he should have been. That he hadn't been watching (Y/n)'s back after promising her. Promising Steve, Barnes and old iron breeches that he would. That when the shit had hit the fan, he had missed (Y/n) being taken. Sam feeling that he hadn't been prepared enough for the mission. That he should have taken more charge of the job. That he could, should have done more. And now all he could do was hope that (Y/n) would forgive him. That somehow, he could make up for all she had been through.

"We going in then?" Clint asked, as he looked Sam up and down.

"Age before beauty." Sam replied. Gesturing for the archer to go in first. Clint rolling his eyes and grumbling under his breath, as he slowly made his way into the room. Closely followed by the Falcon.


(Y/n) looked around the sea of faces. Each of them smiling back at her. Bucky sitting on her left side, as Steve sat on the right. Tony and Nat sat at the foot of the bed, while Bruce continued to try and do his check on his patient. The others doing their best to not get in his way.

"Clint.......Sam.........? Are they.........?" (Y/n) asked, as she finally realised that the two boys weren't with the others.

"Hi beautiful." A familiar voice replied. The others moving out of the way, as Clint and Sam entered the room. Tears rolling down (Y/n)'s cheeks, as she saw the duo. As they took the places of Steve and Bucky. (Y/n) pulling them both close and holding them tight.

"They told me that you were both dead. That they had killed you. That it was all my fault. That it was because of me that you had died. I felt so guilty. I thought I would never get to see you again. Any of you. That I would never get the chance to apologise for what happened." (Y/n) explained, as she continued to hold the archer and ex-pararescue airman close. Sam and Clint not knowing what to say. Finding it hard to believe that despite the fact that it was she that had been held by Hydra, having goodness knows what done to her over the last two years. It would appear that it was (Y/n) that felt the most guilt about what had happened that night.

"Hey, hey. We're fine. Look. Clint's as ugly as he ever was..........."

"Yeah, and Sam's still as dumb..........." Clint interjected. The sound of (Y/n) laughing filling their ears. The chuckle, the pair was sure, was the most wonderful thing that either of them had heard in a very long time.

"Nice to see nothing has changed. All that's missing is Bucky joining in." (Y/n) told the pair. Sam and Clint reluctantly moving away, as they heard Bruce's voice.

"Sorry guys, but I need to run some tests on (Y/n). Once I'm done you can come back." Bruce explained. The others nodding and giving (Y/n) smiles. Each of them promising to return once Bruce was done.

"I'm afraid that goes for you two, too." Bruce continued, as he turned his attention to Sam and Clint. The two slowly getting up.

"See you soon." Clint assured.

"I'll see you sooner." Sam agreed. The two men taking to glaring at one another again, as they left the room. 

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