Rasputin - Part 5 - Clint x Sam x Reader

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(Y/n) watched, as Bruce tapped at the screen. The doctor looking at the information on her condition, and she couldn't help but smile. It was so good to see him again. So good to hear his calm voice. So good to watch him push his glasses back up his nose after they had slipped down. She had tried to tell him that she felt fine. That in a strange way, she had never felt better. But of course, Bruce wanted to make sure. He wanted to give her a full physical. To check her blood. To see the scars that had been inflicted on her. To do the x-rays. And all (Y/n) could do, was sit back and let him get on with it. Not that she minded. It was so nice to just be in his presence again. To see that sweet smile. And she would be happy to stay there and let him examine her, as long as he wanted.

"So.........? How do I look, doc?" (Y/n) asked, as Bruce pushed his glasses back up his nose for the umpteenth time since they had begun the tests.

"Well.........from what I can see at the moment. Physically, you're fine. In fact, you're better than fine. In fact, much, much better than fine. Though we still need to go through your bloodwork. To see what.......well, to see what Hydra might have done to you. But in a way, its not your physical wellbeing that's really concerning me. Its more..............."

"My mental health." (Y/n) interrupted, giving the obviously concerned doctor a smile as she took his hand. Bruce nodding slowly.

"I know that maybe we should leave this for later. When you've had time to get used to being home. Used to not being........."

"It's alright, Bruce. Eventually I have to talk about it. To learn to deal with whatever happened to me. And who better to start talking to than my favourite doctor." (Y/n) told him. Intertwining her fingers in his, and squeezing his hand reassuringly.

"Well......if you're sure. So, um..........what can you remember about what happened."

"It's a little mixed up I'm afraid. My thoughts. My memories are all jumbled. I supposed that it must be a little like how Bucky felt. How he still feels. I recall the mission. How everything seemed to go wrong in the blink of an eye. I remember seeing Sam, seeing Clint. Wanting to get to them. But before I could do anything, I was grabbed from the back. I was pushed to the ground. It felt like there was a pile of bodies holding me down. That I couldn't breathe. And then they put something over my head. Tightening it around my throat. Then.........then I felt a sting, and everything went black. I think........I think the next thing......the next thing I was in a cell. They were telling me that Sam and Clint were dead. That it was all because of me. That they were going to turn me into their puppet. A killer like the Winter Soldier had been. But I swore that no matter what they did, I would never join them. After that.........after that I'm not really sure what was real and what wasn't. I think I recall some of the pain. Some of the.........some of the things that they did to me to force me to do what they wanted. I remember the images of you, of Tony, and the others that they would fill my mind with. They would give me these wonderful things, and then tear them away. They would occasionally tell me that one of you had died. Trying to use that pain to break me. But I knew better. That no one is strong enough to bring down the Hulk. That Steve, Bucky, Nat would never go down that easy. That Tony is too stubborn to lose to anyone. That if he did, he would know that he would never live it down. But the more I fought against them. The more I laughed at them. The worse the pain, the punishment got. Then I think that they realised that no matter what they did. I would never be one of them. And they stopped.........just stopped. After that.......... nothing." (Y/n) explained slowly. Her voice low. Bruce able to hear the quiver in her tone, as she did her best to just give him the basics. His grip on her hand getting tighter, as he saw the tears glisten in the corners of her eyes.

"Its alright (Y/n). You don't have to say anymore, now. You're home. Safe. And as soon as you feel ready, we can talk some more. You can talk to whoever you like. All you need to know, is that everything will be fine. That I won't let anything happen to you." Bruce reassured, as he took a seat next to her on the bed. (Y/n) laying her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Bruce. I know that I could depend on you." (Y/n) replied. A small smile pulling at her lips, as he placed his arm around her.


"Will you two cut it out!" Nat exclaimed. The widow, as well as the rest of the team, sick of having to listen to Sam and Clint continue their verbal stoush back in the common room. Their reasons for blaming one another for what happened that night, getting more and more ludicrous and exaggerated as they went.

"Yeah. Let's face it, it was the fault of both of you that (Y/n) got taken. If both of you had done the job as you were supposed to have done it, (Y/n) would have come home, just like you two did. Instead of being taken by those Hydra animals, so that they could do God only knows what to her. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting sick of listening to ya crap. It sounds more like you are feeling sorry for yourselves rather than for what happened to (Y/n). And as I am the one that knows the best about what Hydra can do, I think that you should be ashamed of yourselves. That (Y/n), if for some reason she can forgive you two, will need both of you not to be fighting like a pair of spoil kids. That she will need you to be there to support her." Bucky hissed disdainfully at the two men. The old soldier feeling that if it had been him that had been on the mission with (Y/n), then she would not have had to suffer like he had. That she wouldn't be tortured by nightmares of what had been done to her. But as he hadn't. As the two bird brains had dropped the ball and allowed (Y/n) to be taken. He knew that he would have to help her as much as he could to readjust. To come to terms with what had happened. The soldier shaking his head at the two shocked men, before making his way to see if Bruce had finished his tests. To see if (Y/n) wanted to talk. Steve slowly getting to his feet, giving the waring duo a disappointed look before he followed after Bucky. Leaving the others to try and talk some sense into archer and Falcon.  

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