Fly girl - Part 1 - Nick x Reader

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I'm starting off with Nick here but will again be moving on to the other Avenger characters. Hope you enjoy

Nick watched, as the helicopter flew overhead. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as he watched the machine almost dance in the air.

"I take it that that is the captain?" The Director enquired, as the Colonel came up to join him.

"Yes. That's (Y/n). The others call her Woody after that crazy cartoon woodpecker............."

"So.........she's a little hard to handle?" Nick countered. The Director deciding that he already like this woman despite the fact that he hadn't met her yet. And that she would fit in with the others just fine.

"She can be a little.........difficult at times. She knows and speaks her own mind, even to her superior officers. But she knows what she's doing. And if my ass was on the line, I would want her to be the one piloting the bird that came to rescue me." The colonel explained, as he opened the door to the old building, before gesturing for Nick to enter. The pair making their way through the halls. The young corporal smiling, as the two men entered the office.

"Sir, I have informed Sargent Cole that you wish to speak to the captain." The young man said, as he got to his feet and handed the colonel a file.

"Excellent. Now Director, may I recommend a drink. It might be a little early, but if you're going to talk to (Y/n), you might just need it."


"Any good?"

"Yeah, not too bad. The old girl is running fine." (Y/n) replied, as she pulled off her helmet and threw it to the mechanic.

"Well, that's my job, Woody. I keep the things flying, so that you can look good.........."

"And you do it so well, Cole. Now, if you don't mind, I'm starving and have a date with the mess hall............"

"Not yet you don't. The old man wants to see you." Cole replied with a chuckle, as the captain rolled her eyes.

"Oh jeez. What the hell did I do this time? I've been on my best behaviour and still get called up in front of the boss.........."

"Just shows you, Woody. No good deed goes unpunished. I'll make sure to keep something warm for you............."

"I bet you say that to all the girls, Cole." (Y/n) chuckled, as she made her way to the colonel's office. The captain really having no idea why the old man would want to see her. But whether she liked it or not, if the big dog barked, you jumped.


"Sir.......Captain (Y/l/n)." The corporal announced, as he poked his head around the door to the office. The colonel nodding before the young man opened the door fully and let (Y/n) into the room. The pilot saluting to the tall, grey haired man behind the desk; not failing to notice the dark figure that stood in the corner of the room.

"Ah, Captain (Y/l/n). Please take a seat." The colonel said, gesturing for her to take a seat opposite him.

"I was told that you wanted to see me, sir............and I don't mean to be rude, but who's the cyclops?" (Y/n) enquired. Her brows furrowing, as the strange man let out an amused snort.

"The er.......... the cyclops, is the reason that I called you here, captain." The officer replied, as he slowly got to his feet.

"I'll leave you two alone........." The colonel added, as he made his way to the door. The ingress slowly closing, as Nick took a seat at the desk.

"So.........what did I do? You don't look anything like any of the local cops, but if this is about the fight I broke up at that civilian bar, I got them all out of there because they are my guys, and I didn't want them dragged away by the MPs. Can't make birds fly if the mechanics are locked up in a drunk tank." (Y/n) said, as she eyed the black clad man in front of her. A man that seemed more preoccupied with the file in front of him.

"You take care of your men.............?"

"Of course, I do. We're a team. A family. Hammer and the others have been with me every step of the way............"

"Hammer........?" Nick interjected, as he looked up from the file.

"Sargent Tim Cole. We call him Hammer, because he always jokes that if it can't be fixed with a hammer, duct tape, a can of WD40, or elbow grease, then it's not worth fixing. Now........sir, why don't you tell me why I'm here?" (Y/n) explained, as she leaned back in the chair and waited for the man to tell her what the hell was going on.

"You have an exemplary record, Captain. Despite your.......outspokenness, and occasional lack of care about the chain of command, you are one of the best pilots that there is. Graduated Summa cum laude in your class at Westpoint. Recipient of the Medal of Honour for acts of bravery above and beyond the call of duty in a war zone.............."

"Sir, again, not meaning to be rude, but I know all about myself. I know what I have done and what I can do. But its not getting us any closer to the reason that the two of us are here.............."

"Quite right. Have you heard of S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers, captain?" Nick replied, as he closed the file and leant back in his chair.

"Who hasn't? There are yet undiscovered species that live at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that know about S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers..........."

"And what do you think.........?"

"I have no problem with a little cloak and dagger. Sometimes the game has to be played in the shadows. So, things like S.H.I.E.L.D have their place. And as far as the Avengers go.........the world needs its heroes. They give people something to rally behind, like they did with Rogers during the war. But I'm sure that I don't know enough about any of the individual member to make comment............" (Y/n) replied. The captain shrugging, as the man across from her gave her one of those 'oh please' looks.

"Fine.........from what I've heard, Stark can be an asshole and needs taking down a peg or two............but other than that..........."

"And how would you like to be the one to remind Tony Stark that he isn't all that?" Nick interjected, as he got to his feet and rounded the table. Taking a seat on the edge of the desk right next to (Y/n).

"What? And how would I do that........sir........?"

"You do that, captain, by becoming the newest Avenger." 

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