Legolas, Katniss, Robin Hood wannabe - Part 1 - Clint x Reader

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What was it about Clint Barton? No really. What was it about Clint Barton? Could anyone tell her? Please! To (Y/n) he was the most annoying man that she had ever come across. He was cocky, childish, a compete show off and ridiculously competitive. And she would go so far as to say that he was even worse than Tony in some respects. Yet despite all this. Despite how he seemed to take great delight in irritating her every chance that he got. She liked him. God help her, she liked him. (Y/n) finding herself at one moment wanting to strangle him, and then at the next, terrified when he was away on a mission. Not able to sleep until she saw his grinning face make its way into the common room.

"You like him." A voice said from beside her, as she watched the archer leave the room. Clint expertly dodging as she had thrown some pillows at his head.


"You like him............" Nat said again. A small smile creeping onto her lips as (Y/n) stared at her in disbelief.

"What..........him? Me? Are you kidding? That Legolas. Katniss Everdeen, Robin Hood wannabe. Are you out of your tiny mind? Just because you like him, that doesn't mean that the rest of us have to. Clinton Francis Barton has to be the most infuriating man that I have ever met. If you put Tony, Sam and Loki into one person, that person would still not be as aggravating as Clint!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Crossing her arms defiantly and slumping back onto the sofa.

"She finally admitting that she likes Barton?" Tony enquired, as he made his way into the room and took a seat on one of the chairs. The billionaire putting his feet up on the coffee table.

"Agghhhhh! What is it with you two? Are you both deaf? Let me spell it out for you. I. DO. NOT. LIKE. CLINT. BARTON!!!" (Y/n) exclaimed again. Making sure to annunciate every word as clearly as she could before getting to her feet.

"Now. If you two will excuse me, I have better things to do than sit here and listen to your crazy flights of fancy." She huffed, making her way to the door. Sam walking into the common room just after she had rounded the corner.

"What's wrong with (Y/n)? She finally told Clint that she likes him?" Sam asked. The Falcon's brows furrowing as Tony and Nat looked one another and began to laugh...............


"Stupid tin can. Stupid Nat. Stupid Clint." (Y/n) muttered under her breath, as she made her way to her room. Made her way anywhere where there wouldn't be someone that would say that she liked Clint. Alright, it was true that she did, but she hated the idea of the others being able to see that. She hated the idea of Clint knowing that. Sure, that the archer couldn't and didn't feel the same for her. Sure, that Clint would just use the knowledge to tease her.

Suddenly, (Y/n) found herself falling backwards after just bumping into something solid. The female Avenger quite surprised that she had not hit the floor. Instead finding a strong arm holding her tight.

"You following me? I just can't keep you away, can I?" Clint chuckled, as he pulled her a little closer.

"I am not following you. Why would anyone want to follow you? Personally, I prefer to stay as far away from you as possible. Clinton.........!" (Y/n) retorted sarcastically, as she pushed herself away from the archer. Albeit reluctantly. Fighting back the desire to remain in his strong arms. To kiss those softly smiling lips. To run her finger through his hair. (Y/n) gulping at the large lump that had formed in her throat, as Clint's blue eyes stared into hers. Her heart beating a little quicker as it appeared for one moment as though the archer was about to say something. Something that wasn't their usual sarcastic, one upmanship form of communication. (Y/n) sighing heavily as Clint seemed to think better of it. Turning so that she could make her way back down the corridor.

"(Y/n)!" Clint called out. Another smile coming to his lips as she spun around to look at him.

"You still going on that mission with Steve and Barnes tomorrow............?"

"Yeah. Should only be gone for a couple of days. Steve has it all planned out as usual, so it should go pretty smooth. I mean, woe betide any bad guy that tries to mess with one of Cap's plans, right..............." (Y/n) replied, with a small chuckle.

"And..........and still off with that thing for Fury............?"

"Yeah. If all goes right, I should be back the day before you and the old guys." Clint responded. The two of them just standing in the long corridor for a moment, in complete silence.



"Be careful............." Clint finally continued, as he took a couple of steps closer.

"Always am, Legolas. Always am. make sure that you're careful too.........ok?" (Y/n) countered. Her head shaking as Clint gave her one of his usual smug grins. Crossing his arms, as he leant against the wall.

"Always am, dahlin. Always am. See ya when ya get back..........." Clint replied. (Y/n) giving him a slow nod before making her way to her room. Clint watching as she disappeared. The archer banging his head against the wall in utter frustration at himself. Not sure how he could go up against any kind of bad guy without even blinking an eye, yet when it came to telling (Y/n) that he loved her, all he did was chicken out. All he did, was allow her to think that there was nothing more between them than the strange friendship that had grown over the years. But this time, he determined that when they got back from their respective missions, he would finally pluck up the courage to tell her just how much he really cared. Just how much he loved her. The archer turning and making his way to his own room, so that he could prepare for tomorrow. 

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