Assassin - Part 4 - Scott x Reader

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Its nice to be back. Hope you enjoy.

Okay, (Y/n) wasn't normally the type to blush. It was just one of those things that she didn't do. Given her years as an agent, and doing the job that she really did, blushing, especially out of such a thing as embarrassment, was something that just wasn't her. But at this moment, with Scott looking down at her with that smile, Bucky sat over her hips, and the explanation of what a DILF was still hanging on her lips she couldn't help but feel a heat come to her cheeks. Bucky looking between (Y/n) and Scott, a broad smile spreading across his lips.

"Yeah, of course you can cut in. That's if you think that you can handle (Y/n)? What do you think, (Y/n). Do you think that Scott could handle you?" Bucky's chuckle suddenly stopping, as he found himself thrown over onto his back. (Y/n) glaring down at him, as she jumped to her feet.

"Never get distracted, Barnes. Especially by your own, not so subtle innuendo." The assassin replied, before turning her attention to Scott. Sure, that her heart was going to melt as she saw the confused, goofy look on Scott's face.

"Of course, you can cut in, Scott. I know all of Bucky's moves anyway, so I could do with a challenge. He is getting so predictable in his old age." (Y/n) continued with a smile. The sight of Scott's slightly sweaty "Papa Bear" t-shirt sticking to the muscles in his arms and on his chest, stopping her from hearing the huff that came from the old soldier that was getting to his feet. Stopping her from hearing his rebuttal that he didn't feel as old as he was.........well, not most of the time anyway, and he was most certainly not predictable. And now that Scott had just moved a little closer, she most certainly didn't notice Bucky rolling his eyes, before making his way over to where Steve was shaking his head and chuckling to himself.

" er, want to spar, or something.................?" Scott finally managed to enquire, as he shook the thoughts from his mind. Thoughts of whether he could find a way to pin (Y/n) down like Barnes just had. The clothes she wore to the gym session, revealing just enough to make his mind race. Not that his mind didn't race anyway when it came to (Y/n). Some mornings, he would find it difficult to even look at her given the dreams that he would have about her. Dreams that he would have about them being together. Of her being beneath him, her beautiful eyes looking up into his. Their sweat soaked bodies melding into one, as he dropped to her side and held her close. As he whispered all the sweet words that he could think of, into her ear. Words of praise, of adoration, but most of all, of love. The love that he knew that he truly felt in his heart for the woman in front of him.


" er, want to spar, or something.................?" Scott said. (Y/n) finding herself standing there for a moment. As far as she was concerned, she and Scott were alone. Steve and Bucky no longer existed. The world around them, beyond them, wasn't there. All that there was, was Scott and herself. A man that she had realised some time ago, that she had come to truly care for. That she had come to love.

Not long after her first meeting with Scott, she had thought about going to Fury and telling him that she could no longer be his secret assassin. That she wanted an easy life..........well, as easy a life as an Avenger could have. That she wanted to be just like the others. That she wanted a life more like the one that Clint and Laura shared. Yet she had talked herself out of it, realising that it was foolish to want to give up on all she knew and was, just because she had met a wonderful goof that had made her knees week with just one smile and a terrible dad joke. But more recently, she had taken the plunge. She had summoned the courage to go and see the director, to tell him that she wanted out. That she wanted more. That she wanted to be with Scott, and given her true role, she couldn't do that. The ensuing conversation between her and Fury culminating with (Y/n) leaving the office just as much the assassin as she had always been. The notion that what she did was far too important to not only S.H.I.E.L.D, but the Avengers and the world too. That she did what she did to protect the likes of Scott and Cassie, filling her mind. The director more or less telling her that he couldn't let her go. That her job was far greater than her feelings for Lang. That she couldn't fight what she was. And what she was, was the best. The best at killing anyone or anything that dare threaten the world, without leaving a trace. Yet as Scott stood before her, she had to think again. Wondering if an assassin like her could find all she had ever really wanted in the arms of this one man.

"Um...........yeah. Sparring sounds good, Scott. That's only if you promise that you won't hurt me. We both know that I am just a delicate flower." (Y/n) chuckled, as she readied her stance. Scott coughing uncomfortably, as he slowly mirrored her. The ex-felon well aware that the only delicate flower in the room, was him. And that (Y/n) could in fact, kick his ass even if both arms were tied behind her back and her legs were tied together. Doing his best to dodge her first blow, as the fist came towards him. Scott hoping that he would be able to ask her out before he found himself on his back gasping for air and needing to see the doctor. 

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