The flaming idiot - Part 3 - Johnny Storm x Reader

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"Hi, Steve. Is everything ok?" (Y/n) asked, as she almost ran into the captain. Steve looking nervously between her and the room behind him.

"Oh no! Don't tell me. Johnny has been teasing Buck. I did tell him not pretend to be you. But Johnny.................."

"No. No. In fact......................"

"In fact, what......................?"

"We were just..........just talking. I um.........I have to go find Sam. It's our time to go for a run.............." Steve replied, as he quickly moved past (Y/n). The captain ignoring her, as she shouted after him that he had already been for his run that day. (Y/n) turning to make her way into the common room, to find out straight from the horse's ass what had really been going on.

"Hey, doll." Johnny smiled, as (Y/n) made her way into the room.

"Will you stop! Only Steve and Bucky get to call me that. And as you are not Buck, and I have just seen Steve leave, you can knock it off, Storm. And even if no one else could tell the difference between you two, I certainly can." (Y/n) huffed, as she made her way further into the room, and dropped into one of the chairs.

"Oh, yeah! And how do you do that................?" Johnny retorted with his own huff. Rolling his eyes at the thought of having to listen once again to how wonderful captain spangle pants was, despite the conversation he had just had with the old soldier. And despite the fact that he had just asked how he could be more like him.

"Because.........Steve is charming, kind and gentlemanly. He is loyal, doesn't make a complete and utter ass of himself or the rest of his team. Doesn't feel the need to be the centre of attention. And he is a pleasure to be around. You, on the other hand, are not. Nor are you any of those things. You are just a jerk!" (Y/n) informed him, as she crossed her arms and glared at him, waiting for one of his usual witty retorts. Or at least they were witty as far as Johnny was concerned

"I have my good points too, you know........." Johnny protested, as he mirrored the beautiful Banners posture.

"Oh yeah? And what would they be? The ability to be the life and soul of a frat party is not a good point by the way. Nor is the ability to name every stripper and pole dancer in the city. Nor, may I add, is the fact that you have the numbers of most of the woman in the tri-state area saved in your cell phone. Or the that you can burp the alphabet backwards........." (Y/n) scoffed, as she glared at the flaming idiot. The younger Banner snorting indignantly, rising back to her feet, as Johnny struggled to find an answer after she had listed all those things.

"See. I despair at you Johnny Storm. You have been given a gift. And if you could just get over this lifelong phase that you are going through of needing to be the biggest show off on the planet. Of needing to get anything with a giggle and a wiggle into your bed, then you could not only be a great asset to the others, but to this world. To me. But you can't can you? I don't know what is in you that needs to do those things but............" (Y/n) told him, as she turned away. Not wanting Johnny to see the tears that had begun to trickle down her cheeks. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing the effect that he had on her. The young Banner finally realising that there was no way that she could ever tell him how she truly felt. That despite how her heart needed him, Johnny Storm would always be the same old Johnny Storm. The eternal centre of attention. He would always be Don Juan, Casanova, and Tony Stark all rolled into one. (Y/n) racing from the room, quite forgetting about asking the Human Torch what had made Steve seem quite so uncomfortable. Tears flooding her eyes, as she raced through the corridors. Her progress only hampered, as she bumped into something solid. Something very solid. Her teary eyes looking up to see Ben. The Thing grumbling as he looked down at her, knowing that only one person could make (Y/n) cry like that.

"I'm gonna kill him................."


Johnny watched as (Y/n) ran from the room. Okay, that hadn't gone quite as well as he had hoped. Okay, it really hadn't gone as well as he had hoped. And it was obvious that he was in need of another conversation with the walking star spangled banner. The younger Storm dropping his head into his hands, as what had just happened went around and around in his head.

He wanted to go after her. To apologise. But he knew from previous experience that that was the last thing that he should do. That it could all end worse than it already had, well, for him at least if he did. Johnny shuddering slightly at the thought of that two angry Banners could do to him if they wanted.

All he had wanted to do was tell (Y/n) that he was sorry. To apologise for being such an ass when she had first come to work with Reed. For not having realised sooner that the best thing he could ever hope for, had walked into his life. To ask her if they could forget about everything that had gone before and start afresh. Maybe go for a coffee at this little place he knew of in the city. If they could be friends, and maybe in time, something more. But as it turned out, he had developed yet another case of foot in mouth syndrome, and completely messed everything up.

Slowly he got to his feet and made his way over to the window. His thoughts going back to Reed first telling him all about her. How he had expected some mousey, quiet little creature that knew nothing more about life than what was on the inside of a lab. But, as she had walked into the room on his sister's arm, he had found his heart pounding against the inside of his chest. His mouth drying, and his palms sweating, when she had smiled as Sue had introduced him. Johnny instantly knowing that he had fallen in love. But maybe that was why he had done what he had done. Maybe that was he had taken it upon himself to bring every girl he could find back to his room. He was afraid of his feelings. Afraid of being in love. Afraid that she wouldn't love him in return. Johnny finding himself brought back from his thoughts as he heard a bellow come through the corridors of the compound. The Human Torch readying himself to face the music, as he felt the room shake.

"I'm gonna kill him................" 

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