Heart of the Gods - Part 2 - Loki x Thor x Reader

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I have been asked a few times for a second part to this imagine. So, as I do love this story, I thought that I would see where I could take it. Hope you all enjoy.

"What?!" Tony exclaimed with a gasp. The billionaire not quite believing what he had just heard.

"I said, my apologises, Stark. Now, if you will excuse me, I believe that Thor will soon be returning with (Y/n). And she and I have things to do." Loki explained, before nodding respectfully and gliding out of the room.

"Did he........? Did you...........? Did I..........? Was that real? That was Loki, right?" Tony asked the others. The rest of the team also not able to believe what they had just heard come out of Loki's mouth.

"He did. I did. And you did. It seemed real to me, and it certainly looked like Loki. But he could of course, be up to one of his tricks." Steve replied. The super soldier finding it hard to fathom how the God of Mischief had turned from someone that they had all disliked and disliked them in return. Into a man that no one seemed to recognise, but Thor and (Y/n).

Thor and Loki's bride had only been with them for a matter of days. Yet the change in the God of Mischief, in particular, had shocked them all. There were still elements of the snide, sarcastic egomaniac that they had come to know better since he had come back to Midgard to serve the rest of his penance for New York. But even these traits seemed now to be overshadowed by a new, much more pleasant demeanour. A demeanour that none of them were sure how to take. All really suspecting, that underneath this new likeable nature, the God of Mischief would be back to his old tricks, if any of them dare drop their guard.

"I still don't trust him. All that nicey, nicey crap isn't fooling me. Do ya actually think that Loki, Loki, could change just like that. Change so dramatically just because he and Thor have (Y/n) back in their lives?" Clint huffed, as he crossed his arms firmly across his chest.

"Well, Thor did say that she was his secret weapon to control Loki. That she would help make him the man he had been before. Though if we had known that she would have such a profound effect on him in such a short time, I would have helped Thor and Fury find her sooner. I must admit that I can see why she has such an effect on him, though. She is quite..........quite..........."

"Enchanting!" Tony suddenly said, interrupting Steve's musings.

"Exquisite!" Bruce chimed in. As he stared dreamingly into the distance.

"Breathtaking!" Steve added himself, with a soft hum.

"Exceptional!" Clint found himself having to agree. The archer knowing that despite his best efforts, he along with the rest had been caught up in the goddess' presence.

"Perfect!" Natasha concluded quietly. The widow as captivated by their guest, as the boys.

"But still..............are we believing that Loki has turned into a new man. Are any of us falling for this.............?" Tony asked, as he continued to look at the doorway through which Loki had just left.

"Well, love can make you do the strangest things. And perhaps in this circumstance, love is more powerful than all the emotions that made Loki do what he did." Natasha pointed out, as her eyes moved to look at Clint. The archer's eyes as fixed on her. Steve's mind drifting off to his last images of Peggy, and what he wouldn't give to be back with her.

"Maybe. But I think that it would pay to still be on our guard. Whether Loki has turned a corner or not. Loki is still Loki, and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him." Tony pointed out. The rest of the team nodding in agreement. None of them wanting or needing a repeat of what they had been through.


Loki waited patiently. His eyes firmly set on the city. Thor and (Y/n) should be returning at any moment. His brother having taken their bride to see the park at the heart of the metropolis. It was a foolish outing as far as he was concerned. Loki not able to see what could be so interesting about a place with some grass, a few trees and lots of Midgardians in it. But (Y/n) had said that she would like to see it. That she would like to see more of Midgard. More of the city. And of course, Thor was more than happy to oblige.

Loki had to admit that he had always hated it when (Y/n) spent time with Thor. He hated the smile that their time together would bring to his heart's lips. How Thor would go above and beyond to impress their bride. Even from the time they were children, Thor would always do his best to impress the young goddess. But despite this, (Y/n) had always come back to him. He had always been the one that she would confide in. The one that would console him when Odin was angered. The one that she would curl up with and listen to as he told her stories. The one that she would fall asleep with, as they listened to the rain. The pair more alike than he could have ever known at the time. She, a daughter of Muspelheim. He, a son of Jotunheim. One of fire, the other of ice.

Suddenly a loud ping rang out. Loki turning to see the doors of the elevator open. The God of Mischief doing his best to not roll his eyes, as he saw Thor holding (Y/n) in a tight embrace, his lips delicately brushing against her forehead. His heart gladdening, as (Y/n) looked at him. As she gave him the smile that she seemed to keep only for him.

"So, what did you think.......?" Thor asked cheerily, as he and (Y/n) made their way out of the elevator. The God of Thunder sure that he hadn't enjoyed a day so much since (Y/n) had been sent away by his father.

"I think that I can certainly see why you have taken so much to this world, my love. Midgardians are quite the most interesting, and confusing things." (Y/n) chuckled, as she placed a soft kiss to Thor's lips.

"Perhaps next time you can take me for this shawarma that you mentioned. It does sound like nothing I have ever tried. Perhaps we could even go to the "museum" that you told me about. But for now, I think that someone else needs me. And as Stark and the others wish us to join them for dinner this evening.........." The lady continued. Thor reluctantly letting her slip from his hands, as she made her way over to Loki. The God of Mischief happy to have his heart, back in his arms. Happy to whisk her away from his brother. 

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