Found family ❤️‍🔥 Vampire AU series

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Song: ready or not overture

Imagine; this is a series about Bucky, your brother, bringing a human girl home. There's more to it than just that. (Kinda like twilight but not so much??)

Series warnings: mentions of past death, vampire, blood, gore, kind of mean reader, arguing, vampire family so they're all beautiful. Because vampires are fucking amazing.

As promised, I would post one chapter in each ongoing book, like the one shot books, for my birthday. So here you go!

This is more of a snippet of the new series I will be starting in the next book! (You can't get riding me bitch)


The heavy rain taps against the window in front of you as you watch your baby brother and his new girlfriend rush inside the mansion. Even the weather seems to dread this moment just as much you do.

Even in that shirt moment from them getting out of the car to them entering the house, you could see how happy they are, you can feel it. Which makes your heart heavy with sorrow.

She is human, much different from you and your whole family. Not that it matters to you, it never did. It would be the most hypothetical thinking if you would even let it matter. You were just like James a few years ago.

You once fell for a human yourself. Your family did not care for him as they should have, you blame them for his passing to this day.

You can hear the family downstairs, they sound.. happy. Which is a weird occurrence, or perhaps it's the curse of the firstborn daughter. That might sound dramatic. but as you ascend the stairs, your suspicions are right, your family is happily greeting her. Its like a stake to the heart.

James turns to look at you with this bright smile on his face. It falters however when he sees the look you bare on yours.

To many strangers it would appear to be emotionless, indifferent, perhaps even cold. Your brother however, knows you better than that.

'Wanda... this is my sister... Y/n...'

You easily tower over the redheads girl. She's pretty, you notice. She has something sweet but mysterious about her, she could easily pass as one of you, but her green eyes give her away.

'Hi, I have heard so much about you!' She beams as she stretches out her hand.

You take her hand and shake it. 'Its nice to meet you..' you fake a smile, not wanting to hurt her feelings within 5 seconds of meeting the girl. She smiles before clutching back to James' side.

Your eyes move over to your parents, they're already completely sold to Wanda, which brings a weird sensation to you.

'Lets go to the dining room! You two must be starving...' your mother smiles.

You have never seen her smile around him, when he was still alive. Never.

'I do wonder what you guys eat...' Wanda chuckles as she follows your mother.

You feel someone reaching for your shoulder but you grab their wrist before they can. 'I do not need your pity Steven...I will get over it.. I just hope she doesn't await the same fate is he did...'

Marvel Imagines pt. 5Where stories live. Discover now