MoM part 10 ❤️‍🔥 Sestra Series

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Song: up- married life / stuff we did.

Warnings; spoilers for Multiverse of Madness, fluff, a smidge of angst.


'I hope you're at peace now...' you lay down the flower on the grave. A deep, red, rose, a flower she always felt attracted to. She would always pick it when you were much younger.

'I know why you did it... I don't approve but I understand...' you glance at Bucky in the distance. He gives you a small wave with the hand of a much smaller individual.

You smile at him and wave back. 'You would've loved her.. she's got our family trade..' you tilt your head and chuckle a little.

'I'm sorry.. sestra.. I'm sorry that you felt like you had to resort to her and the darkhold.. but thank you for destroying them all.. you've saved a lot of people..'

You let out a sigh. 'I won't forget you.. you're still my sister... say hi to them for me.. let them know I'm doing okay... well not great but.. I'm doing better... I'll uh.. I'll come visit some time... but I'll be a bit busy...' you glance at them again and watch Bucky play with his baby girl.

You look back to the gravestone. It feels like something is missing. So you take your hand out of your pocket and make a slight adjustment. The stone seems to carve itself a little crown above her name. The crown of a scarlet witch.

'Goodbye Sestra...' you nod and then walk off to Bucky's side again.

'You okay?' He hoist the little one up a little higher. 'Yeah I'll be okay... won't I? Little miss...' you smile at your daughter.

'Let's go... I promised to visit America and you promised to see new improvements Wong made to the sanctum...' he reminds you.


'Y/n!' America rushes up the steps to give you a hug. 'Careful!' You chuckle as she wraps her arms around you.

'Sorry I forgot...' she apologizes immediately and you smile down at her. 'It's okay.. even I forget sometimes..'

'Bucky!' She then runs to him and gives him an equally tight hug.

'Well Well Well... if it isn't Y/n Barnes..' Wong speaks up. You clasp your hands together and bow. 'Sorcerer supreme..' you greet him.

'Did you bring her?'

'She's in the stroller.. hi to you too...' you shake your head.

While everyone seems occupied with your child, Stephen can't seem to share the same sentiment. He rather stays back a bit and talk to you.

'So how are you doing... can't be easy, figuring you wouldn't have the baby to suddenly actually giving birth to one...'

'You have such a way with words Stephen...' you comment making you both grin. 'But I am alright.. the anger has left me for the most part.. now I can finally have that life.. with you all in it...'

'How is America doing with her lessons?'

'Well she tries.. she managed to get some sparks but she's too frustrated..'

'Now that sounds awfully familiar...' you comment and he shakes his head with a small smile.

'Hmm, I suppose...' he replies.

'If she ever needs a place to stay.. or help in general, call me.. we have an extra room if she needs somewhere to stay...'

'I bet she would love that...she fits right in...' He signals to the group, America is holding Natalia close to her chest while the baby in question pulls on her hair.

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