MoM part 8 ❤️‍🔥 Sestra Series

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Song: Michael Giachinno - The apple orchard.

Warnings for the series: angst, trauma, POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR MOM!, mentions of child loss.


Your fists are clenching and unclenching, fueling your powers before letting them go again. The anger inside of you has never been greater.

She took your husband, after taking your children away from you she has the nerve to bring your husband to her as leverage.

Then she smirked and waved at you before pushing you, Stephen and Christine into another universe. You got a glimpse of your husband in your world, he's protected for now, but you're not sure for how long.

'Y/n, I know your angry-' Stephen and Christine follow you down the path towards the Stephen in this universe.

'Do you though?!' You whip around. Your eyes glow with rage while your indigo drips from your fingers like actual flames.

'We will fix this...' he reaches out but you flinch away from him.

'I've done everything for Wanda, I've done everything for humanity, I've done everything to help you and look where it gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME!' Your voice echoes through this universe.

Your powers evaporate again as you manage to cool off. 'Sorry I.. all I want is to have a life... one where I don't lose everything whenever I do something for the greater good...'

His hand comes up to your shoulder. 'We will fix this...once and for all...'

'But that's just the thing isn't it.. it's never once and for all..'

'This time it is... come on, we're close to the sanctum...'

The look you give him, it worries him to the core. You've changed suddenly, that anger wasn't there before, not in the way you show him now.


'Your wife looked pretty angry... I personally can't imagine why... you're boring...' She raises the corner of her lips in disgust. 'I'm glad I killed the one in my universe...'

'Why did you do that?' He turns his head to see her, annoyed beyond belief.

'He wanted to kill me first...' she pretends sadly. 'He wanted to stab the woman he loved most because she got bad..' she mimics the motion of stabbing in the heart. 'But I was first... used the knife against himself... you should've seen the look on his face...'

'You're sick...'

'I know, ain't that fun? I'm the exact example of what a scarlet witch should be... and after she absorbs the child's power... I'll only reach more potential..'

He looks past her to America, the sounds escaping her make a shiver run down his spine. And Wanda? He gets sick just looking at her. This isn't the sister in law he knows and cares for.

'You be good and stay here...' Y/n tells him. 'I have nowhere else to go..' he shrugs.

He watches her walk away from him to join Wanda's side. Bucky looks around in search of some kind of weapon. Perhaps he can distract her enough so the kid can escape.

When he does manage to locate one, one of the creatures reacts, making her head snap towards him again.

'Bad boy...' she shakes her head as she makes her way over again. 'You do know her magic is failing.. soon there will be no shield around you...'

'And then what? You'll kill me?' He sasses.

'Exactly... devastation makes her weak..'

He lets out a chuckle. 'If you believe that, then you're not as smart as you make yourself out to be...'

'What are you talking about?'

'Her losses don't make her weak... they make her stronger, her anger fuels her powers more than anything..and you're more vulnerable here than you think...'

'We will see about that...' she fuels up her powers and sends a powerful blast Bucky's way, only this time, it actually manages to harm him. It's the equivalent of a punch, but still harmful.

She does it again and again, until he's gasping for air and clutching his body. Slowly her powers are getting weaker and weaker. A smirk forms on his face when he notices.

'Come on baby, you can do it...' he mutters under his breath. 

Another blast hits him, he doesn't know how long he can take this. 'Come on..' He mutters again.

Y/n wobbles a bit, that's when his smile turns into a small smile. She reaches for her head while letting out a groan.

'Told you...' he rasps.

'No... NO!' She yells while her nails dig into her scalp.

Then suddenly her whole body language and demeanor change into the one he knows all too well. Your head turns to Bucky and you rush over to him.

'Are you okay?' You whisper and he nods. 'I'm fine..'

You want to reprimand him for his lie but you have more important matters to attend to. So you turn around and let your eyes zero in on Wanda.

'Sestra... dream walking? You're a hypocrite...'

'You killed my child... to bring back your own... do not tell me about hypocrisy...' you walk around the large altar.

You wipe your hand, the restraints on America seize and she breaks free from the trance she was under. You nudge your head towards Bucky. She immediately slides off and goes to him for shelter.

'Other you told me to do would weaken you so I could go forward with my plan...'

'She was using you...'

'I know...' she flies up. 'But I was going to kill her anyway, perhaps I can get a two for one...'

You lift up into the air as well, illuminating the whole place with purple, even the monsters bow for your presence.

She shoots a blast your way which you dodge, only to return the favor. Which she doesn't manage to dodge, she flies into the wall, effectively braking one of the spells, it's unusable now.

You feel this surge of power go through you, like you have newfound energy. You look at your hands and a smirk grows onto your face. You're stronger than her now. You look back at Bucky, you give him a wink and he nods.

'Its not fair... you were going to have your own... and I would have to live without my family...' Wanda speaks up.

'So you take away mine?! I did everything for you... I save you and had to give myself up... but not anymore... this time around... you'll pay...'

Marvel Imagines pt. 5حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن