StopTober ❤️‍🔥 Mob!Tony

804 36 2

Song: Mazie - dumb dumb

Imagine: you're trying to get the big bad mob boss Tony Stark to quit smoking. You come up with a great idea for when he does feel like smoking. You had no idea he would be this persistent though.

Warnings: smoking? Fluff. Fluff. Fluff. Kissing, suggestive stuff.

Short Drabble of our powercouple


You've been around smokers you couldn't change, all of your life. Your father smoked, your grandfather did it and basically every male and sometimes female figure in your surroundings does it. But you? You've never touched one in your life.

Not that you needed to, being around smokers actually is bad enough as smoking one. And lately you have been avoiding kissing Tony as a result of the disgusting taste it leaves you with.

You open the door to his office with a warm smile and the second he looks up from his desk, the same smile appears on his face.

'Hey baby, haven't seen you all day...'

'Exactly..' you reply walking up to him. 'Figured I'd check on you...'

'Did you now?' He smirks as he takes your hand and pulls you onto his lap.

You bring your face close to his and he closes the gap. The Smokey taste fills your mouth again and you grimace immediately. 'Tony... you told me you were gonna quit!...' you huff, offended that he already broke his promise.

'I know baby, I know... but it's hard and the stress of the job makes me want to blow of some steam..'

'And here I was thinking you had a spine...' you roll your eyes and get off of his lap again. He pulls you back however and chuckles.

'Not when it comes to you... what can I do to make it up to you huh?' He mutters.

'Quit smoking..' you deadpan and he shakes his head.

'Everything but that...'

'Tony please, it makes kissing you almost disgusting...' you whine.

'Oh really?'

'I said "almost"...' you roll your eyes and he chuckles.

He makes you look him straight in the eye by grabbing your chin and lifting it.. 'Tell you what, I will quit smoking, but every time I crave a cigarette... I can kiss you, no matter where or when...' he proposes and you think about it for a second.

'Ugh.. fine... but the second I taste anything remotely similar, your kissing days are over...'



He watches you sleep soundly next to him, he wants to join you in slumber but there's just this one thing keeping him up...

He needs a cigarette. Or really a kiss from you.

He knows it's like playing Russian roulette upon waking you. You could either be happy that he did, in for some sexy time or you could destroy the entire mansion and everyone it it with your salty mood. He hates the latter.

He looks at you. Covers bunched up against your chest while your arms hold it hostage. You always are the one stealing the blankets, that's why he bought two.

Your soft snores are the only sound coming from you, apart from the occasional whine and hum, proving to him that you are dreaming more intensely than every other night.

Maybe he could play this one off as you having a nightmare? Or at least that he figured you were having one you needed to be saved from? No, you'd see right through that.

Or maybe he should just point out to you the promise you two made about the kissing and smoking. Technically you wouldn't have a reason to be mad because you agreed to it. But you'd call him mean and probably go back to sleep angry, and he despises that even more.

'Tony?' Your groggy morning voice makes him snap out of his creepy staring mode. 'You okay?' You ask confused and a tiny bit worried about his stare.

'Yeah baby, I'm okay...'

'Then why the murderous stare? Are you planning on killing me or somethin?'

'You're crazy for even suggesting that I could ever kill the one woman keeping me sane in this business...'

'Then tell me what's going on...' you whine.

'I was craving a cigarette... you? Both? I don't know I just was hesitating to wake you up... you haven't been sleeping that well and you looked so adorable...'

'Aww, I do hope for your sake you did not smoke?' You use your sweetest voice, which makes him shiver.

'No, I didn't...'

'Good, now a deal is a deal so-'

Before you can even finish his lips are on yours and you're in for a long, long night of fighting those cigarette impulses...

Marvel Imagines pt. 5Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant