Miracles do exist ❤️‍🔥 Mobius (request)

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Song: The Marías - just a feeling.

Imagine: working at the TVA can be quite dull, but maybe something, or rather someone, can change that.

I just had an iced frappe right before I planned on going to bed so I'm trying to use this newfound energy to complete a few chapters.

Your outfit inspiration:

Your outfit inspiration:

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Working at the TVA is all you've known in your entire life. Scratch that, working at the TVA has been your life.

You don't exactly hate working through the endless piles of files all day. You don't complain, you just do your job, just the way they like it.

It's the same dull work that bothers you though, it's always the same. The files all contain information on timelines that simply stopped existing, your job is simply to label them "proned" and then put the on a cart. It's an easy job, but as mentioned before, incredibly dull.

You let out a sigh as you stamp another timeline "proned". Sometimes the timelines seem pretty cool, like people simply choosing not to go to work end up becoming a superhero. Or people who choose to go a different way end up finding something that makes them happy. You wish you could have the same.

If your honest, you have no clue what feeling happy would actually entail. Would you be smiling all day and feel warm and glowy on the inside? Would you notice it or are you genuinely happy all the time and would nothing change? So many questions and so little answers.

You glance at the large stack of folders beside your desk. It's a climb to even get the highest one every time, they seem to keep adding on.

You push your chair back after settling the now stamped file on the cart. You stand on the chair, your balance evenly kept as you reach for the file up top.

'Ugh! I can't even reach it!' You complain.

You put both feet on your desk now. You feel it shake a little but you ignore it. You need that file, else you can't work and then the bosses upstairs will get mad at you.

You stand on your toes, which in hindsight was a bad idea. Your wobbly desk shakes a little as you make tiny jumps to reach for a stack of files.

'Hello?! Is anybody in here?!' Comes a male voice. You startle and lose your balance.

You shriek as you feel the stack of files move with you. Someone however is quick to catch you and shield you from that same stack.

'Sorry I didn't mean to startle you..' he apologises as he sets you on your feet again.

'Well thank you... for the very nice save...' you chuckle before you look up to see him.

Your heart flutters. You've heard of him, you've seen him walk around a couple of times but never have you had the chance to actually meet him.

'You alright?'

'Ye-yes! Yes I'm alright..' you nervously chuckle. 'Y/n..' you extent your hand, he takes it gently and shakes it.

'Mobius... it's nice to meet you...' he smiles. 'I don't mean to barge in on you like this.. you're clearly busy...' he eyes the stack again and you chuckle. 'Bit I need some files on Loki.. all the variants that they proned... there's something in them that could help us.. Miss Minutes loses track of those after you stamp them...'

'I think I still have some here... but we're talking like thousands of variants here...' you walk through your office. 'Just wait there...'

You can't contain your smile. Sure he's here for work but, you can't help but feel a little excited.

'You have a nice office... apart from those paper mountains!' he comments a bit louder so you'll hear.

'Thank you! I try to make it more cozy and nice!'

'You're doing a good job at that!'

After searching for a couple of files, you start talking more. Telling him all kinds of things, and he returns the same energy. Hitting it off is underrated at this point. You talk about favourite time zones, favourite nexus events, he even brings up a jetski, which you don't even know existed.

'Here...' you hand him a stack of paper. 'This should be all that's left here in this office...'

'That's even more thank I expected... that goes for more things...' he winks and you can't help but smile.

'I do have to say that this was a nice visit, even if it's work related...'

'Oh I will be back... don't worry...' he replies. 'Ive got to run now but maybe next time we can lunch together or something?'

'Sounds good...so Uhm... I'll see you..'

'Next time...' he finishes your sentence. 'Thanks again...'

'No problem...'

Perhaps working in this office is dull, and perhaps you don't really know what happiness truly feels like, but you're guessing that Mobius could play a big part in changing both those things.

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