The Other Side part 4 ❤️‍🔥 Biker!Avengers and others...

843 41 59

Song: Harry Potter - Lily's theme.

Warnings; y'all are not ready for this one, and I am sorry I'm advance.

[ present day, Mansion of Baron Helmut Zemo ]

'I love you.'  His voice echoes through your head while your bullets keep hitting your targets.

'You're the one' you hit target after target, concentration never faltering.

You let out a frustrated groan when you try to shoot the next ones but ran out of ammunition to do so. You lay down the weapon and move over to get some more ammunition. You concentrate on loading it again when a sudden memory hits you like a ton of bricks.

'Jamie..' you say surprised. His face is only inches from yours. Your breathing is hoarse from the previous lack thereof. 'Y/n...' he replies.

'Did you... did you mean to do that?'  Your hand cradles his cheek. 'Yes..' he replies. You surge forward and connects your lips again.

You let out a frustrated yell before firing the entire magazine into the doll that is meant for training. Everything that has been hurting is being poured into this rage shooting through the doll.

'I think he is dead shanovnyy...' Zemo walks up to the gun range with his hands up. You turn around and point the gun at him. You immediately relax and lay the gun down on the table.

'Something on your mind?' He asks. 'No.' You reply short and he lifts his brow.

'Yes...' you sigh before sitting down on the table, right next to the gun you were holding seconds ago. 'It's still the dinner... I just... I want to harm him... I really want to but at the same time I want him to see the hurt he caused, at least open his mouth to apologize or even talk to that... is that strange?'

'No.. they used to be your family... it's not strange for you to want them to be your family again... or for James to apologize..' He takes your hand in his while he stares at the woods in front of him.

'I don't understand why she wants me to be miserable.. she always wanted that but I don't know why...' Your free hand balls into a fist, your knuckles turning white.

'You're frustrated shanovnyy... I know you are... but that Dolores girl is trying to break you... you must pay her no mind...'

'I try... trust me...' You scoff.

'Then keep going... you'll get the hang of it some day...' he smiles at you. 'That is not to be expected for that guy..' he points towards the dummy.

You let out a snort and he joins your laughter. 'I may have gone a little overboard..'

'Shanovnyy... that man has no head left!...that is not a little overboard...' he chuckles.

'I will get a new one for myself...he was bound to meet god any day now anyways..'

'There's my girl again..' he squeezes the hand he's holding and you hum.

'Thank you Helmut... for always telling me to raise my head, for always making me feel so.. perfect.. so wanted and loved...'

'I will not make you forget for as long as I may live... which is longer than your dummy... I hope...'

You bark out a laugh again and he gets up. 'I have to go back to the study now... I have a guest...' he announces.

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